10-19 Classic Era 19 Twink Hunter Guide


(Classic Era) WoW Version 1.13


I. Introduction

II. Choosing Your Race

III. Gearing & Enchanting

IV. Hunter Talents

V. Training Your Pet


About the Author: I go by the in game name Samhain, I've played in the nineteen bracket from Vanilla all the way through Warlords of Draenor. I originally played rogue but throughout the years I have played every class in each of their expansions and have become very knowledgeable about every aspect of every class. With the announcement of Classic WoW servers at Blizzcon 2017, I am making this guide to help the players that didn't get to experience the nineteen bracket as it was at the games original release.


You may choose to select your race based on two factors, you can play casually and select your favorite race or you can select competitively which will mostly be dependent on race jump boxes and racial abilities. At the end of the day do what you want, just keep in mind that competitive play will require specific races and genders to have a competitive edge.

Hunters get an extra +3 Agility, +1 Stamina and +1 Spirit.

Male Dwarf - The male dwarf can do the middle and west horde fence jumps with ease. Male dwarf should spec into https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=19415/improved-concussive-shot and https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=19431/lethal-shots or https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=19556/improved-aspect-of-the-hawk.​
Female Dwarf - The female dwarf can walk or jump right through the alliance middle and east fence. Typical you would spec into https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=19235/improved-wing-clip as this race.​
Base Stats
Str:22 - Agi:19 - Stam:24 - Int:19 - Spi:20
Male Night Elf - Night elf's have the highest base agility on the alliance making them ideal for offensive hunter, males have a very good jump box allowing them to do jumps as good as the taurens. Male night elf should spec into https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=19415/improved-concussive-shot and https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=19431/lethal-shots or https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=19556/improved-aspect-of-the-hawk.
Female Night Elf - Female night elf jump boxes are much more difficult than males, while it is possible to do horde middle fence jump it is extremely inconsistent
Base Stats
Str:17 - Agi:28 - Stam:20 - Int:20 - Spi:21
Male Orc - Male orcs are one of my favorite races, but unfortunately their jump boxes are not ideal for jumping the alliance fence terrain compared to their female counterpart.​
Female Orc - The female orc is the counter to alliance fence jumps and can walk or jump through like the female dwarf and female human effortlessly. Female orc should spec into https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=19415/improved-concussive-shot and https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=19431/lethal-shots or https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=19556/improved-aspect-of-the-hawk.​
Base Stats
Str:23 - Agi:20 - Stam:23 - Int:17 Spi:24
Male Tauren - Both tauren genders work best as defensive hunters, tauren's have the easiest effort doing horde middle fence and tot jumps which are the prime kiting routes for defense. Defensive hunters should spec into https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=19235/improved-wing-clip.​
Female Tauren - Both tauren genders work best as defensive hunters, tauren's have the easiest effort doing horde middle fence and tot jumps which are the prime kiting routes for defense. Defensive hunters should spec into https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=19235/improved-wing-clip.​
Base Stats
Str:25 - Agi:18 - Stam:23 - Int:15 - Spi:23
Male Troll - Trolls have the highest base agility on the horde side and decent racial abilities that get better in tbc but there are better races when it comes to jump boxes.​
Female Troll - Trolls have the highest base agility on the horde side and decent racial abilities that get better in tbc but there are better races when it comes to jump boxes.​
Base Stats
Str:21 - Agi:25 - Stam:22 - Int:16 - Spi:22


Gearing your hunter you will want to discover the areas you need to do your quests in before hand and do your quests at the earliest level possible. Keep in
consideration you also need to make sure you get your pets as early as possible to keep them equal with your level when you reach nineteen.

Night Elf Hunter with The Rake
(10) Wingblade (Horde)
(14) Tunic of Westfall (Alliance)
(15) Trailblazer Boots (Horde)
(15) Talbar Mantle
(16) Engineer’s Cloak
(16) Seal of Wrynn (Alliance)
(18) Screecher Belt (Horde)
(18) Seal of Sylvanas (Horde)
(18) Quiver of the Nightwatch (Alliance)
(19) Bow of Plunder (Horde)
(19) Runic Darkblade

https://classic.wowhead.com/item=15331/wranglers-wristbands of the Monkey 3/3, of the Falcon 3/3, of Agility 5
https://classic.wowhead.com/item=6586/scouting-gloves of the Monkey 4/4, of the Falcon 4/4
https://classic.wowhead.com/item=15115/rigid-gloves of the Monkey 4/4, of the Falcon 4/4
https://classic.wowhead.com/item=12006/meadow-ring of the Monkey 3/3, of the Falcon 3/3, of Agility 5


OFFENSIVE SPEC (Main Spec For Offense)
Improved Concussive Shot 5/5, Lethal Shots 5/5 - Standard offensive hunter build for premading.
DEFENSIVE SPEC (Main Spec For Defense)
Humanoid Slaying 3/3, Deflection 2/5, Improved Wing clip 5/5 - Standard hunter spec for playing premade defense focusing on spamming wing clip for imp wing clip.
Improved Aspect of the Hawk 5/5, Improved Aspect of the Monkey 5/5 - Great for stance swapping in those situations when you get charged by a warrior or opened on by a rogue.
Endurance Training 5/5, Thick Hide 3/3, Improved Revive Pet 2/2 - This spec is purely pet based, it works best with defensive pets such as the Boar.
Improved Aspect of the Hawk 5/5, improved Concussive Shot 5/5 - Alternative glass cannon hunter build that is more RNG based but can be devastating.


