EU+US Damage at LvL 99


Hey guys ive read some Threads that Demonology Warlock does quite decent damage, so I created oneßmarshall

He has already ilvl 738 and im fine with it, my Artefactweapon does 700k+ crits :eek:o (sure with all set up and cooldowns)
im just wondering which other classes do good damage on 99?
The problem with Demo is it's long ramp up for damage, but once you get there it's absolutely devastating. On the plus side, my 101 almost never takes a single HP of damage do to the Shield (Soul Link or w/e it's called).

As for other Classes/Specs I can say this of 2 others (99's). Veng DH got a decent boost in 7.2.5 so now does reasonable DPS. I was stuck around 55K DPS before 7.2.5 on mine, now she can manage over 70K.

When I had an Ele Shaman back in WoD I could push ~50K DPS ST and over 100K AOE in Skyreach. That was at iirc 654 iLvL, within 1-2 points of absolute highest back then.

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