Curley's New Mount

whys everyone hating atleast hes got nike shoes and nike socks nd not like addidas socks or somethin else.
curley thinks before he puts his socks on when hes wearin shorts fools, steezy mother fucker
I don't hate, I represent


Though usually they are folded more
whys everyone hating atleast hes got nike shoes and nike socks nd not like addidas socks or somethin else.
curley thinks before he puts his socks on when hes wearin shorts fools, steezy mother fucker
He doesn't seem to be thinking because that looks fucking horrendous.
Why is it most US people are completely incapable of dressing properly?
Guy: I need a new car whats BiS?
Curley: Follow my car guide. Just copy my car exactly

nah man u got it all wrong, next time someone wants a bis armory and he says copy my gear, just link his pic in his socks and shorts and tell them to copy that for bis :D
So basically I thought it was going to be your toon inside of Pizza in travel form.

Then insert (yuk yuk) a multitude of jokes of you always wanting to be inside of Pizza and RIDE that mount jokes..blahblah blah.

Anyways - nice ride mang - gratz. Always feels good to get a new set o' wheels.

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