Unlike current retail, hunters do not start with pets in Classic WoW, you have to reach level ten and then accept the quest that sends you through a chain of taming different beasts, upon the chains completion you learn Tame Beast and then can tame your first pet.

The Rake (Lvl 10) Fast attack speed
Slavering Worg (lvl 19) Fast attack speed
Boar Best defensive choice
Wind Serpent Armor penetration


Training your pet in Classic WoW is much different than it is today, there are several things that factor into a pets training, (feeding) pet happiness, pet loyalty, pet level, and the types of skills that your pet can learn and training the max rank available for those skills. You will want to tame throw away beasts to train Claw (Rank 3) and Bite (Rank 3) as well as any special beast family ability like Charge (Rank 2) for boars and Furious Howl (Rank1) for wolves, you can find a list of abilities and what beasts to tame to train them using the classic petopia link below.
Pet Happiness and Loyalty
Keeping your pet "Happy" at all times is vital to gaining loyalty ranks. To do this make sure you always have the food in your pets diet available to feed, even before taming a pet it is wise to have that pets food on hand because when you tame him he will be "Unhappy". Do not keep your pet dismissed for long periods of time when training loyalty this will lower his happiness. If your pet dies too much it will lose happiness. Keep your pet feed and happy at all times, a happy pet is a loyal pet. When your pets loyalty increases so will it's available training points to spend on pet skills and passive bonuses. There are six pet Loyalty Ranks.
5% of your current level is exactly one bar of experience. So it takes a maximum of 25% or 5 bars of experience to max loyalty with the exception of the time required while your pet is fully "Happy". Make sure you stop getting experience in between the time required phase to prevent unnecessary exp gain. The higher your pets Loyalty Rank the more training points it will have. the less you will have to feed him and the less likely your pet will leave you.
Every Rank of Loyalty you level requires a specific amount of time your pet must remain active and happy with the 5% experience requirement, starting with no time requirement for Rank 2, thirty minutes for Rank 3, forty five minutes for Rank 4, sixty minutes for Rank 5 and ninty minutes for Rank 6.
Training Your Pets Skills
In Classic WoW you had to actually learn the pet skill from a pet that has that skill upon being tamed to teach to your own pet. So in other words you have to tame a pet you more than likely will not want to keep in order to add that pet skill to your pets skill list.
To do this you needed to find out what skills your pet can learn (I provided this in the "Choosing Your Pet" section), leave your pet at a stable master and go and tame the pet that has the skill you need and then use that pet skill in combat against other mobs in PvE until you see in your chat log that the ability has been learned.
Stormwind - Karrina Mekenda
Ironforge - Belia Thundergranite
Darnassus - Silvaria
Orgrimmar - Xao'tsu
Thunderbluff - Hesuwa Thunderhorn
Undercity - None
Once you have learned the abilities from the pet trainer press "P" to open your spell book.
Select the "General" tab.
Select "Beast Training" tab
Here you can finalize all your pets abilities, it will display all the abilities you have learned from the beasts you have tamed and trained at your pet trainer as well as stamina, armor and resistance passive bonuses that can be trained at the pet trainers and their skill point costs.
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Is there any single possible thing that you missed out on here? LoL, I got literally no words but praise for you m8! ;) Well, maybe except... this wow hunter guide on mmo sucks, hate the guy that reccomended it to me! Oh don't mind me, I just like when you read a guide, you put in your time, and you put out just what you wanted to know! Like me here about choosing the pet for instance - loved it! Now certailny gonna go with Raptor :)
Is there any single possible thing that you missed out on here?

There are actually two items I did not list but that is due to the fact that I am not 100% positive if these items will be available in classic wow as they are on pvt servers but I do not recall them ever being available in the original vanilla wow retail until the TBC pre-patch/TBC release and those items are https://classic.wowhead.com/item=3742/bow-of-plunder and https://classic.wowhead.com/item=10653/trailblazer-boots both horde only quest items, I will post them within the guide once I can confirm they are in fact available once classic wow is released.

Also if you were planning on using a raptor to use Takk the Leaper, he will not have the huge advantage in pursuit speed due blizzard using the 1.12 client, all pets will have the same pursuit speed.
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There are actually two items I did not list but that is due to the fact that I am not 100% positive if these items will be available in classic wow as they are on pvt servers but I do not recall them ever being available in the original vanilla wow retail until the TBC pre-patch/TBC release and those items are https://classic.wowhead.com/item=3742/bow-of-plunder and https://classic.wowhead.com/item=10653/trailblazer-boots both horde only quest items, I will post them within the guide once I can confirm they are in fact available once classic wow is released.

