Phew good to see I didnt get cutuh i updated my list
you know whats not cut outPhew good to see I didnt get cut
o_0you know whats not cut out
my foreskin o_0
paladin: Tydubbz
hunter: Any Monkey
priest: No one good active
warrior: Any Monkey
rogue: Subvader
shaman: Any Monkey
mage: Any Monkey
lock: No one good active
monk: Drad
Druid: Drad
Inc best priest right herepaladin: Tydubbz
hunter: Any Monkey
priest: No one good active
warrior: Any Monkey
rogue: Subvader
shaman: Any Monkey
mage: Any Monkey
lock: No one good active
monk: Drad
Druid: Drad
you know whats not cut out
my foreskin o_0
hoping to queue skirms into you soonSome of my favorite players to que against in skirms right now are combat, jrmilk and sab. Always a good time regardless of the outcome. In WSG Allusionz impressed me with his sham play, seen him put his team on his back a couple times.
The journey means more than the destination friendhoping to queue skirms into you soon
i have yet to learn the "regardless of outcome" lesson!
i get mad when i lose and happy when i win!!
ggs man, you guys chewed us uphoping to queue skirms into you soon
i have yet to learn the "regardless of outcome" lesson!
i get mad when i lose and happy when i win!!
Skary is the only person that stands out to me. I don't really run into alot alliance twinks that's I lose too when I que but I lost to him last night 1-0 there was alot of factors that went into that loss. But I feel like he makes rookie mistakes when he's contested and there's pressure on him and has alot to learn but he could be very good. Deffinitly stood out to me from an fc standpoint. You don't ever see too many of them. Awesome to see another.
True or not it's my opinonThat's not exactly true. - Rekdew
we gonna need a new list soon