Craziest "launch" screenshots


It's jwl

He didn't do anything he said he did. He's just trolling for attention. His "I'm a big time streamer/R1 twink" troll stopped getting responses so he switched to the "I'm an asshole violating social expectations" troll. Treat him accordingly.
I think you’re in love with the jwl
I really want to read a lot of your posts as you clearly put effort into them. But the amount of quotation marks & bold/italics makes it impossible for me.
No offense taken; I'm well aware (...and you left out "unnecessary use of ellipses"). ;)

The issue is, I feel compelled to "type how I talk". We all (consciously or not) stress certain words for emphasis, or mumble parenthetical digressions, or give "non-literal phrases" a different intonation, or pause between thoughts in mid-sentence, or even alter our facial-expressions to reflect our intent... and so I do what little I can to convey that in the text of my posts.

For most people (those that quickly "say the words in their head" as they read), enough of that "simulated pseudo-speech" comes-though that they can imagine how it'd actually sound... and I also suspect that it helps them avoid misconstruing any intended meaning.

The downside is that if you're simply trying to skim my posts for their (alleged) content, it no doubt looks like one of those "pasted ransom-letters" from an old-fashioned detective-show! :confused:

Regardless... your concerns are valid, and I'll try to keep you in mind during my future inane ramblings. :D

"...back to the screenshots, nerds!" :p
I always used to tell people that I simply put emphasis on the important parts because I know they're to ignorant to read the entire post without a kneejerk or oblivious premature response... your way is nice too tho. ;)
"...back to the screenshots, nerds!" :p

...and apparently if too many players are stuck in the combined queues, you have to wait through a "pre-queue" before you can even enter a queue! :rolleyes:

(A day or two ago) Not a "crazy" screenshot, though a screenshot from classic nonetheless.

Just relaxing above and overseeing the more-than-occasional traffic at Westfall (there was like more than 2 dozen players inside the inn at some point, and that's not counting players going in-and-out of the hub). Surprisingly, the broken roof area of this Westfall "inn" provides rested xp, much like inside the structure.


  • Resting.jpg
    394 KB · Views: 158
Just a quick recap :)


Very impressive. After 2 nights of 3-5 hour queues to even get into the game, I've given up and had Blizz refund me for both accounts and here you are getting an AGM before I even got to level 8 on a toon.
Very impressive. After 2 nights of 3-5 hour queues to even get into the game, I've given up and had Blizz refund me for both accounts and here you are getting an AGM before I even got to level 8 on a toon.

Damn, mate. Yeah the queues have been insane. I made a twink on a low populated RP server and hope that Blizz wants to take my money for a realm transfer in a couple of months :)
Damn, mate. Yeah the queues have been insane. I made a twink on a low populated RP server and hope that Blizz wants to take my money for a realm transfer in a couple of months :)
I used to do that too. Back in the day, I would roll new 19s on Quel'Thalos <sp> and then xfer them to where I wanted them. I wonder if they will allow transfers.
I used to do that too. Back in the day, I would roll new 19s on Quel'Thalos <sp> and then xfer them to where I wanted them. I wonder if they will allow transfers.

If there is something I've learned from all these years of playing wow, it is that Blizzard wants your money :) I don't think that they will introduce a game shop for mounts etc. But name changes, transfers and so forth?
I used to do that too. Back in the day, I would roll new 19s on Quel'Thalos <sp> and then xfer them to where I wanted them. I wonder if they will allow transfers.

Connect your phone to desktop and remote connect, allowing yourself to log in while at work/running errands/in traffic etc. Queue ticks down while you do your thing irl and when you sit down its (usually) manageable. That's how I've been dealing with it.

Nothing fun or special, but had a glitch where my hunter started swinging his quiver instead of his axe. :rolleyes:


2nd time I've seen this so far, but hasn't happened to my hunter yet

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