Darkchewie 2.0 Video

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I actually cant tell if Owna is trolling or not.... however I rarely see him pulling off the jumps in his vids on retail wow which chewie is pulling off so...
I actually cant tell if Owna is trolling or not.... however I rarely see him pulling off the jumps in his vids on retail wow which chewie is pulling off so...
I ain't trolling at all, I'm just giving my opinion.
I only do jumps when it's nessesary, but in cata it is really hard to druid FC when you don't got 2-4 healbots with you, like Darkchewie. Sometimes I wont even be able to get to the jump cause I get 1 -shooted by 3 rogues.
If you think FCing is about doing jumps, you're wrong. It is about awareness, figure out where your enemies are and then make your route after that, it's about knowing where you D is. The most important is; to be one step before your opponments. You can get really long with just knowing how to kite your enemies for 7-12 mins, where jumps will be a rather small factor. Wauw Darkchewie pulled off some jumps, GZ that makes him best FC, maybe in your little twisted world.
Idc if you haven't seen me pull that many jumps off, as long as I humiliate my opponments with some epicness routes.
i love how whenever anyone from wt is getting trolled/called out 3-5 WT members jump to the rescue of their wittle guildmates
i love how whenever anyone from wt is getting trolled/called out 3-5 WT members jump to the rescue of their wittle guildmates

I like how despite the rest of your guildmates moving on from the subject, you remain bitter from the loss to WT over 6 months ago
i love how whenever anyone from wt is getting trolled/called out 3-5 WT members jump to the rescue of their wittle guildmates

Maybe MGC would still be around, and not dead after two premade losses, if it had that sort of camaraderie.
I like how despite the rest of your guildmates moving on from the subject, you remain bitter from the loss to WT over 6 months ago

this is the only thing u bring up whenever i post something about WT what i posted had nothing to do with MGC as a matter of fact you bring that up more than i do , and as ive told you on multiple occasions idc about WT beating MGC i care about them dodging for the next 6 months till hass quit that is all.

done posting on this subject
this is the only thing u bring up whenever i post something about WT what i posted had nothing to do with MGC as a matter of fact you bring that up more than i do , and as ive told you on multiple occasions idc about WT beating MGC i care about them dodging for the next 6 months till hass quit that is all.

done posting on this subject

What I mainly got out of this is that you crutch on Hass for 19s WSG glory.
Everyone needs to calm down and do something else for a little while.
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