<Cthun is harder then LK> New 60 Twink Guild.


New 60 twink guild <Cthun is harder then LK>, Miniwheats & Youngjeezyy aka Icecubee started to make 60 twink on Destromath US untill we finally decided to make a 60 twink guild to start doing raids with 60 ONLY . We currently have 8 60's in the guild and we are now looking for more to help us grow up and build a strong team against the 60 raids and 60-64 bracket exp-lock.

Guild: Cthun is harder then LK

Realm: Destromath-US

Looking for: Any 60s at the moments and having a good time in a 60s community.

We're accepting: Any classes including DKs.

Overall members: 21 members, 8 60's.

We're also working on a guild bank, we currently have 1 tabs with almost every T1 Bracers/Belts of every classes.

This is the guild armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/guild/destromath/Cthun%20is%20harder%20then%20LK/?character=d%C3%B3m

Contacts any members In-Game to join the guild OR Miniwheats, Icecubee, Cerealallday, Cornflake, Youngjeezyy to join! Hope to see you guys there.
so you stole the name from the 60 guild on zj?
Can I play on a battlechest-only account? I have a hunter I just levelled to 60 that I could transfer if that is the case.
I love this idea especially if you make a rule that ZERO gear/chants/profession items can be from TBC/WotLK (Classic only). There is one glaring problem though, and it will make CThun extremely difficult to beat and that's access to gear higher than partly T2. No more ZG and the rep gear from it, no more Ony 60 and the epic class quest items from it, no more World Dragons (when Blizz puts them back they'll be for 85's), and no more Naxx and therefore all access to T3 (AQ exalted is T2.5 iirc). Now although it wouldn't be impossible it would certainly be a huge barrier and high bar to be set for yourselves, and unfortunately would REQUIRE 40 people for HOURS/day possible 4-7 days/week as that's what it took to clear AQ40 back then for all but the best Guilds. But I wish you luck, seriously as it will be a huge challenge.
I love this idea especially if you make a rule that ZERO gear/chants/profession items can be from TBC/WotLK (Classic only). There is one glaring problem though, and it will make CThun extremely difficult to beat and that's access to gear higher than partly T2. No more ZG and the rep gear from it, no more Ony 60 and the epic class quest items from it, no more World Dragons (when Blizz puts them back they'll be for 85's), and no more Naxx and therefore all access to T3 (AQ exalted is T2.5 iirc). Now although it wouldn't be impossible it would certainly be a huge barrier and high bar to be set for yourselves, and unfortunately would REQUIRE 40 people for HOURS/day possible 4-7 days/week as that's what it took to clear AQ40 back then for all but the best Guilds. But I wish you luck, seriously as it will be a huge challenge.

Thanks you bro. Appreciate it
I love this idea especially if you make a rule that ZERO gear/chants/profession items can be from TBC/WotLK (Classic only). There is one glaring problem though, and it will make CThun extremely difficult to beat and that's access to gear higher than partly T2. No more ZG and the rep gear from it, no more Ony 60 and the epic class quest items from it, no more World Dragons (when Blizz puts them back they'll be for 85's), and no more Naxx and therefore all access to T3 (AQ exalted is T2.5 iirc). Now although it wouldn't be impossible it would certainly be a huge barrier and high bar to be set for yourselves, and unfortunately would REQUIRE 40 people for HOURS/day possible 4-7 days/week as that's what it took to clear AQ40 back then for all but the best Guilds. But I wish you luck, seriously as it will be a huge challenge.
U dont need all that ? DMO had 40 people in a raid, and it was damn easy
U dont need all that ? DMO had 40 people in a raid, and it was damn easy

By the time TBC launched AQ40 was "on farm" by maybe 8-10% of Guilds world wide, and maybe fewer than 2% of Guilds could even get to let alone down KT in Naxx prior to TBC. That is in NO WAY damn easy. Compare that to any content from WotLK on and Guilds are clearing current content within weeks of the raid launching. Classic WoW was the hardest and most rewarding of anything Blizzard has put out.
By the time TBC launched AQ40 was "on farm" by maybe 8-10% of Guilds world wide, and maybe fewer than 2% of Guilds could even get to let alone down KT in Naxx prior to TBC. That is in NO WAY damn easy. Compare that to any content from WotLK on and Guilds are clearing current content within weeks of the raid launching. Classic WoW was the hardest and most rewarding of anything Blizzard has put out.
Haha I know that
Im talking about now ?
cthun is harder than lk used to be a 60 guild from zj, than it becamer enfeeble, a 70 guild,. The guildies have long gone inactive, but you still took the name
Haha I know that Im talking about now

Well yes I will agree after numerous patches and the changes to classes/gear (even <60 gear) CThun isn't as hard as he used to be prior to TBC. However, just the process of getting 40 level 60's on at the same time for even 1-2 hours a few times per week would be a huge challenge. That paired with the lack of gear higher than a mix of T2 and some T2.5 (no T3 is available anymore iirc).
I love this idea especially if you make a rule that ZERO gear/chants/profession items can be from TBC/WotLK (Classic only). There is one glaring problem though, and it will make CThun extremely difficult to beat and that's access to gear higher than partly T2. No more ZG and the rep gear from it, no more Ony 60 and the epic class quest items from it, no more World Dragons (when Blizz puts them back they'll be for 85's), and no more Naxx and therefore all access to T3 (AQ exalted is T2.5 iirc). Now although it wouldn't be impossible it would certainly be a huge barrier and high bar to be set for yourselves, and unfortunately would REQUIRE 40 people for HOURS/day possible 4-7 days/week as that's what it took to clear AQ40 back then for all but the best Guilds. But I wish you luck, seriously as it will be a huge challenge.

