Dancing Steel vs Mongoose


I've seen people say Mongoose it better due to higher that, and then seen people argue that DS has far higher proc rate therefor overall better.

What are your thoughts?
you alrdy answered your thread.. mongoose = higher agi, DS = higher uptime.. decide what you prefer
It boils down to playstyle and personal preference. IMO rogues should have at all times :
2 weapons with

dancing steel
15 agility
ele force

to test out during different situations in ass or sub.
I've tried both, and found that DS suits me better. Got 2x DS and get double proc every ambush
Fvck waiting on Mongoose and DS. Get your 500-2k hits from EF alone lot more. If you're a rogue and not using EF, you;re doing it wrong. IMO.

ds procs almost instantly, if ur using ds and dont get it to proc ur doing it wrong
ds procs almost instantly, if ur using ds and dont get it to proc ur doing it wrong

Where as EF hits every swing. And even if they are running away as long as you keep them targeted, they still get hit with EF Also EF procs off of poisons. Gotta have them in melee range for DS to work.
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DS vs EF is preference. And EF doesn't proc every swing, while DS has a 100% proc rate from the swing after ambush due to change in PPM mechanics.
EF hits every swing. And also procs off poisons. Maybe watch my stream some time. I see more ef hits than i do anything else in my logs. Just went into a wsg with Drad premade alliance. He was ofc potting as a 24 druid, and had him almost dead ( was alone ), where as he had 5 people with him as he was holding flag, but of of course i was dead b4 I could get him dead. But Whatgoesup said. Open with DS, then switch.
I've tried both, and found that DS suits me better. Got 2x DS and get double proc every ambush

Just wondering how Ambush can proc DS from ur off-hand since it is a MH attack and b4 it you have 1 MH swing only...

ps) ppm limited procs guarantee nothing, only limit

(...) Open with DS, then switch.

I'd rather say Open with DS on MH and EF or +15agi on OH to get bigger Ambush as possible, then switch.
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Just wondering how Ambush can proc DS from ur off-hand since it is a MH attack and b4 it you have 1 MH swing only...

ps) ppm limited procs guarantee nothing, only limit

I'd rather say Open with DS on MH and EF or +15agi on OH to get bigger Ambush as possible, then switch.
I just got told that the ppm mechanics have changed so if you have DS on OH, it will proc from the white dmg swing of ur OH that follows your ambush.
I've been checking out Mongoose for quite some BG's on my leveling enhancement shaman twink, its a nice enchant, DOWNPART its uptime...
im considering going for Dancing Steel because of that.

Armory Link : Kipfilet @ The Maelstrom - Community - World of Warcraft

Imo, its just your own research to decide which enchant fits you best.
lvl 31 sham? :p
As mentioned in my previous message, I'm a leveling twinker on this shaman, basically trying to get bis/near bis items and then level up to the next bracket to do it all over again! :D.
Just wondering how Ambush can proc DS from ur off-hand since it is a MH attack and b4 it you have 1 MH swing only...

It seems pretty obvious to me that he meant it tends to proc from the OH very soon after his initial ambush.

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