TI shouldn't be some lounge for everyone to spew words at for hours and hour on end. Do that in bg chat or your Skype calls or PMs. Visit TI to share and discuss patch changes, gearing, strategy etc. It is an information resource, not a live chatroom.
The most functional that this site has been for relaying useful Twink Information was when "activity" was at a low. Not peaked by drama. Conversation on TI doesn't always need to happen. Those of you whom are delusional and thirsty for drama to feel relevant in any given society are the only ones whom actually think drama is beneficial.
TI Has NEVER GIVEN A FUCK ABOUT GAINING REVENUE FROM VISITS AND CLICKS. The only way that having pages of pointless trash talk could benefit is financially for more clicks and keeping up site activity. However, we would have benefited more if were partnered with WoWhead or Blizzard which would only happen if we were a functional community. With that being said, having a RESPECTFUL, RESPECTABLE and CONSTRUCTIVE community was previously viewed higher than any monetary gain.
THIS IS A PRIVATELY OWNED SITE. Whatever the owner says is the law. You can either follow his CoC or stop using his fucking website. Any admin can permaban anyone whom he wants whenever he wants with and/or without reason because it's HIS website. Having a CoC is a courtesy. You are here by PRIVILEGE not by RIGHT. MODERATORS are an EXTENSION of the Owner.
Calling someone a cunt, faggot, bitch, pussy does nothing to help fuel actual conversation. It's clear to me that the CoC is 100% irrelevant for how Myrm wants this site to be run. A good moderator sees an offense that's listed in the CoC and carries out the discipline that is listed in the publicly visible CoC.
If you disagree with someone, you can do so respectfully. You don't have to call them a faggot or tell them to go cut themselves. Say you disagree and then grow a pair of balls and tell them why you believe they are wrong.
This is the most dysfunctional community I've ever seen in my entire life. Complete and utter disregard for respect, efficiency and construction. If you could have it your ways, you'd be posting IRL pictures of people and straight up flaming them, attacking them on social media, ddosing them etc. you would drive people to suicide like you have before and you would then POST about it and LAUGH about it.
That is how sick this community is. Some of the most fucked in the head people I've ever met in my life. As a community you will NEVER self moderate or mature.
I feel absolutely horrible for what Superstylin and Conq are going through right now. I would absolutely not want to be in either of their positions.