Character went from 20 to 30 after subbing

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As the title says, I paid a sub to buy enchantments and shit for my 20 and as soon as I logged in, I immediately went from level 20 to 30. Now I'm aware that there is the "exp banking" thing where the exp you get after capping a starter edition gets stored up to level 30, but that never happened to any of my previous twinks after subbing lol. Is there anything I can do? Would Blizzard revert my level to 20 if I ask?

Thanks in advance.
As the title says, I paid a sub to buy enchantments and shit for my 20 and as soon as I logged in, I immediately went from level 20 to 30. Now I'm aware that there is the "exp banking" thing where the exp you get after capping a starter edition gets stored up to level 30, but that never happened to any of my previous twinks after subbing lol. Is there anything I can do? Would Blizzard revert my level to 20 if I ask?

Thanks in advance.
Was the twink you bought game time for a vet (IE, used to have a sub?) or a brand new f2p account (never had a sub)?
theres yer problem. Only F2P accounts bank XP. Veteran accounts do not.

Well, that is sad. I didn't think it would bank the experience. *sigh*

Is there any sort of way around it? I think the answer is no, but who knows.

On the bright side I'll technically have two vet accounts once this sub expires kek.
I mean, you might find a sympathetic GM? But games working as intended so I wouldnt bet on it.
Yeah, I wouldn't too. Well, doesn't hurt to try at least, does it? I'll send a ticket and see what I get. Worst case scenario I'd just turn my former twink into a level 50 farmer to funnel gold into the future twink I'd have to regrind.

Thanks for the help anyways.
As the title says, I paid a sub to buy enchantments and shit for my 20 and as soon as I logged in, I immediately went from level 20 to 30. Now I'm aware that there is the "exp banking" thing where the exp you get after capping a starter edition gets stored up to level 30, but that never happened to any of my previous twinks after subbing lol. Is there anything I can do? Would Blizzard revert my level to 20 if I ask?

Thanks in advance.

I don't know if live chat is still in the game, but that would be your best bet. It was one thing back when it was one level. Ten seems like quite the stretch, but good luck.

Momentum matters, the faster you address the issue, the more of a chance you will have because it will seem like a genuine mistake.

So do not lock EXP on the toon or farm anything. You don't want them to get the idea of you being up to some potentially shady stuff.

While GM's usually act stupid, it's exactly that. An act. Most of them play the game too and they can do 2+2. It's simply faster to plead ignorance or "follow the book" and move on than have an actual discussion.

They leave notes for other GM's once they resolve a ticket issue and once you addressed the issue 10 times, you won't be able to appeal it again.

It also helps if you haven't had any requests within the last 6 months. They have some sort of "big favor" system where they are more inclined to do something big like this if you haven't had any other "big" problems in the past 6 months.
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I don't know if live chat is still in the game, but that would be your best bet. It was one thing back when it was one level. Ten seems like quite the stretch, but good luck.

Momentum matters, the faster you address the issue, the more of a chance you will have because it will seem like a genuine mistake.

So do not lock EXP on the toon or farm anything. You don't want them to get the idea of you being up to some potentially shady stuff.

While GM's usually act stupid, it's exactly that. An act. Most of them play the game too and they can do 2+2. It's simply faster to plead ignorance or "follow the book" and move on than have an actual discussion.

They leave notes for other GM's once they resolve a ticket issue and once you addressed the issue 10 times, you won't be able to appeal it again.

It also helps if you haven't had any requests within the last 6 months. They have some sort of "big favor" system where they are more inclined to do something big like this if you haven't had any other "big" problems in the past 6 months.
Noted. Thanks for the tips. As for the last part, the answer is no. I had no issue in the past 6 months that I needed to contact Blizz to solve.
Deleveling takes a lot of super involved work. It won't hurt to ask, but be aware that the answer will most likely be "no".

It's too late for this toon now, but in the future it's always a good habit to XP lock any characters who might see play before upping your sub again, and then reenabling XP before the time is up. On top of the stored XP for never before played trials, it's good insurance against simple brainfarts where you kill something or turn something in without realizing that XP is a thing again now.
Small update if anyone cares: I recreated my Survival Hunter, leveled it to 20 and went on WoD timeline to get the and attempt the on the rare spawn.

I dropped the staff and the tusk procced epic (+10 versatility, +86 Mastery on use). Guess the mistake wasn't all that bad after all. Now I don't need to genocide the population of Shadowglen Spitters anymore. It didn't proc a socket, but whatever. It will probably get nerfed eventually anyways.


As for the ticket, it is currently being analyzed. Maybe they will reply under a week or so.
Wow I thought that staff got NERFED. Thank you for the update I’m working on a survival as well
It appears to have escaped the nerf bat somehow. Good luck on farming it, Survival brother. I guess it will likely get fixed in the future, but we can at least have some fun with it while we can. I hope you're still eligible to loot the Brambleking Fili though, as he is a "loot once and done" type of rare. Hopefully you don't need to kill the Shadowglen Spitters like I was doing after failing my original Hunter's attempt on the staff. I had about 6k total kills and didn't get anything besides a ton of gray vendor trash and green BoE's, with some occasional blue and purple BoE's.
glad to hear things seem to have worked out afterall
Coming to say that Jesus fuck, I just dropped both Wyrmscale Greaves and Hauberk of Desolation in 2 RUNS of OHF LOL. I literally ran that shit 50+ times on my original Hunter to get everything I needed. Like lmao, things are going well, way too well even, I wonder if there is a catch :^) The ilvl 44 weapon is insane as heck too, I finally managed to solo shadow labs (fuck Grandmaster Vorpil though, that guy is annoying as hell to kill alone). Now I only need to run Shattered Halls for the Gauntlets of Desolation and I'm basically done with the TBC socketed gear grinding. Gotta say though, kudos to Henryret for flooding the Auction House with ilvl 28 BoE's, they really helped me to start the character off.

So yeah, not only things went well on the new character, they went BETTER LOL. Thanks daddy activizzard (^:
Final update: Today the ticket was answered. The GM deleveled my original Hunter to 20. Well, this is surprising. I really wasn't expecting it to actually happen.
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