Controlled Chaos LF Competitive 5 Man Teams

Hey man, don't worry about it, we got the games rolling eventually and it was a lot of fun, looking forward to more in the future.

Last time I felt like the frog that got run over by the Mack truck. Next time......we'll getcha!
Capias, tell your friend Unity to stop telling people I camp GY, which I do not, in order to put a bounty on my head. How would I have ever gy camped vs premades of 5 24s in the first place. I usually just hide in a corner... Unity is just STILL mad I killed him/her, hence why she keeps spitting on me.
Capias, tell your friend Unity to stop telling people I camp GY...

Someone mentioned that a few minutes ago when we entered WG, and I found it hard to believe.

(BTW, I had meant to /wave at you this morning and not /giggle, but hit wrong key.)

Also, if you ever want help getting achievements, just /truce me and I'll talk to me team. If I can persuade my team, then I will /truce back at you and we can trade out achievements.
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I am on Spirestone as well in <Under Soil and Dirt>. We are working on throwing a team together as well :p



I am on Spirestone as well in <Under Soil and Dirt>. We are working on throwing a team together as well :p




We'd love to play you, especially since it would be as simple as initiating a wargame, instead of having to deal with the burden that is syncing ques! PM me, we're open to anything since it'd be a wargame, be it WSG or Arenas.

You shouldn't waste your time throwing a team together to get stomped my clicking friend.

Sally I still que every BG with the hope of finally being able to /Hug you :(
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You started talking shit, because one of your friends in the guild was on the winning side.

You really need to calm down about the 20-24 bracket. Shitting on 20s is really hard as a 24 I hear...
You started talking shit, because one of your friends in the guild was on the winning side.

You really need to calm down about the 20-24 bracket. Shitting on 20s is really hard as a 24 I hear...


And playing F2Ps usually isn't hard (Although I know many who give us more of a run for our money than 24s in this bracket), which is what compelled me to try and get more 24 vs 24 games going on.
You started talking shit, because one of your friends in the guild was on the winning side.

You really need to calm down about the 20-24 bracket. Shitting on 20s is really hard as a 24 I hear...

I think you are looking for my random talk thread.
I think you're referring to Kratos, while I do have an ally guild, i have not seen anyone log on my horde guild since moby dick was a minnow, if they do i'll tell then of your assessment.
Nah. They've been wanting to do 5s with us.

Your guild is full of circle jerking douche bags.

'Us" Is not very helpful, more information as too who you are might enlighten me to understand the terminology you're using to describe my guild of "Circle jerking douche bags"
'Us" Is not very helpful, more information as too who you are might enlighten me to understand the terminology you're using to describe my guild of "Circle jerking douche bags"
I love to jerk BB and xAr at the same time.

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