This is completely wrong. We use the rules you're proposing and we easily kill C'thun with 20 people. In fact C'thun isn't even the most difficult fight in AQ40; Twin Emps and Visc are more challenging. For a new guild that doesn't have the experience we do 25 people in T2/PvP gear is sufficient.
This is completely wrong. We use the rules you're proposing and we easily kill C'thun with 20 people.

So you're saying your Guild has 20-25+ level 60's with ZERO Gear/Enchants/Profession items incl food/scrolls from TBC or higher (one could even use WotLK chants) and you "easily" down CThun or the Twins? Even with the patch nerfs over the years and buffs to classes I don't see that as being reasonable. And you're also telling me you have those very same 20-25+ that all went through the time/effort to obtain the Helm/Shoulder/leg enchants (some no longer available with the loss of the old ZG)? I'm not saying you're flat out exaggerating, I'm just saying it seems unlikely that 20-25 level 60's in 100% classic only gear/chants/etc could down all of AQ40. But who knows you may have 20-25 of what used to be that top 5-10% of Guilds that had AQ40 on farm back in the day, which means that it's still NOT EASY for the other 90-95% of WoW's population.

EDIT: Saying that you downed full raid content AT level 60 with AT level chants/etc but only half the intended raid comp is like saying you could go take out Sunwell with full T6, only TBC chants/gems/food and do it with only 12-13 level 70's, or even 12-13 level 80's and down all of ICC 25m (without the 30% buff) while they're all wearing no better than T10 with WotLK chants/etc. Sure it "might" be possible with the perfect raid makeup and amazing players but for the rest of WoW players it's simply not possible.

EDIT2: I'd love to see an armory link to your Guild with it's 20-25+ level 60's, would be interesting to see what you all could achieve with so few players.
So you're saying your Guild has 20-25+ level 60's with ZERO Gear/Enchants/Profession items incl food/scrolls from TBC or higher (one could even use WotLK chants) and you "easily" down CThun or the Twins? Even with the patch nerfs over the years and buffs to classes I don't see that as being reasonable. And you're also telling me you have those very same 20-25+ that all went through the time/effort to obtain the Helm/Shoulder/leg enchants (some no longer available with the loss of the old ZG)? I'm not saying you're flat out exaggerating, I'm just saying it seems unlikely that 20-25 level 60's in 100% classic only gear/chants/etc could down all of AQ40. But who knows you may have 20-25 of what used to be that top 5-10% of Guilds that had AQ40 on farm back in the day, which means that it's still NOT EASY for the other 90-95% of WoW's population.

EDIT: Saying that you downed full raid content AT level 60 with AT level chants/etc but only half the intended raid comp is like saying you could go take out Sunwell with full T6, only TBC chants/gems/food and do it with only 12-13 level 70's, or even 12-13 level 80's and down all of ICC 25m (without the 30% buff) while they're all wearing no better than T10 with WotLK chants/etc. Sure it "might" be possible with the perfect raid makeup and amazing players but for the rest of WoW players it's simply not possible.

EDIT2: I'd love to see an armory link to your Guild with it's 20-25+ level 60's, would be interesting to see what you all could achieve with so few players.

Here you go: http://us.battle.net...f%20the%20Past/

We absolutely enforce only classic gear*/enchants/consumables. Glyphs aren't allowed either, even minor glyphs. If you want some real specifics, here's the list of people who were in the raid for our most recent C'thun kill: Aerinis, Bowjack, Bulldozerman, Bunda, Ceified, Cypreanna, Dustfingur, Florabloom, Grimfield, Immortal, Kalipsia, Karia, Kyjaz, Marks, Nynnja, Ragestarved, Rocketelf, Somerset, Soulcarve, Sshhimpro, Touchless, Trainwreck.

*The one exception we make is gear from the new Azeroth quests as long as it's of an appropriate ilvl, i.e. pre-BC ilvls.

As you can see from those profiles, many people aren't optimally geared or enchanted. The loss of ZG enchants realistically has been offset by the increase in stamina in a lot of the classic gear. I say we "easily" down C'thun because we hardly ever wipe and our average raid size is 20-25 people. Now we've had C'thun on farm for two years since our first kill was November 2009 and we've killed C'thun 85 out of a possible 100 or so weeks since then so we have a lot of experience - although there are literally only two people still active since our first C'thun kill, so we're bringing new people just about every time. That obviously helps, which is why I said that 25 people without that kind of experience in T2/PvP gear can down C'thun as long as they study the encounter and are organized.

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