COTUS's Guide to Not Being Bad as a Level 20 Twink in BGs

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not sure if troll....not sure if care...

p.s-i pay monthly for my account, and my f2p is on my p2p. whats wrong with wanting to have some even-playing field competition?

Of all the brackets to seek out "even-playing competition" why in gods name would you pick this bracket LOL. Hypothetically if there wasnt a SINGLE 24, you'd be the dickhead ruining the F2P "non-twink" player's experience. The only way that you can justify your actions is by placing the blame on 24's as if we're the one's being unfair to begin with rofl. I joined this bracket because I heard a bunch of clowns were rolling twinks in the F2P battlegrounds to smash on badly geared noobs. So why not take it one step further? Honestly I think all of the rage about 24's has to do with being one-upped, we just took it to the next level (pun semi-intended lol) and now the F2P twink population is angry that they didnt do this from the very beginning.
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That is one thing that is very helpful and not commonly done.

I guess I am a baddie then, I don't like showing name plates.
Of all the brackets to seek out "even-playing competition" why in gods name would you pick this bracket LOL. Hypothetically if there wasnt a SINGLE 24, you'd be the dickhead ruining the F2P "non-twink" player's experience. The only way that you can justify your actions is by placing the blame on 24's as if we're the one's being unfair to begin with rofl. I joined this bracket because I heard a bunch of clowns were rolling twinks in the F2P battlegrounds to smash on badly geared noobs. So why not take it one step further? Honestly I think all of the rage about 24's has to do with being one-upped, we just took it to the next level (pun semi-intended lol) and now the F2P twink population is angry that they didnt do this from the very beginning.

??? I didn't and Will never join a bracket just to kill undergeared players, there no fun or skill involved in that.
May I suggest that you relate your positioning in a battle based on your appropriate role (dependent on circumstance)?
I have yet to see a single player in this bracket (24 twink or otherwise) bracket that is capable of killing me on my 24 rogue in a 1v1 setting. So does that make everyone in this bracket bad? And if it does, inevitably by killing ANYONE I'm going after a scrub right? Self slammed imo.

I wish we could duel. I would hurt your pride,
god shut upppppppppp you guys are sooo tiresome with the shitty attempts to troll each other. go away please.

look, if you don't have 1200ish HP as a 20 twink, you're just never, ever going to be effective in BGs. i'm sorry, but that's the truth. i have 20 twinks of 6 different classes, both healers and DPS classes. i'm not coming up with this out of thin air. you WILL get taken out before you can do anything useful if you don't have any HP in this bracket. i don't heal players with less than ~1k HP because it's a waste of mana and GCDs. i target low-hp players on my DPS classes because i know that i can take them out almost instantly before they can contribute anything to the fight.

this is probably the most important tip out of all of the ones i posted, and it's the one that's the most easily fixed - you can *always* get more HP. i'm not telling you to stack as much HP on your character as you possibly can. read the post again if it's not clear to you. you simply need to have an HP pool above a certain threshold or you will not live long enough to do anything.
May I suggest that you relate your positioning in a battle based on your appropriate role (dependent on circumstance)?

i definitely agree with this, but i was trying to explain the absolute basics in this guide. positioning is something that players can work on after they figure out the easy stuff.
Please stay on-topic. Take your petty fights to the 4chan. I've said it before and I'll say it again...there's 2 sides to the 20 or 24 argument and there's great people on both sides. The sooner you realize that you're not going to change another person's mind on a forum about which side is right or wrong, the better everyone else on the site will be. Thank you.

Of all the brackets to seek out "even-playing competition" why in gods name would you pick this bracket LOL. Hypothetically if there wasnt a SINGLE 24, you'd be the dickhead ruining the F2P "non-twink" player's experience. The only way that you can justify your actions is by placing the blame on 24's as if we're the one's being unfair to begin with rofl. I joined this bracket because I heard a bunch of clowns were rolling twinks in the F2P battlegrounds to smash on badly geared noobs. So why not take  it one step further? Honestly I think all of the rage about 24's has to do with being one-upped, we just took it to the next level (pun semi-intended lol) and now the F2P twink population is angry that they didnt do this from the very beginning.
lmfao smasht f2p twinks. see you f2p twinks are ruining the braket for new trial players. we 24s balance the bracket against the alliance cyclops eyepatch noobs. we are actually just balancing the bracket. i do also have an alliance 24 and i play it some times when f2p AP supremacists try to form premades and steamroll pugs. i am balancing the bracket both sides. ROLLIN ON TWENTY FOURS #1
on topic= i agree this bracket is full of bads especially f2p 20s who think they are twinks when they dont even have bis gear,enchanment and the optimun level. for health i recommend 1600or gtfo anyone with less health will get 1-2 shotted by my 24 hunter.