Can Confirm that Trailblazer Boots are in classic wow. They are in the stress test / Available right now a buddy got them with a group of 15's. !
Tauren hunter in my opinion is actually the best pick for horde, the reason being is stamina is the most valuable stat you can get in the 19 bracket and https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=20550/endurance not only scales with your gear but also with world buffs, Rumsey Rum Black Label, Scroll of Stamina, Powerword: Fortitude, etc. that alone is a far bigger static stat advantage over anything the other two races can offer. Then you have https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=20549/war-stomp the only available interruption out of all the races which can be game changing when used at the right moment. Personally I would rather run a Tauren hunter FC that can contribute to the dps on the back line over a druid that is very mana dependent assuming you are not running a kiting defense, still strength in numbers.

Trolls are great especially when you can stack Berserking with Improved Aspect of the Hawk, however that's still only a 10 second ability on a 3 minute cooldown compared to a Tauren's static health, Tauren takes the cake by far.

Orc just flat out sucks for hunter, Blood Fury only affects melee attack power and a 50% healing reduction for 25 seconds is absolutely crap, also Hardiness isn't worth taking for just a paladins Hand of Justice alone although there is a chance to resist other hunters imp conc stuns. (speaking non-world pvp)

I probably should add some text regarding best picks for both factions for hunter, I will have to add to that section.
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I didn't list any level 10 twink items due to them being obsolete to the 19 options with the exception of Wingblade.

I would agree with the Crescent Staff if you were running a budget twink otherwise you have Twisted Chanters Staff as a better option for 25 agility or 22 intellect and Wingblade is the better option over Cruel Barb.

I originally ran a Boar in retail vanilla, but it was more just because everyone else was doing it but there were actually a lot of other really good picks.

Cats were also used quite often as well particularly The Rake due to his insane amount of enemy caster spell knock back caused by his 1.2 attack speed combined with claw rank 3.

Takk was also a very popular choice prior to patch 1.9 due to his mount like pursuit speed but took a nerf after 1.9, he more than likely will not have the insane pursuit speed advantage in classic due to it using the 1.12 patch data.

Hunters can combine their multi-shot ability with the wolf furious howl to up it's damage by a 9-13 damage for all three shots, on the same exact cool down of 10 seconds, the wolf pet Slavering Worg also has a 1.2 attack speed making him another great choice for enemy caster spell knock back.

Lastly wind serpents have the quickest form of burst out of all the pets available with lightning breath rank 2 although I tend not to run them though due to them being a caster pet with lower stats than the other available pets.
a belt with 5/5 stats, is definitely just as well worthy for a 19. the screecher belt along with the horde bow, put you dangerously close to hitting 19 from what i remember.
Yeah you definitely have to be careful and know what you are doing, actually since you put it that way, I will add Beastmaster's Girdle and Gloves of the Moon for a pre-BiS option so people can plan it out in their questing route and not miss out on any available items, thank you Shanker.
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I can understand u why u thing taurin are better then trolls. My problem currently with taurin is the leeway mechanic. As taurin hunter u have more meele range and a larger Deadzone. U range with bow is smaller as troll or orc. Thats in my opinion are very big problem.
thats what i mean.
I see... interesting, I knew different classes had different hit ranges but didn't know how you could attack from further ranges which happened quite often in vanilla which I always figured was lag on one of the two sides or server based, this could count for some dirty wing clips without getting into a melee classes range, could be quite effective especially while back strafing and for FCing.

Oh and because of the "Leeway" mechanic you have a bigger deadzone than the said 8 yards. Yes this could be quite troublesome when trying to break off to get into range for auto shot, but I think it would be quite difficult for another hunter to stay within range of shooting you when you could not, I don't think this would be game breaking besides you have a spam snare to get range in most cases, I suppose there are pros and cons.

Edit- So I have come to realize that the ranged deadzone would remain the same for auto shot for any race because you cannot be moving to cast autoshot, leeway would only effect melee strikes because you must actively be moving for the leeway mechanic to take effect, so to answer your question the leeway would not effect a hunters autoshot range or deadzone though you may need a macro to specify that you are autoshotting and not trying to melee.
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@Rocketjonny If the Tauren hit box goes live like that, then that will be a huge issue for Tauren hunter, if that is the case then I would 100% roll Female Orc hunter, that's pretty ridiculous deadzone.

@Atax Male Night Elf is the better choice, they have a higher base agility, the cleanest jumps on horde middle fence and dodge, as well as nature resistance for a chance to resist entangling roots and earthbind totem that could slow you down. Shadowmeld and Wisp also can be quite advantageous. Female Dwarf for defense, their racials kind of suck but they can walk directly through the ally fence in multiple locations.
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