EU+US Clearing TBC content with tiny groups


fastest shadowstep in the west
Recently some people from my guild and myself have become interested in clearing pve content with very few people by minmaxing class compositions, gear, consumables, etc.

Last night we went into Black Temple with 3 people and cleared 3/9 bosses. We then brought in a 4th person and cleared 4 more bosses before calling it a night. We intend to continue our run this weekend.

I recorded some of the fights and thought I'd post a few here. As always I encourage everyone to try this out and to post your own experiences. :)

Our team:
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Out of curiosity. Are you guys restricting yourselves to x gear, y consumables etc? Like only TBC stuff, and no post TBC gear/consumes etc?
Nope. Fully twinked characters. We don't believe in that whole "let's pretend it's still tbc" notion. That being said, the vast majority of BiS gear does come from TBC content.
We went back into Black Temple and cleared 9/9 with 4 people. Planning on doing Sunwell soon and looking forward to the new hardmode BT.

Here is the illidan kill:
(Guardian druid, disc priest, frost mage, frost death knight)

Fx will be uploading the illidari council kill tomorrow :)
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5 manned Sunwell today. It was pretty boring and easy compared to the new Black Temple, but still the first time we did it.
Time to revive this thread as we're working on progressing through Sunwell with a 5 man team.

In case anyone reading this was unaware: 7.3.5 has massively buffed all raids in our bracket, except BT. They're obviously still very easy if you bring big groups to clear them, but that's not what we're about.

At first we thought all raids had been buffed equally, which would've made Black Temple the hardest raid by far, but after clearing the first 3 bosses with ease we realized that it hasn't really been buffed in 7.3.5. But Sunwell has, and is substantially harder than any other raid at level 70.

So far we've only had attempts on Kalecgos and Brutallus, but they're both proving much more difficult than any previous content we've had available to us in any previous patch.

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