Hello, in a moment of boredom I started looking into WoW again and saw via this site that twinking is still active and that exp off also participate in exp on bgs now. Granted there is much more equality between geared and ungeared compared to before. As I researched I learned how the item level is the main determining factor in BGs now and what the best equipment is from the sticky on this site titled "29 Legion Gear Prep guide". I also have some grandfathered items which bump my potential ilvl a few points, I'm sure.
When I considered that I wouldn't just roflstomp noobs anymore AND I could still edge out a little bit with some GF gear, I let WoW take at least another $15 from me.
Well I was sad to see not ALL my GF gear would be BIS on my prot paladin. Stuff like Razzeric's gloves and that raptor hunter chest piece having a high Ilvl didn't outweigh the 5% all plate bonus (which is also new to me… plate under 40). It seems the weapons on the previously mentioned guide were nerfed at some point and all 1h weapons have 2.6 speed. Well hey at least my skullcrusher can get some use.
Anyways all that babbling just to say I've updated some of my gear, but I guess I need to pvp for the higher Ilvl stuff. And I'll only be missing the stv fishing trinkets. But I do have some questions.
- Am I just getting these boxes from random bgs and hoping for a blue item I can use instead of the greens?
- Is there significant 29s activity or is the majority of this forum populated with 20s?
- Is there no more pvp trinket effect for non-humans at this level?
- Are there still battlegroups, or could I possibly face anyone in US being on US servers?
- Is there anything else in the guide I mentioned earlier out of date? That was posted nearly a year and a half ago…
That's all the questions I can think of atm. My character is Disgustìpate on Dragonmaw server if you're interested in taking a look (I would post the link but this is my first post on the forum and I don't wanna get accused of spam). I haven't really played this bracket since wotlk days, but I look forward to giving it a fair shot.
When I considered that I wouldn't just roflstomp noobs anymore AND I could still edge out a little bit with some GF gear, I let WoW take at least another $15 from me.
Well I was sad to see not ALL my GF gear would be BIS on my prot paladin. Stuff like Razzeric's gloves and that raptor hunter chest piece having a high Ilvl didn't outweigh the 5% all plate bonus (which is also new to me… plate under 40). It seems the weapons on the previously mentioned guide were nerfed at some point and all 1h weapons have 2.6 speed. Well hey at least my skullcrusher can get some use.
Anyways all that babbling just to say I've updated some of my gear, but I guess I need to pvp for the higher Ilvl stuff. And I'll only be missing the stv fishing trinkets. But I do have some questions.
- Am I just getting these boxes from random bgs and hoping for a blue item I can use instead of the greens?
- Is there significant 29s activity or is the majority of this forum populated with 20s?
- Is there no more pvp trinket effect for non-humans at this level?
- Are there still battlegroups, or could I possibly face anyone in US being on US servers?
- Is there anything else in the guide I mentioned earlier out of date? That was posted nearly a year and a half ago…
That's all the questions I can think of atm. My character is Disgustìpate on Dragonmaw server if you're interested in taking a look (I would post the link but this is my first post on the forum and I don't wanna get accused of spam). I haven't really played this bracket since wotlk days, but I look forward to giving it a fair shot.