also pay attention when your whole team is fighting at gy so we can get moore honor dont sit at the base on your lazy ass fukin help out your team. as for communicating yell out if any stealthies try steal the flag while we are farming gy for honor. you dont need to really know what other classes can do if they are 20 since most 20s are easy as to kill ROLLIN ON TWENTY FOURS #1
Of all the brackets to seek out "even-playing competition" why in gods name would you pick this bracket LOL. Hypothetically if there wasnt a SINGLE 24, you'd be the dickhead ruining the F2P "non-twink" player's experience. The only way that you can justify your actions is by placing the blame on 24's as if we're the one's being unfair to begin with rofl. I joined this bracket because I heard a bunch of clowns were rolling twinks in the F2P battlegrounds to smash on badly geared noobs. So why not take it one step further? Honestly I think all of the rage about 24's has to do with being one-upped, we just took it to the next level (pun semi-intended lol) and now the F2P twink population is angry that they didnt do this from the very beginning.

how would i be the dickhead ruining the bracket? check my character. i have nothing on that isnt obtainable to a f2p character, and thats what i play with on a daily basis, and might i add, beat your sorry ass in battlegrounds with.

oh and rollinhatin, your hunter is garbage, your garbage, get some skill, then talk. your hunter cant 2 shot anything. your terrible. gday.
how would i be the dickhead ruining the bracket? check my character. i have nothing on that isnt obtainable to a f2p character, and thats what i play with on a daily basis, and might i add, beat your sorry ass in battlegrounds with.

oh and rollinhatin, your hunter is garbage, your garbage, get some skill, then talk. your hunter cant 2 shot anything. your terrible. gday.
i bet your so bad even igottoparties could pwn you. i ll rol you with my squad  QQ more looking to gy farm you soonl
how would i be the dickhead ruining the bracket? check my character. i have nothing on that isnt obtainable to a f2p character, and thats what i play with on a daily basis, and might i add, beat your sorry ass in battlegrounds with.

oh and rollinhatin, your hunter is garbage, your garbage, get some skill, then talk. your hunter cant 2 shot anything. your terrible. gday.

ROFL OBTAINABLE BY EVERY PLAYER AHAHAHA THAT'S GOLD. Looking up all the items necessary to be competitive, getting said items, leveling MULTIPLE PROFESSIONS and then dropping them, and having to do outrageous shit like farm chests in certain level areas just for BoE items is NOT something your average F2P can do. Want to know something? Every piece of gear I'm wearing on my rogue is available to the people PAYING FOR THIS GAME (this is extremely important). You and all others like you are ACTIVELY CHOOSING to gimp your toons, and I am not. I'm sorry that offends you, it's not my intention. Well, maybe it is.
ROFL OBTAINABLE BY EVERY PLAYER AHAHAHA THAT'S GOLD. Looking up all the items necessary to be competitive, getting said items, leveling MULTIPLE PROFESSIONS and then dropping them,  and having to do outrageous shit like farm chests in certain level areas just for BoE items is NOT something your average F2P can do. Want to know something? Every piece of gear I'm wearing on my rogue is available to the people PAYING FOR THIS GAME (this is extremely important). You and all others like you are ACTIVELY CHOOSING to gimp your toons, and I am not. I'm sorry that offends you, it's not my intention. Well, maybe it is.
most f2p cant even read paragraphs so i am going to summarise thisget your parents to get you a gamecardgo level to 24 and get proper enchants and gear 12 year olds. If not QQ more about 24s while we shit in your bracket QQ
This is ridiculous and you are all showing how petty and childish you are. I am 31, have two children and enjoy playing WoW. I have 3 85's and have played for years. I recently lost my job due to health issues and my family is struggling. I'm happy that I can still play the game I love for free until I get back on my feet and I may just keep playing for free because I enjoy the community and the friends I've made here.

I don't care if you're 24, but the truth is that normal players just leveling through 20-24 do so rather quickly and will NEVER run into a twinked out F2P. They don't go in XP-off BG's... Just common sense.

There's no point in insults and name-calling, it's just a crutch for weak minded people. Make your 24's, we will still kill you and you will still kill us. Move on.

But it really seems like the 24's are instigating all this debauchery. Mods if you read this perhaps taking a harder stance on the 24's behaving like this on this board? Thanks for all the locks and bans you already do, of course.

~ Pree
LMFAO 31 year old virgin is butthurt. most of you f2p 20s kill undergeared 20s who are new players 24s just balance the bracket on both sides against either cyclops eyepatch alliance hunters or horde 12 year old steam rollin premade QQ more we are the balance of this bracket unlike f2p fags who are leeches and virgins lmfao still livin in your mums basement?
F2P 20s with BiS gear are balanced by F2P 20s with BiS gear... not by 24s. You have tried and tried to use that incredibly flawed argument for a week now, and STILL no one believes you, including yourself. You don't actually believe what you're saying, you are just trying to justify your actions by trying to shift blame to the victim.

You do not distinguish between BiS 20s and non-BiS 20s when you are in battlegrounds, and that completely undoes your argument. In order for your argument to hold any water, you would have to inspect every 20 before you killed them, and ONLY kill the ones that are BiS. Tell us: do you ONLY kill 20s that are BiS, or do you also kill the same non-BiS 20s that you are claiming to be protecting? Unless you NEVER kill ANY 20s except the ones that are completely BiS, then you are a liar and a phony and a troll.

Weak attempts at gaslighting are never going to fly here. You are a troll. Please get banned so that we don't have to keep listening to your slanderous campaign of misinformation. You impugn the honor and insult the intelligence of every person on this board.
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