Current State of Twinking

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Bracket Tourist
Been out of the scene for a while?
Completely new to twinking and curious about its state?
As of
May 7th, 2023 this is the state of twinking across expansions.

Anyone is open to submit information on brackets with proof of activity such as screenshots of bg queue times and we will keep this thread updated as the source of truth for each version of the game and expansion. I want input from all twinks on the general consensus of each version and active bracket of the game so that people that have been out of the loop for a while or are interested are able to view this thread and find what they think will be a viable option for what they are interested in.


General Information:
  • XPOff (experience disabled) and F2P/Vets (20s with XP on without a sub) are all thrown into the same queues. Without levelers queue's don't pop as often.
  • PVE seems to be the focal point until people start organizing wargames
  • Scaling is weird so the lower the level you are the more damage you'll do, especially with overtuned gear.
  • Get the Ooze Trinket in order to solo dungeons very quickly for gear.
Active bracket info:

  • PVE Go Fast Toons
  • BiS is WoD Warforged gear.
  • Guide to get started
  • Subforum for 10s
  • F2P/Vets
    • Subscription locked or expired.
  • PVP is still happening - BGs are popping a bit more,
    • NA Golden Twinkies has been hosting regular wargames -reach out to @Life
    • EU still has BG's Popping till around 12:30 AM
    • EU has 10v10 wargames almost every day, as well as Solo shuffles, at the last scheduled 10v10 event there was enough people to run multiple teams at the same time. -Post from Baked
  • BiS is a mix of WoD and TBC gear now that they changed ilvl req on SL gems and fixed enchants.
  • Guide to get started
  • Subforum for 20s
  • PVP is still possible with the 20s
  • BiS is Epic Dungeon Gear
    • Mostly WoD Warforged gear
    • Some Classic Pieces & TBC Dungeon quest reward epic procs
  • Subforum for 29s

  • Expansion Locked
  • Now it's harder to get good games, but still a lot of twinks there. -Post from Maraki

WotLK -> Cataclysm

Preparation for Cata:
Grandfathered list for cataclysm gear: 19-39
19s checklist by Pitter

General Information:
  • Experience Disabled players queue with levelers, which helps shorten queues.
  • A mix of BoA Heirlooms and dungeon blues are generally BiS
    • Heirlooms require a max level (80) to farm tokens from Heroics or Stone Keepers Shards.
  • PvP is pretty active.
  • Random Dungeon Finder is BACK! It's much faster to farm heroics and to level up
  • Heirloom Collection window added so you only need to farm them once.
  • 0-14s absolutely popping off atm on Cataclysm. 1-3 min queues on Alliance, 2-5 min queues on Horde. Insane 1-shots, healthy amount of twinks. -Sponsor
Active bracket info:


  • PvE kind of stuff
  • Big Buff Stackers
  • "No way a Level 1 did that" kind of play
  • Subforum for 1s

  • 5-10 minute WSG queues
  • Active Wargame Scene
  • Mankrik Horde, Benediction/Westfall for Alliance (US)
  • Subforum for 19s
  • Pretty quick Queues (I don't have a 29 so confirmation would be awesome)
  • Subforum for 29s
  • 10-15 minute WSG queues? (It's been a while since I've played)
  • Subforum for 39s


General Information:

  • Pvp at 19 now is wpvp in either Stonetalon (Alliance), Redridge (Horde), or Hillsbrad (both) on the Whitemane cluster.
  • There are TONS of levelers currently. -Post from Sponsor
  • Classic Era 19s are getting queues every Saturday nights, but its like 5v5s. We'd love to see more faces - Sponsor

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Great post! I think this'll help newcomers alot.

My only note is:
That the 20s part seem to be about NA-servers only.
On EU there are BG pops till around 12:30 at night, give or take.

We've had 10v10 wargames almost every day this month, as well as Solo shuffles. And at the last scheduled 10v10 event, there was enough people to run multiple teams at the same time.

We also have a mix of very active '20s only' and 20-29 mixed communities.
And despite EU's toxic completionist rep: It's a community with a lot of helpful individuals, who encourages doing the right things to make your characters stronk.
As a result, 20s on EU are in a much better spot now, than what it has been, earlier in Dragonflight!

