Crusader vs LS for SF


EDIT: For Warrior.
^that and allso if you have 1 SF and 1 lesser weapon (eg Butcher's Slicer) and you switch after Curs proc. Crus on SF first (as it takes a while to proc) and LS on other weap. Or Crus lesser weap and switch SF + LS after proc? (or is switching not such a good idea anyhow?)
Crusader and Lifestealing are equally viable.
if goin for a switch, i think crusader on SF is a good choice. glacial/fiery after proc for example, or BAR.

overall (all purposes) i think LS wins. so if it is your only SF and you dont want to switch weapons to suit the every situation -> LS.
Tetrica said:
Switching takes 1GCD = 1.5 seconds.

Also resets your swing timer?

So if your switching to a 2h you could potentiall be waiting 5 sec for your next swing after switching
if you're aiming for damage anyway why not use a 2h with crus so you're doing more then switch to another 2h with agil on proc?
Heres a Breakdown for LS:

6 ppm, 30dmg and 30health gained per proc.

Translates into 180 health, and 180 damage.


Last time I used it I got 2ppm barely (Haven't used it since BC on my 39 warrior)

2 ppm, 95-105 health gained, 100 strength/15s

190-210 health gained, 400AP/30s

Sader always looks better on paper, but LS seems to be more beneficial in live play at 19's (from my experience, but 19 warrior's I haven't played since early 07...).

I can't adhere to either strongly, but hope the general breakdown helps.
I don't really like Crusader in WSG because sometimes it doesn't procc when you want it to procc, so it gets wasted if it proccs after you kill the target, or it proccs when you get kited. LS will always deal its damage though.

But my own opinion is that crusader is still better because of the burst it can put out. (rng ftw)
Also, I'm going to add you can't depend on crusader to proc, but I've found that I can depend on LS to proc.
Eliot said:
Also, I'm going to add you can't depend on crusader to proc, but I've found that I can depend on LS to proc.

Maybe, considering LS has 4/6 times the procrate of Crusader
Something worth mentioning is that GotN scales very well with AP, I seem to remember real sayin it heals him for about 800 when sader is up
^^ though its not that likely you would have sader proc and still want to use GoTN considering you just got 100 health back anyways.
Sader IS viable for a warrior since they can spamstring and keep people in close.

It's not uncommon for people to use SF with sader then switch to BAR with 25 agi after.

edit: did they ever fix the proc rate on sader or can u still "fish" for it?
Crilicilyn said:
^^ though its not that likely you would have sader proc and still want to use GoTN considering you just got 100 health back anyways.

seen it happen often enough for it to be worth mentioning, that's like another 200 from GotN. Take home message is that crusader leans more twoards burst and LS leans more twoards consistency, it really is personal preference. However I think that warriors are such a strong class at 19 that you weapon enchant is more like icing on the cake so I prefer sader, I can win without it proccing but it's just that much sweeter when it does.
Mazurati said:
edit: did they ever fix the proc rate on sader or can u still "fish" for it?

What do you mean fish for it? Sounds like you're saying spamming the fishing ability could proc it.

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