Damage Control Achivement IS Possible on F2P


Hey Hey Hey
Video Tutorial -

I have just found out how us F2P can easily get the Damage Control Achievement (300,000+ damage or healing in a battleground)

I have found this easy method for healing classes! Of course a lot may already know about this, but I want to help you...

If you take your gear off, your health will decrease. When you put your gear back ON, your health increases, BUT, you are not at full health!

Thats when I realized, what if I spend the whole battleground, taking my gear off and putting them back on? I gave this a shot and my first battleground was Arathi Basin... After puting my "Naked" gear set and then puting my full gear set over and over WHILE healing, at the end of the game I had done 296k heals!!! I then had noticed that the achievement was VERY possible!

Now I'm here to teach you guys how to do them yourselves!



1. Create a gear set with nothing equiped and place it on your spell bars

2. Create a gear set with your best gear available (more health the better)

3. Once in a bg choose your "naked" set and then choose your "full" set. Right when you choose your "full" set, heal yourself. Quickly go back to the "naked" set and then just keep repeating this process.

I did this on a druid using Regrowth for the heal and Swiftmend.


Try and finding a less populated area, but at the same time not on the corner of the map (you can be reported away)

Hope this guide helps! And give me your feedback

MiGamezer - YouTube <<<<< for more F2P gaming


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during no point in low level twinking has damage control not been doable, except for the times when achivments didn't exist.
Video Tutorial -

I have just found out how us F2P can easily get the Damage Control Achievement (300,000+ damage or healing in a battleground)

I have found this easy method for healing classes! Of course a lot may already know about this, but I want to help you...

If you take your gear off, your health will decrease. When you put your gear back ON, your health increases, BUT, you are not at full health!

Thats when I realized, what if I spend the whole battleground, taking my gear off and putting them back on? I gave this a shot and my first battleground was Arathi Basin... After puting my "Naked" gear set and then puting my full gear set over and over WHILE healing, at the end of the game I had done 296k heals!!! I then had noticed that the achievement was VERY possible!

Now I'm here to teach you guys how to do them yourselves!



1. Create a gear set with nothing equiped and place it on your spell bars

2. Create a gear set with your best gear available (more health the better)

3. Once in a bg choose your "naked" set and then choose your "full" set. Right when you choose your "full" set, heal yourself. Quickly go back to the "naked" set and then just keep repeating this process.

I did this on a druid using Regrowth for the heal and Swiftmend.


Try and finding a less populated area, but at the same time not on the corner of the map (you can be reported away)

Hope this guide helps! And give me your feedback

MiGamezer - YouTube <<<<< for more F2P gaming

If this was facebook, I would like this . Rofl

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I was able to get the achievement for this on my Druid over a year ago using this method.

Oldspike has been less than 15k damage away from getting it as well (In games specifically set up for him to get the achievement Damage Control, of course).
does anyone actually care enough about the achivement to do this? & if you do where is the satisfaction in doing it without any combat? it would be like getting wrecking ball ovs ur m8s who let u kill them or something. what do you gain from doing this?
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but you did not actually achive that achivement did you? i mean no combat was involved int his which is the whole point of the achivement!!! so what do you get from doing it?
i get to know why they think there achiveing by doing this :)

First of all, let me start by saying that you are consistently one of the most negative people on the forums. If you can't say something nice or encouraging, don't say anything. You're not contributing to the community by ripping on people.

Secondly, clearly this IS an achievement. It takes technique, practice, and patience to get it. Let me point out that "Falling Down" is an achievement also, and every night elf and draenei gets it automatically just by doing their baby quests (and maybe others too, I don't know). So this is more legitimately "achieving" something than many other achievements out there.

Maybe YOU don't think it's noteworthy, but nobody really cares about anyone else's opinion. When you find yourself about to post an opinion, just preface it with "It's my opinion that _____." That way you'll remind yourself of the relative importance of what you're about to say.

Edit: Actually, let me be true to my own words and rephrase: It is my opinion that you are consistently one of the most negative people on the forums.
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i'm negative due to asking what folk think there achiveing by getting a pvp achivement inteded to be got via combat (you know the whole idea of pvp....)? i'm genuinly curious as to why any1 cares about achivements & this achivment specifly enough to go about getting it via this bs method.... whats the point please tell me one good reason!! all your going to do is make shit bgs even shitter by wasting a spot to get a pointless achivement that you did not even earn.
i'm negative due to asking what folk think there achiveing by getting a pvp achivement inteded to be got via combat (you know the whole idea of pvp....)? i'm genuinly curious as to why any1 cares about achivements & this achivment specifly enough to go about getting it via this bs method.... whats the point please tell me one good reason!! all your going to do is make shit bgs even shitter by wasting a spot to get a pointless achivement that you did not even earn.

I think you're under the mistaken presumption that anyone is obligated to explain their motivations to you.

Sometimes people ask someone to explain things because they really want to know and want to increase their knowledge. Other times, people ask someone to explain because they want to tear apart their reasons once given. [MENTION=11757]verh[/MENTION] already answered your question--though he was not obligated to do so--and you didn't accept it and kept arguing. This puts you in the latter category.

Find something nice to say about someone. Make the world a nicer place.
it was not an answer to the question... for the achivment right... well i guessed that!!! but why did verh want it? did he answer that? no!! now no one is being forced to answer, the reason i asked is to find out why they want it... and get into there mind set a little bit. it seems you have taken offence to this more than anyone else, and then blamed me for that... you could of just not responded as you already said...
it was not an answer to the question... for the achivment right... well i guessed that!!! but why did verh want it? did he answer that? no!! now no one is being forced to answer, the reason i asked is to find out why they want it... and get into there mind set a little bit. it seems you have taken offence to this more than anyone else, and then blamed me for that... you could of just not responded as you already said...

Come on. I can see you're not being honest with me, but I hope you're at least being honest with yourself. The verbiage in all your responses makes it clear that you look down upon people with disdain for trying to get this achievement in this manner. You clearly take offense to this. That's your issue to deal with.

Myself, on the other hand, the only thing I take offense to is the perpetual and incessant negativity on this board, especially coming from certain people who seem to be making a career of pissing on other people's happiness. You aren't the problem, but you are part of the problem. When people are being jerks, I'm going to call them out. The only way to have any standards around here is to demonstrate them.
i look down upon it with disdane yes, which is why i'm trying to understand where there coming from with this (wanting the achive) and still as yet no answer!!

ot: incase you haven't noticed i'm on another wave length to most posters on here (prob all) i'm just trying to get into how/why there mindset is like it is....

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