Class/spec tiers? Who's on top? Who is awful?

in any case it would be great to see input from someone who actually plays an enh shaman

also resto druid is not worse than guardian

Guardian should be lower, spam dmg was recently nerfed

I agree enhancement is pair or above elemental shaman, and maybe they should go in the second to last tier
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT? arms with 4 star D: but there so much better then excellent, their the best of the best

arena tier, not bg, in my opinion 4 stars is right (I have two geared arms warrior)

Arms warrior is very strong but he really depends on having a strong healer (priest or shaman) in order to survive the initial focus, cause everyone can hit him in the middle of the fight, and they need a few seconds to generate rage and start raping with def stance

For example: 3 shitty non geared dps like.. hunter + rogue + monk can burst one arms warrior and he can't do anything about it if he doesnt have a strong heal teammate

BM is tankier, has better mobility and self heals, and feral just doesnt give a fuck about it cause he starts invisible, that's why I think BM and feral are above arms warrior
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I'd bump up enhancement and spriest, enh isn't that bad with scaling I'd place it above ele. As for spriest, SWP does ALOT of damage and since mind flay is shit you don't really have anything else to do so AoE wise you can soar pretty high in the damage department.
I'd bump up enhancement and spriest, enh isn't that bad with scaling I'd place it above ele. As for spriest, SWP does ALOT of damage and since mind flay is shit you don't really have anything else to do so AoE wise you can soar pretty high in the damage department.

Sorry for off topic, but your sig..I sometimes have a hard time believing there are people that stupid.
at least tier 3 if not 4


I'd bump up enhancement and spriest, enh isn't that bad with scaling I'd place it above ele. As for spriest, SWP does ALOT of damage and since mind flay is shit you don't really have anything else to do so AoE wise you can soar pretty high in the damage department.

Is that enough to move it up a tier? SWP spam?
BM hunter - 3/5
Surv - 3.5/5
MM - 4.5/5

MM is one of the best damage dealers, with it's incredible TOT and damage he is on par with feral in terms of damage, in case of pure DPS without moving he is next to feral only i'd say. Would put BM/WW monks at 4/5 only.
Are resto shams really that good? I haven't actually seen many of them so it's hard to tell. I always thought priest was on the top of the totem pole by themselves as far as insanely good healers, and everything else was either slightly or significantly worse than them.

I agree with most of the other ratings though. However I definitely feel holy paladins should be rated 3.5 (instead of the current 3) because if the paladin playing actual dispels and denounces anything that can do some mean critical damage (ferals, brewmasters, etc etc) I feel like that puts them in a pretty good spot. I'm not sure if I'd call them a "support role" because they still have good enough heals to keep people up, meaning denouncing/dispelling isn't the only thing they're really good for.
Are resto shams really that good? I haven't actually seen many of them so it's hard to tell. I always thought priest was on the top of the totem pole by themselves as far as insanely good healers, and everything else was either slightly or significantly worse than them.

I agree with most of the other ratings though. However I definitely feel holy paladins should be rated 3.5 (instead of the current 3) because if the paladin playing actual dispels and denounces anything that can do some mean critical damage (ferals, brewmasters, etc etc) I feel like that puts them in a pretty good spot. I'm not sure if I'd call them a "support role" because they still have good enough heals to keep people up, meaning denouncing/dispelling isn't the only thing they're really good for.

Disc got more overall healing due to bubblespam on bgs, but healing surge also heals really high right now so rsham is not far behind in pure healing (or absorption kek). Shammy is also much more tanky, has defensive and offensive dispel + ranged interrupt and better mobility.

So basically:
+strong heals
+very tanky
+very versatile toolkit
+decent mobility
-shit damage


+bit stronger, more versatile heals
+good damage.
-not tanky
-very small toolkit
-bad mobility
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Id like to add that:
- disc has a huge advantage when it comes to range since penance and sw: pain are 40y.
- Priests have more race-options.
- With shield and penance in disc-tree and Stealth in Shadowtree, Heal in Holy + a possible Quaking Palm/Stomp (nature?) Disc can handle silences a lot better than Shamans.
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Id like to add that:
- disc has a huge advantage when it comes to range since penance and sw: pain are 40y.
- Priests have more race-options.
- With shield and penance in disc-tree and Stealth in Shadowtree, Heal in Holy + a possible Quaking Palm/Stomp (nature?) Disc can handle silences a lot better than Shamans.

True dat, and bubble being instant is OP shit. Penance is also nice for fakecasting, 1 or 2 ticks and stop casting gets many people. Don't think quaking or stomp are affected by silences/interrupts, as they are physical abilities. Someone correct me if I'm wrong doe
Don't think quaking or stomp are affected by silences/interrupts, as they are physical abilities. Someone correct me if I'm wrong doe

Yes thats the good part. You still can cc an opponent even when u are silenced. Counts for both classes though^^

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