Curley - The Most Underrated Player In the Bracket's History

At this point I can't help but feel sorry for Curley. It is one thing to strive for constant reassurance as an adolescent... Nevertheless he is now a grown man and still showcasing the same concern to be acknowledged. He has been playing this video game for the greater part of his entire life... He has essentially invested as much time playing this game as it takes to become a surgeon, why wouldn't he be above the average skill set? I would expect him to be remarkably better then the average player at this juncture.

Great people don't ask for praise and approval they receive it.

All that can be summed up with this little nugget of wisdom.

The emptiest cart rattles the most.
And there are a lot of rattling carts about.

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At this point I can't help but feel sorry for Curley. It is one thing to strive for constant reassurance as an adolescent... Nevertheless he is now a grown man and still showcasing the same concern to be acknowledged. He has been playing this video game for the greater part of his entire life... He has essentially invested as much time playing this game as it takes to become a surgeon, why wouldn't he be above the average skill set? I would expect him to be remarkably better then the average player at this juncture.

Great people don't ask for praise and approval they receive it.
Sont think he can help it, It's most likely some kind of condition since I dont see it being normal that people crave attention this bad but still you make a valid point.
Nobodies jealous. If they were they would probably make a thread like this begging for recognition and attention. But most posters are obviously in their 20s, like OP, but obviously has issues.
Im not in my 20s. Second off i made this thread to get a good laugh. I know nobody in the bracket respects me except my guild and I was studying all day so i wanted to get a nice good read in whenever i took a study break. You dont even know who the fuck i am bro. I am not looking for recognition or attention. I stopped doing that awhile ago. Whenever i would ask am i good i would be trolling. Im not a very serious guy. Thanks for the laugh everyone. It just makes me even happier that i am this underrated because i know i shit on 99.99999 percent of u all. I learned a valuable life lesson from being #1 and have my reputation. Haters going to hate really. Nobody respects me except my guild and I have carried this onto real life. Do u know how many people are jealous of me irl?! Whenever someone is on top there is envy all of the place.
There goes that empty cart rattling again...
Talking about how much his guild respects him, not once, but twice.
Even mentions that he is #1 . And mentions himself 21+ times in 15 sentences.
Can't see the forest for the trees.
Have a wonderful weekend.

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Bro do u know how many people want u banned and u arent even a good player

Now, why would they want that?
I do not do the following, yet people on TI do it on a regular basis.
Blatantly break the CoC?
Use foul language?
Personally attack people?
Threaten people?

Or maybe it's because I...
Speak articulately?
Am untrollable.
End my posts on a positive note.
Some(not all) of you don't know who I am but I somehow know you all.
Don't have my characters in my signature even though a large portion of TI members do not.

So, keep having your little posse keep reporting away. And I will continue about my business. For, I am not doing anything wrong.
Have a nice weekend.

Nobody's jealous are u trying to overcompensate for a small pp or what damn kid lol
Nobody's jealous are u trying to overcompensate for a small pp or what damn kid lol
A small pp.... Lmfao u just made my day bro. Every girl i fuck tells me how im a fucking god in bed bro. U dont even know me anymore beta.
Yep, Rosie and her five sisters tell you that each and every day. Sometimes twice a day I'm sure.
We have all been there.

Moran do you want to compete with me individually at anything at all in this game guarantee I'll double and numbers you can put out just go ahead and name it

and I get laid like every day it's cool being married what is ur point

When will people finally understand that the scoreboard is meaningless. Mid is hard.
Marb makes a thread like this and it's locked on the first page. This one went to 6 pages.... Really mods?
Marb makes a thread like this and it's locked on the first page. This one went to 6 pages.... Really mods?

Yes really, things have changed a bit in regards to moderation recently, we can only respond to serious offenses or reports with authoritative action.
The community is boring now. This thread sucks. Too many people take this forum seriously come on. I'm serious about me being the most underrated but if i made this a year ago this thread would of been great
Gonna go against the grain here and support my dawg. Curley's always been cool to me, we've always gotten along and he has a knack for riling people up the way I used to love to do. Of course he has an ego but he's earned it. Shit, everyone here has some sort of ego about themselves in some form or another, deserved or not.

Do you Curleytink, there's always someone who's going to be pissed at anything anyone does here.
Nature of the beast here on TI. That is why it is the perfect "specimen".

This is why I always love your posts too, such a passive aggressive take (no condescension intended) on calling out the bullshit on this forum that drives people absolutely mad when posted.
This is why I always love your posts too, such a passive aggressive take (no condescension intended) on calling out the bullshit on this forum that drives people absolutely mad when posted.

All part of the master plan.

I never ever single any one person out, unlike others. It is up to the reader on how they take it. If you feel that what you read is about you, it is about the reader's perception.

Take my above post. I am a part of TI. Was I "bad mouthing" myself? Did Apnea take it in a negative light? It is all on how you perceive yourself and how you act upon them.


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