Cig's 20s Builds | The "Good Enough" Mindset


Bracket Tourist
This is basically going to just be a place for me to post all my build videos I'm going to start slowly rolling out. These builds aren't necessarily BIS but they are just class overviews with how I built my characters.

I'm probably only going to put builds out of classes I play regularly vs all of them just because... there are only so many hours in a day :YEP:

Obviously these builds open for discussion and scrutiny (although there is already an "enhancement shaman" thread where a lot of stats/builds was discussed)


Armory Link:

High Mastery + High Verse + Beefy Stamina + Rolls = Fun
This video is live for all channel members. It will be available for all tomorrow 3/29 at 12:00 EST

Armory Link:

I went with more of a Crit/Haste/Verse build. Not really by choice but more of a "most stats per slot" and "linked F2P" gearing, I'm sure there are examples of gear I went with that has less secondary's but I probably chose a slot because I wanted more verse or something.

Things I want to try for enhancement shaman:
  • 2 Agility / 2 Stam Gems:
    • Technically the most value comes out of mainstat vs secondary's due to scaling
  • i28 Feverflare/Harmonious/Aurora bracers/belt/cloak/neck/rings/boots
    • Having some mastery to get more value out of my shocks/Lava Lash, especially now that flameshock and frostshock are off of the same CD

Armory Link:

Honestly there isn't much I would change about this warrior. Crit feels good, hits hard and having a fat amount of stam and verse is just a win-win.

Maybe replace some crit for mastery but I personally value crit a little bit more. Mastery MIGHT work a little better in coordinated arenas but burst when you need it from your crits, and being a slow waddling warrior, it feels good!

Coming Soon™
Demo/Destro Lock
Shadow Priest
Elemental/Resto Shaman
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I was always wondering what happens when the hunter has higher INT than the player
I mean, of most hunters who run 0 int... the hunter still has a higher IQ than the user
[doublepost=1648562602,1648513675][/doublepost]Enhance shaman video is public now
You should just try 35% haste on enhance, its a lot more fun... I don't think there is any optimal build because its so fragile of a spec.

More stam just seems unimportant, I got ferocious bit the other day by swag for 2800 wearing my full 35% verse gear with all +2+2 stam gems, still died... it just does not matter in the current one shot meta... and probably wont matter for a long time as long as they have a scaling system at 60 that trickles arbitrarily down to the 20s when they tweak shit.
More stam just seems unimportant
while I disagree with this
it just does not matter in the current one shot meta...
I kind of agree with this
it matters against specs that don't have one shot buttons. Also a 2800 bite won't happen in arenas cause y'know pots/buffs/etc
but I never specified that about any of my builds.

35% haste on enhance
does sound like a lot of fun honestly lol

Appreciate the feedback!
cig have you considered using tailoring on warrior? I was watching one of your warrior streams and I was thinking most ranged dps dont seem to run freedom trinkets and nets are a 1 min cd root that doesn't break on damage. Seems worth giving up the str from flask imo just for the utility.

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