Congratulations Broken ! New Blood MVP from EU !!!!!

Update :

Ok.... I'm back now... and it's 22:00...What a wild day at work.... Nice... I was fast.. few hours indeed.

Broken... I will be thruthful with you...I didn't vote you... Not because I don't like you or because I had to choose between you and somebody else. ( Any donator, mvp, veteran, moderator, administrator can nominate multiple users for mvp). I didn't vote you because I've thought I will never ever see a MVP from EU Realms... I've thought we , users from EU realms, don't have a change against the AP & US Realms users around here. I nominated Yde & Imirak after my first donation... and I've never used the button since then.. I am a stupid coward. Your nomitation as MVP is a huge step for us.

You deserve it !.. You are one of the EU F2P Community pioneers! I kneel before you!

I love nothing more than the truth...


And congrats on getting above 3k achievement points! I just saw your sig! :>
Gratz Broken for the MVP title, and gratz to you visatorul for reaching 3065 achiv points. You rage a lot in bgs but you are a good player, are you in the army or something? :p.
Awwww, Gz Broken! :D Happy to see some EU players getting more and more involved here!
And btw, I love your new blueish name :p

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