I really want to read a lot of your posts as you clearly put effort into them. But the amount of quotation marks & bold/italics makes it impossible for me.
No offense taken; I'm well aware (
...and you left out "unnecessary use of ellipses").
The issue is, I feel compelled to
"type how I talk". We all (
consciously or not) stress certain words for emphasis, or mumble parenthetical digressions, or give
"non-literal phrases" a different intonation, or pause between thoughts in mid-sentence, or even alter our facial-expressions to reflect our intent... and so I do what little I can to convey that in the text of my posts.
For most people (
those that quickly "say the words in their head" as they read), enough of that
"simulated pseudo-speech" comes-though that they can imagine how it'd actually
sound... and I also suspect that it helps them avoid misconstruing any intended meaning.
downside is that if you're simply trying to skim my posts for their (
alleged) content, it no doubt looks like one of those
"pasted ransom-letters" from an old-fashioned detective-show!
Regardless... your concerns are valid, and I'll try to keep you in mind during my future inane ramblings.
"...back to the screenshots, nerds!"