It shouldn't be expected of any1 to write something so seemingly rosy on an Admin-OP.
So I figured I'd write it down.
Toxic NA players like myself actively bully and belittle 29s in community and game and refuse to queue.

That said. This is a great guide though, as I’m sure there will be newcomers or returners showing up here over the next few months once blizzcon news is released

Personally I am hoping for a big change to retail 20s or honestly just waiting for cata classic to be my salvation. I’ll always play and keep my retail 20 updated as my trophy toon

Interested if anyone is twinking on classic era
Toxic NA players like myself actively bully and belittle 29s in community and game and refuse to queue.

That said. This is a great guide though, as I’m sure there will be newcomers or returners showing up here over the next few months once blizzcon news is released

Personally I am hoping for a big change to retail 20s or honestly just waiting for cata classic to be my salvation. I’ll always play and keep my retail 20 updated as my trophy toon

Interested if anyone is twinking on classic era

Doing it that way was the consensus for alot of ppl for a long time. But actually organizing PvP events on 20s, has seemingly done a better job of driving 29s back on their 20s.
Some will refuse to budge ofc, always. But still, I think it goes to show the power of positive reinforcement
It shouldn't be expected of any1 to write something so seemingly rosy on an Admin-OP.
well I also don't have any experience with the EU Scene :D I appreciate the input as always Baked
Interested if anyone is twinking on classic era
I've seen a few around but I doubt queues pop
Probably the most vaulted is 60s. The lower levels are constantly changing because of updates and players. When in 20s, for example, unless f2p, you're going to level. The xp issue for everyone else but f2p is unsurmountable. The 60s is the only true locked bracket. It has the most ilvl disparity of any twink bracket in the history of wow. 160 v 379. It started months ago all horde, then all ally, and then it looked to continue happily. Then a group of sociopath kids drove everyone out with cheats and antics. Now it's harder to get good games, but still a lot of twinks there.

"Those who can't do, emote," Shaw
I play a 100% BiS 19 Warrior (thats right) on Era.

As of the end of the summer, no more WSG pops. We had a good summer of 1 or 2 games per night with the hype of unofficial HC.

Pvp at 19 now is wpvp in either Stonetalon (Alliance), Redridge (Horde), or Hillsbrad (both) on the Whitemane cluster. There are TONS of levelers currently.

In 1 hour, I gained 34 hks in Stonetalon killing Hordes ranging from lvl 20 to 27 on my level 19 Alliance Warrior.

I've run into a few other Alliance twinks too on my nightly slaughters there!
also what 20s part do you mean?

Oke, too many eyes on me :monkaS::monkaS::monkaS:
thanks for the insight sponsor, any particular reason you can think of as to why everyone has their own discord?
A lot of people don't know about XpOff. The popular "Classic Twink" discord run by Pizza is not for Era while the one above is entirely just for Era twinks.
Good post. Hopefully it might reduce the amount of "Hey guys, I've been gone for a while what's new" posts we've been getting around here.

Toxic NA players like myself actively bully and belittle 29s in community and game and refuse to queue.

That said. This is a great guide though, as I’m sure there will be newcomers or returners showing up here over the next few months once blizzcon news is released

Personally I am hoping for a big change to retail 20s or honestly just waiting for cata classic to be my salvation. I’ll always play and keep my retail 20 updated as my trophy toon

Interested if anyone is twinking on classic era

Same here. I don't mind being queued with 29s if the bracket was alot more balanced, but as it stands, there's no reason to play. We probably won't see any new changes until the next expansion.

A while back, they said they wanted to focus on faster expansion cycles, but it looks like that was clearly scrapped. I wouldn't even mind paying for the expansion as long as the content felt impactful or meaningful (e.g. if buying Dragonflight unlocked Dragon Riding in the old world). All these damn content patches are nothing but boring story additions and catch-up mechanics. If you need to introduce a new catch-up zone or mechanic every other month, it means the content that's being produced is not entertaining enough to keep the playerbase hooked.
Joyous is up? I should really take advantage of this and lvl to 29 already on wotlk. I have some time off due to getting my head hit at work.
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