My passion for 10s and I can PTFO
I thought of maybe adding an outsiders view on how you guys stand out, might feel nice to see how others see you!
Honestly? Probably my gear?
Every time I see you chilling around in SW, I inspect you to take a look at your gf'd gear and sexy mogs. Your hks on one twink is also very unique.
Passion for locks*

I love playing with you! You are also very friendly.
My dedication towards improving as a player.
I think a few months ago, people made a thread about FCs and you were rated as one that would always find a way to die with the flag. I dont see that when I play with you. Its always a challenge to play against you, or great to have you FCing for Horde!
One of the firsts to get Gloomshroud, and had to pay an arm and a leg for it back in MoP. You took up on maining monk early on in MoP and mastered it pretty well!
I'm pretty sure my transmog is BiS as it is a custom set unlike dark shaman =p
You are the most relax twink I have met. I remember a skype call with you and Neap, and you were just smoking it up and playing WoW at the same time outside while cops were driving by... You did great to the 19s community too.
There is a lot of bad stuff that could be said about you which makes you stand out but apart from that, I think your dedication to 19 twinks is what really makes you unique. You should really bust out your hunter once in a while (unless it got banned or something)! I used to be scared shitless when you and Beau queued up together in Cata!
#1 RvR (sorry Curley). You are THE 19 rogue people wish they were.