Cyclone, Reckoning, Nightfall horde servers?

Unobscured said:
Come now. I have heard stories like this from every single battlegroup that has transferred to Nightfall. Maybe, just maybe.... there is bias involved....?

maybe, just maybe, it's true?


Druiddroid said:
maybe, just maybe, it's true?



Here, I'll explain how this doesn't work..... .... ...

Never mind. You're right. Each battlegroup that has joined us has been better than the last one, and Nightfall was the worst.
Unobscured said:
Here, I'll explain how this doesn't work..... .... ...

Never mind. You're right. Each battlegroup that has joined us has been better than the last one, and Nightfall was the worst.

i have no idea why you're trying to be logical about this because it makes no sense at all

i have no idea why other battlegroups would have any influence on reckoning. all i know is that reckoning has a small group of players who i'd consider to be pretty solid. if nightfall is receiving a lot of transfers then i can almost garuntee you'll have a pretty large handful of bad players. but that's just speculation. it really doesn't matter as long as both BGs are having fun :D
Castrophy said:
While we get that handfull of bad players we also get that handful of good players ;)

i know this

all im saying is reckoning is more likely to have more quality, especially when nightfall is getting a whole slew of different transfers
umm, druid, there is little logic to what you are saying.

Statistically while there might be a bit more watered down talent per WSG (due to a higher number of overall players) there will also statistically be more over all top level talent for the same reason.

This is why countrys like China and the US have very good sports programs and countrys like trinidad and tobago dont...more overall players means more possibilities to have good players.

Not to mention NF has infinite more games than reckoning so you can either play there and pick herbs all day, or play in NF and play in wsg...tough choice I know.

And believe me ive been through all of this...Im from Cyclone, cyclone players are even better than reckoning players and even thats not worth staying in when there arent enough of them to go around.
Alteffour said:
Not to mention NF has infinite more games than reckoning so you can either play there and pick herbs all day, or play in NF and play in wsg...tough choice I know.

There is NOTHING wrong with picking herbs all day. I quite enjoy it!

The quality/quantity debate was destroyed by 3.2 and made irrelevant. With all the transferring, NF clearly has as much quality as any other BG had pre-3.2. Post 3.2, they are the only place with similar activity.

With that said, Reckoning appears to be giving sustainability a decent shot and family style, the business is still afloat over there.

Picking where to go is so f'ing easy, just look at the 2 possible places and choose what you like. <.<
Alteffour said:
Statistically while there might be a bit more watered down talent per WSG (due to a higher number of overall players) there will also statistically be more over all top level talent for the same reason.
yes i would agree

This is why countrys like China and the US have very good sports programs and countrys like trinidad and tobago dont...more overall players means more possibilities to have good players.

sure, although there are a lot of bad players in china too xD

Not to mention NF has infinite more games than reckoning so you can either play there and pick herbs all day, or play in NF and play in wsg...tough choice I know.
this is true, if you're on WoW all day, however i'm personally not so it's not much of an issue for me that i can only play WSG in the evening.

And believe me ive been through all of this...Im from Cyclone, cyclone players are even better than reckoning players and even thats not worth staying in when there arent enough of them to go around.

probably, but of course like ari said we beat them once. that's about the best proof you'll see from this arguement on both sides though : /
Sockdolager said:
isn't it good that two battlegroups are happy?

what's the problem? :|

people that want to transfer or reroll, we must argue over 30 threads to insure our victory over those 2 players!

also tryin to argue we have a higher percentage of quality players since we can't prove it via PTR :(
Druiddroid said:
probably, but of course like ari said we beat them once. that's about the best proof you'll see from this arguement on both sides though : /

who is it that you beat?
Alteffour said:
umm, druid, there is little logic to what you are saying.

Statistically while there might be a bit more watered down talent per WSG (due to a higher number of overall players) there will also statistically be more over all top level talent for the same reason.

This is why countrys like China and the US have very good sports programs and countrys like trinidad and tobago dont...more overall players means more possibilities to have good players.

Not to mention NF has infinite more games than reckoning so you can either play there and pick herbs all day, or play in NF and play in wsg...tough choice I know.

And believe me ive been through all of this...Im from Cyclone, cyclone players are even better than reckoning players and even thats not worth staying in when there arent enough of them to go around.

in cyclone there were only a few good teams to face, but id rather face them over and over than steamroll bads all day.
Druiddroid said:
like 10 cyclone players around like 2 years ago

lol 10 cyclone players 2 years ago? thats a real good measure of skill...

not to mention the fact that cyclone's 10s aren't touted as the best its their arenas....

i can say that NF while when i came, did have a lower level of skill from the core players in my old BG, has gotten much better with all the xfers... not to mention playing against better comp makes u better... or should at least:)

PHILtheTANK said:
lol 10 cyclone players 2 years ago? thats a real good measure of skill...

he asked

i never said it was anything special

last time i checked reckoning's willing to put up 10 on the PTR now though :)

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