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Falkor said:
the video was horrible and did no justice to teh creepypasta

the pasta didn't describe the video very well other than mickey mouse was walking like a downer, started walking on side walks that are physically incapable of being drawn or existing then his body started getting all weird then after blank hell rose and the guy who saw the stuff after the blank suicided after speaking of hell. I don't think a guy could draw side walks incapable of being drawn or hell, Disneys always given me a weird vibe because of how awkward you feel when you watch their stuff alone and how most of their movies are full of kids getting into bad shit. Even though this is just a creepypasta I think the video does actually exist.
one thing i didnt liek was the cp said color, video had no color whatsoever that i could see. also mickeys face was distorted, not creepy like eyes dropping down etc. i got much more creeped out by reading that and imagining it, so the video was a letdown for me. much like book to movie projects are almost always let downs b/c imagination > what some asshole director does and what a writer turns into hollywood shit for $$
I have some more creepy pastas if you want. I have one for Simpsons and if I can find it Seinfield. Except these ones actually predict the future.
lay em on me
do want a dedicated thread.

browsing creepypasta on /x/ is such a hassle, and there's ALWAYS some fucker posting pics of gray aliens there. the movie adaption of fire in the sky was bad enough.

Un high jacking since theres creepy pasta thread now.

Falkor said:
12 y/o kid singing about love before he hits puberty, epic. not.

He's 14 but thats the appeal :]

Another awesome song...

I do I do

It's not


See they do have souls
Immortal Technique- Peruvian Cocaine
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