Damn Alliance runs so many hunters ...

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I've never understood this point because hunters have always been broken, so like, because you've been playing a fotm class for like 14 years that somehow makes it better and acceptable?

Weird flex but okay
no hunter was only broken from vanilla to 5.0 after that hunters were actually pretty weak in 5.0-5.1 and then in a nice spot 5.2-5.3 and then broken from 5.4 to now.
It will be the 16th year tho of whining that finally breaks them down....
no hunter was only broken from vanilla to 5.0 after that hunters were actually pretty weak in 5.0-5.1 and then in a nice spot 5.2-5.3 and then broken from 5.4 to now.
I've never understood this point because hunters have always been broken, so like, because you've been playing a fotm class for like 14 years that somehow makes it better and acceptable?

The most sensible argument against from all the years I've watched "exceptional" players rationalize continually playing the most broken of classes is: if a player is exceptional they will still be exceptional on any other class than the strongest.

Every expansion, most every bracket I've ever followed. Few are proven exceptional, most are unwilling to try.

Even exceptional players tend to have mediocre results on the scoreboard playing a lesser class exceptionally. :eek: OR... should they manage to ever have a single good showing, will shout "SEE TOLD YOU" and sprint back to broken.
bruh stop with the fucking cringe.. I could post screenshots all day of playing against 5+ twink hunters all from bleeding hollow for alliance.. The shit goes both ways. Just last night I qued into a double premade of 8+ hunters from alliance.. Then you have those crayon eaters coming to durotar bitching about horde hunters.. It's a lose/lose homie.
Then post them, seriously, let's see your evidence
The alliance has a ton...a lot... a multitude... a megatude of dungeon blue twinks... I would not call them twinks... maybe twonks... twanks... or dog shit. They don't really count.
but horde run more hunters overall - I call bullshit. Alliance hunters also tend to stick together in death squads and normally have a pocket healer stapled to their ass. Coughcough - Fdac and Sallystun - coughcough
2 or 3 players who are friends running together for a few hours, isn't the problem, it's full premades, and hunter overload...
Dfac and Stun are great, thanks to them and a certain guild that carries or
Ally would lose 99 percent of the time.
Here's an Arathi, 9 of 15 horde are hunters.
Screenshot (49).png

there are a lot of solo queuers who really have no business solo queuing

try to group with others, it has worked for many over the years

if you're still struggling even with a group, first look at yourself and then at your group to see what can be improved, maybe its gear, maybe its positioning, maybe its awareness, whatever it is

most hunters are bad and can easily be countered with good team work, there are many ways to counter them but it normally isn't going to happen 1v1, team work makes the dream work

even if your entire team is being gy contained there is still a small chance, a couple players could leave the bg and then a couple players join who have what it takes to help you fight your way out of gy and then you're making it farther and farther each respawn allowing you to potentially make a play that can put the win within reach, i've seen this happen many times

there are so many ways a lot of players can be better, i'm not going to make a book with all my secrets but here are some tips in no particular order:

- use the mini map (shift+m)
- use good addons such as BattleGroundEnemies, BigDebuffs, Omnibar
- don't play super zoomed in
- go to sound settings and make sure dialogue is turned on so you can hear when flags are picked up/bases assaulted/etc
- enable nameplates
- use ethernet if possible
- use BG chat to communicate with your team, don't troll, proper communication is key
- don't look at individual damage or healing done, its a team effort and damage/healing alone isn't what decides the outcome, a team can be outdamaged and outhealed and still win
- don't waste your gap closers or gap openers in moments where you can just run in mounted, or mount back up if you're dropping combat

On alliance, we get a lot of these kinda toons, especially between 11pm PST - 8am PST
Screenshot (48).png
Screenshot (21).png

2 or 3 players who are friends running together for a few hours, isn't the problem, it's full premades, and hunter overload...
Dfac and Stun are great, thanks to them and a certain guild that carries or
Ally would lose 99 percent of the time.
Here's an Arathi, 9 of 15 horde are hunters.
Screenshot (49).png


On alliance, we get a lot of these kinda toons, especially between 11pm PST - 8am PST
Screenshot (48).png
Screenshot (21).png
The alliance has a ton...a lot... a multitude... a megatude of dungeon blue twinks... I would not call them twinks... maybe twonks... twanks... or dog shit. They don't really count.
I welcome players in dung blues, over non enchanted BoA heirloom gear, which I see way more of than blues.
Then, there's the ones in Expeditionary greens, and with Tunks Toothpick or Bow as weapon, ... or the DH's with 1800 health in BG
Running the level 6 Blue glaives...smh... then complaining about twinks and the bracket, come prepared atleast a lil bit ffs
Screenshot (34).png
Screenshot (35).png
I've never played hunter ever in my life!

We at 5 pages yet?PepeLaugh
I really like my level 15 hunter but I don't do pvp with him, I just cater to the levelers in dungeons (mostly AD, my home away from home)

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