Coming back to Twinking

Hey man!

First of all, welcome back to WoW! I wanna say that your bracket ( 19s bracket) is very active again and i recommend that you play this again! For higher brackets you should ask someone else because i dont play in higher brackets :p.

If you have any more questions regarding the 19s bracket please add me in game: Slack#2638 or send me a private message.

Have fun playing again,


We're currently working @ al'akir to revive a guild called Syntax Error. We provide enchants / gear and help with profsand agm and such. So i really recommend coming to al'akir :)

All classes are worth rolling imo. The specs: Fury ( warrior) Fire( mage) Enhancement ( shaman) affliction ( warlock) are not that viable for 19s :)
I used to twink in TBC at level 19.

I'm looking at coming back but am unsure which bracket to pick. I'm from the EU and am open to any bracket. I would like an active community with short queues if possible.

Don't excpet the 15-19s bracket to be anything similar to tbc. Even if we would have fought twink vs twink back in those days (some did in certain battlegroups with pugging) it is so different. Crit and damage are way over the top compared to health which was better organised in tbc so is mana and energy management and the standards of normal and minor walking speed is gone. This bracket overall is pretty messed up but you will see.

Happy twinking.
Thanks for all the advise. I'm rolling on Aggramar and I'm going to give the 19 bracket a go :)

I had originally looked at the 24 bracket as it looked the most active but I believe this will be changing in WOD?

It's most active yeah, but not for "good" reasons. People play on trial accounts (no longer 10 day, infinite with restrictions) they are stuck at 20, the bracket is 20-24, that's why it's active. There are also players 20-24 that are P2P (Pay to Play, normal players, subscribers) (F2Ps usually hate them). With WoD brackets are going back to 10 levels (apparently) so it'll be 20-29, this means some 24s might level to 29, or stay at that level for scaling or such. But it still should be the most active bracket due to F2Ps. However play it now or play it then, it's dogshit.

Give 19s a go, if you like it, awesome, if you don't, hang on for WoD, looking pretty good so far.
It's most active yeah, but not for "good" reasons. People play on trial accounts (no longer 10 day, infinite with restrictions) they are stuck at 20, the bracket is 20-24, that's why it's active. There are also players 20-24 that are P2P (Pay to Play, normal players, subscribers) (F2Ps usually hate them). With WoD brackets are going back to 10 levels (apparently) so it'll be 20-29, this means some 24s might level to 29, or stay at that level for scaling or such. But it still should be the most active bracket due to F2Ps. However play it now or play it then, it's dogshit.

Give 19s a go, if you like it, awesome, if you don't, hang on for WoD, looking pretty good so far.

I see, I think I'd much prefer the 19 bracket by the sounds of that then! I'm going for a destro warlock I think and I'll see how I like it. Thanks again :)
It all depends on what you think is dogshit.

If you like running mid and pushing gy's without hardly any who wants to try and win (like mr Arty in this thread below gy on his druid and not trying to cap flags), where classes have differences in speed then 15-19 is the stuff for you. If you like to minimize the speed difference cause 20-24 has mounts wich makes for better competative games these days and where most of the time people trying to win makes 20-24 bracket alot more interesting.

If you ask me for my opinion then go 20-24 for more fun then getting attacked by the same people who are bored with the game they play in the 15-19 bracket.

Ps. Don't say in a few weeks I didn't warn you :)
Watch out for Ferals in all brackets. They are absolutely amazing right now at all brackets, but they may be slightly better the higher level it goes.

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