It is a real hoax.
In my lifetime we have went from nothing to "global warming" and now "climate change".
It is all made up to line the pockets of companies. And it works. People believe it. The uninformed masses have been believing it.
Did you know that China just admitted they lied about their coal burning output. That lie amounts to 70% of the US coal out. Just that lie...think what their entire country is producing.
Now, 2% of the entire worlds CO2 emissions every year is caused just by volcano emissions. Just think if one was to erupt. When Mt. Pinatubo erupted in 1991 it cooled the atmosphere by 1.3 degrees.
My point is, we are insignificant when it comes to Mother Nature. The Earth has had periods of cooling and warming before. Some people are just taking advantage of other people's naivety.
I am not saying that it is bad to recycle and respect Mother Earth. But you have to take what a lot of these reports say with a grain a salt.
For instance, the "97% of scientists agree that climate change is happening" statement. That can be easily skewed. All you have to do is get 100 people ask them y/n do you think climate change is happening? Those that say no ask them to leave and bring in more. Ask the question again. Those that say no, ask them to leave. Keep going until you get your desired percentage. That is how polls work. They can be manipulated very very easily. You could go into an elementary school and ask the children there if a 55 year old person was "old" they may say yes. But you could go into an assisted living home and ask the same question and get a "no". Easily manipulated.
In Texas, they don't believe in Science, with all your book-words & stuff.
It is all made up to line the pockets of companies. And it works. People believe it. The uninformed masses have been believing it.
It's quite ironic that you take this stance as a resident of Texas considering the MASSIVE amounts of oil that Texas has. Some of the largeat oil companies in the world are in Texas. The only people that benefit from denying climate change are people who are associated in the oil industry one way or another. It seems like you deniers are denying to line up your own pockets (including oil companies).
So you are trying to state that the ~30,000,000 people in Texas all work for oil companies simply because Texas is known for oil?
It's quite ironic that you take this stance as a resident of Texas considering the MASSIVE amounts of oil that Texas has. Some of the largeat oil companies in the world are in Texas. The only people that benefit from denying climate change are people who are associated in the oil industry one way or another. It seems like you deniers are denying to line up your own pockets (including oil companies).
I never claimed that 30 million people in Texas all work for oil companies. The people who deny climate change deny it out of pure convenience, in this case it would be oil companies and the people of Texas who would get a financial gain. If you didn't know, oil generates quite a large amount of revenue for the state of Texas.
I never claimed that 30 million people in Texas all work for oil companies. The people who deny climate change deny it out of pure convenience, in this case it would be oil companies and the people of Texas who would get a financial gain. If you didn't know, oil generates quite a large amount of revenue for the state of Texas.
You have to realize Yapah, Texas is HUGE. It is as large as France. Presuming Robo lives in the Midland/Odessa area or Permian Basin it would take me nearly nine hours to drive there. And keep in mind, I am not the farthest away I could be. There are some cities in Texas that are 14 hours from each other. And also keep in mind that our highest legal speed limit is 85 miles per hour/137KPH.
Where as Robo's economy is centric around the oil business, and is no doubt suffering right now. As is many economies. We happen to be lucky enough to where my city's economy is very diverse. Sure it is very reliant on the enery business. But it also has a very very robust science, research and business economy as well.
Obviously the climate is always changing. The earth goes through cooling and warming periods. But this has nothing to do with human activity. That is, anthropogenic climate change (i.e. climate change caused by human activity) is purely a hoax, whereby false science is used to condition people into accepting that we are the problem (just google "Climategate"), with the likely intention being to institute a global carbon tax to fund global government.
Shame on all of us if we fall for it.