Check this guy's armory...

Dude, melee hunter mang, they're good, didn't you notice the defense ring and the str gear?

Its like the level 24 warlocks you see with Shadowfang :)

silencer lol

either this is some sick joke, or someone got really lucky but didn't know the worth of those items
seeing this link kind of makes me want to make a toon on his server just to cuss him out for being an idiot
Satisfy said:
seeing this link kind of makes me want to make a toon on his server just to cuss him out for being an idiot

I'm actually going to do it. Kiss 13,000 G goodbye silly hunter!
Someone i know recently bought one for 200 or 300 gold.

Lucky bastard.
if it makes you feel any better, fap has had like 6 or 7 PODs rot in the mail over the years. just think of all the 39s who could be outskilling lowbies with those wasted PODs :(
CitrusZinus said:
Thats still not as bad as a kid I knew, he wore blackened defias armor up to level 42 because "it looks cool".

If it's his first character I wouldn't be to hard on them. I mean back when I started playing in '04 on my rogue I wouldn't spend any skill points until I could fill up the talent I wanted. Of course I also thought the quest where you learn poison and got diseased was literally going to get my character deleted if I didn't get to this far off land of Tauren Mill before the timer was up. (Touch of Zanzil)
Pod was purchased on spinebreaker for 80 something gold this week LOL was running a high low auctioner there and seen it said one sold I almost cryed since im now on my like 900th ulda run lol
i feel this picture is relevant

satisfy said:
pod was purchased on spinebreaker for 80 something gold this week lol was running a high low auctioner there and seen it said one sold i almost cryed since im now on my like 900th ulda run lol

wtf. Spinebreaker us!?!?!? No way.

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