Damn Lucky


So, yesterday 70dk at our realm got MH glaive at hes first BT run. Today our guild hunter got Thori'dal at hes first SWP run.

Lucky :3
i believe it WAS at one point, but not any longer
sux for any rogues chillin in that run
threesets said:
jw-ing how many warriors, rogue, and other dks were in the run?

warriors and dks shouldnt matter imo. rogues are the only ones who will benefit from the full set for the whole xpac whereas the oh is too fast for warriors (and i believe dks) and the haste proc wont make it better than the slow/slow combo found in swp. but hey, could be wrong. and im not in the guild so idk how they're giving loot out or anything or if they plan to be in swp soon (KJ for the MH, trash for OH - also vanir's mh fist isnt too far off the mark if you have enough jp lying around and would prioritize rogues getting the full azznioth set)

as for the drops: i was looking on the wowhead page and it said the glaives have their own "loot table" so illi will drop the 3 chests and 2 pieces of other loot than have an additional chance at dropping a glaive (or two). didnt see anywhere that they both cant drop at once and i dont remember that being in a patch note either, but idk could have been
well if it was a pug than good for him, lucky
lol this guy on my server, gave glaive to his pally friend, who rolled highest even though he couldn't use it, then the pally gave it to the dk. but a warrior rolled the highest of the ppl who could use it, and opened a ticket, and a gm banned the dk for a day, and gave the glaive to the warrior. LOL
I think im little lucky too, 3 apolyons dropped in row now. Last week hunter got one(i loss roll), this week i got one for my warrior AND Dk.
threesets said:
lol this guy on my server, gave glaive to his pally friend, who rolled highest even though he couldn't use it, then the pally gave it to the dk. but a warrior rolled the highest of the ppl who could use it, and opened a ticket, and a gm banned the dk for a day, and gave the glaive to the warrior. LOL


i know someone who did the same thing except it was in LK over gear in VoA. person who didnt get loot bitched in game, wrote tickets, posted on forums....blue responded by saying if you join the pug you agree to the loot rules and cant do anything about it. so if it was master loot you should keep in mind the whole time the ML can fuck you over w/ no repercussions.

also how ive nearly always done stuff in pugs for 70 twinks. all twinks roll on every piece of gear against the 80/85s and redistribute it amongst ourselves once we (hopefully) win the roll & never been b& for it
no its true, i saw the 70's armory, with him showing the glaive, then it got taken away. Gms gave a shit because somebody who can't use the glaive rolled.
doesnt matter. you join a pug you agree to follow the leaders rules, which can either be not stated or change on the fly. no punishment happened in the similar case i described....so thats bs is the gms took it away. the dk had it in the end, he could use it. doesnt matter if the pally won the roll. same as me rolling on plate gear as a clothie to trade it to a guildie, to ensure a pug scrub doesnt take the gear.

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