CTA: Arathi Basin >WEEK< 18th-25th


Arathi Basin will be the Call to Arms two times in a row, so June 18th-25th be sure to queue for both WSG and AB :)

With the bracket being very active I'm sure we'll get some pops!
oi huRRx m8 is uR keyboaRd bRokeN like miNe?

fk sakeS
oi huRRx m8 is uR keyboaRd bRokeN like miNe?

fk sakeS

Have you seen that much grammatical and spelling errors that it really needs to come into question?

and why the fuck do people still bring this shit up, did spelling other as otehr really fucking matter that much? did you understand the damn word or the context it was being used in or are you too tunnel vision to look at the broad message and try and interpret what was trying to be said.

Basics of communication are built upon sending a message and receiving one. Did the other person send the message and was the message interpreted as the sender meant it to be?


if not then adjustments can be made people can rephrase. Stop being stuck up, middle class, white trash, mindless chops that have to cling to the smallest flaws in someone to try and gain superiority over them. You want to know whats really pathetic?

People like what has been described above, you know who you are.

Shame on you.

your own words

: )
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I guess you couldn't tell but i was being sarcastic and having an inside joke

Everyone should be queuing Arathi Basin *only* in my opinion

Reason being: We've had warsong (and only warsong) for years and years. Warsong is not going anywhere.

I remember in wotlk everyone thought arathi was coming to 19s and we all got so excited. We finally got in during Cata and queued AB when it was AB weekend. Might as well play AB while we can since WSG isn't going anywhere and an AB pop is a rare occasion of coordinated events!

Sure it would be fun without such huge movement advantages, but there are always more things to worry about than Movement which was brokenly distributed amongst only a select array of classes since the introduction of Travel / GW form.

The unfair movement advantages have been an issue for 5 years now and it's always been something that we've just sucked up xD
if ery1 qs 4 both ab n wsg then ab will nvr pop
AB will pop immediately after a warsong if all 20 from the previous wsg game are queued along with 5+ more on each side. Or at least that's what I've observed from 19 abs in the past.
take into account that some ppl have loading screens for 10 minutes so ppl will hav alrdy qd up for wsg again when others leave
I love this idea, I'll definitely be queuing up for some AB games for the CTA

the ghost, Ghastly
Anyone have any ideas to counter the druid epidemic i foresee for this AB event?

Play a druid, it counters other druids.
I can see maybe one night of doing AB but I dont think I could handle much more than that.

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