Druiddroid said:
Falkor said:whoa, look out for the pokemon nerd
Falkor said:whoa, look out for the pokemon nerd
Druiddroid said:i'm not sure if you're either trolling or if you lived in a cave during the 90s
McBankington said:I will never forget the difference between support moves offensive attacks and offensive effects, mostly because of abras fucking annoying teleport suuport move and Kogas vileplum spamming poison spells that would rape your party.
Quelfep said:I don't know what you are trying to say. All I know is that Fire Blast --> Dead
McBankington said:I will admit I still some times play old pokemon games because the new ones fucking suck. I am ashamed of myself but whatever.
I think I'll go have fun on my pokemon emerald now.
Orcgasm said:apparently they are coming out with remakes of the old silver and gold versions
McBankington said:I'm playing the silver remake right now. ಠ_ಠ
McBankington said:They remade the first and second game to make them better. (Fire Red/Leaf Green) but they have shit from the newest generations games, plus the remade first gen games we're game packed of shit not seen before and a shit ton of islands for unown and other legendaries, ft. Deoxys. This silver/gold version has better graphics and allt hat shit, plus it brought back pokemon yellows having a pokemon outside of battle follow you except this time, it's any pokemon. (It also comes with some stupid Pokewalker device thing which is a pedometer, and if you reach x amount of steps you can level your pokemon.) the world wide trading center and the battle towers, plus this new pokemon mini game building thats pretty stupid and amusing.
I feel like a 9 year old but fuck that I'm having fun.