Come at Me Bro

Married sex is some grown man shit and fitness is some little boy shit. You'll come to see things my way when you grow up a little bit

and you have no such car you bull shitter lol you have the same car you started school with
Inb4 pink flowers and nail polish.

Twinkinfo bein way to twink these days..
1. sounds like it would get boring
2. Everyone bro i bet u are fat or are small. Remember size only matters to people who have size. Enjoy not feeling powerful walking around.
3. Hyundai genesis coupe 2015 415 horsepower fully upgraded moded out tailights and rims.
4. I know u cant. Enjoy overextending on ur priest.

my gpa? Wtf r u talking about bro its almost perfect. I'll be enjoying my six fig salary out of college pussy.

If it makes you feel better, I don't have a car.
1. sounds like it would get boring
2. Everyone bro i bet u are fat or are small. Remember size only matters to people who have size. Enjoy not feeling powerful walking around.
3. Hyundai genesis coupe 2015 415 horsepower fully upgraded moded out tailights and rims.
4. I know u cant. Enjoy overextending on ur priest.

my gpa? Wtf r u talking about bro its almost perfect. I'll be enjoying my six fig salary out of college pussy.

Strange,that Genesises do not have 415 HP. They have under 350.
Good luck getting that six figure job right out of college big boy. Have you even started your internship? Or started your dissertation?

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Married sex is some grown man shit and fitness is some little boy shit. You'll come to see things my way when you grow up a little bit

and you have no such car you bull shitter lol you have the same car you started school with

enjoy your average life
I have a great life. I worked pretty hard to get here and I feel it's paid off

actually I have everything I ever wanted
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What's more pressing of a concern here is why there's a group of basically adults on a World of Warcraft twink forum arguing over who looks better naked. It's as if you guys are so lost in trying to be aesthetic and so daft that you don't realize that your talk about gains and striations will be completely lost on like 99% of the site's viewers.
I was pretty huge in high school I took weightlifting for both of my electives so I spent like 15 hours a week in the gym and I walked around like Baymax for a couple years.

I can say with confidence that I am glad I'm no longer the Michelin tire man and I spend my time doing way more fun and interesting things.
3. Hyundai genesis coupe 2015 415 horsepower fully upgraded moded out tailights and rims.

A plastic car? That's what you're bragging about? Make sure those Coilovers are all the way dropped when I run over your entire vehicle.



  • 12036628_719830472816_4585253381849123138_n.jpg
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This is probably the dumbest fucking forum post on the website....
Curley you are honestly the biggest fucking retard i have ever seen... U can brag about how much you fucking lift but tbh why the fuck would you post it on World of Warcraft
Like honestly bro, did u fucking get bullied in high school and now since u can prolly bench 150lbs u think u can talk shit to people on the fucking internet...
Wow dude ur fucking cool as shit, u finally think ur special for once....
And to end your fucking power hungry bullshit, If your so fucking good at monk why the fuck dont you play it
Quit trash talking and fucking prove yourself bc u fell off at least a year ago...
Case fucking closed
A plastic car? That's what you're bragging about? Make sure those Coilovers are all the way dropped when I run over your entire vehicle.


lul like the guy that has "fully upgraded moded out taillights and rims" could even figure out how to put coils on much less lower them.

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