Censorship and Butthurt needs to stop

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I know of far more who quit this site because of censorship. Shane's reign killed this community beyond belief but I won't go into it. We shouldn't need mods as I said before. Only serious offenses like scamming or person

That's not really measurable, and I know many who have quit as well, as I said - a balancing act, just so you know this is what your arguing against right now as it is the only section of the CoC thats really enforced (besides spammers and duplicate accounts)

Hostile and/or Toxic Behavior:

These forums are intended to be an open and welcoming place for all users, and as such, members contributing to a hostile or toxic environment will not be tolerated. The behaviors that fall into this category include, but are not limited to:
  • Maliciously insulting another member for any reason.
  • Profanity or vulgarity used in any non-benign manner.
  • Hate speech of any form, including but not limited to race, gender, religion, orientation, nationality, socioeconomic status, or disability.
  • Harassment of an individual or group with the intent to bait, troll, infuriate, intimidate, or humiliate.
No action is the same as enabling, your asking us to endorse this kind of thing.
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Seriously, re-read your own words. I am laughing because you are a joke.

Why is this guy mod? #Myrm #Conq

Look how childish his responses are.

He even contradicts another mod. Fantastic. This is what I'm talking about. You guys make up your own politically moral code.

Here's the thing guys.

We couldn't give a rat's ass about language (to an extent). If used moderately, that is FINE. But if used carelessly, with hostility and/or an off-topic, unconstructive posting, we will most likely remove it. It poisons discussion, the relationship between users on the site, and what this site stands for.

If you wish to shit-talk, keep it in-game or on vent.

You're all growing up I'd assume, so take this in consideration.
TI shouldn't be some lounge for everyone to spew words at for hours and hour on end. Do that in bg chat or your Skype calls or PMs. Visit TI to share and discuss patch changes, gearing, strategy etc. It is an information resource, not a live chatroom.

The most functional that this site has been for relaying useful Twink Information was when "activity" was at a low. Not peaked by drama. Conversation on TI doesn't always need to happen. Those of you whom are delusional and thirsty for drama to feel relevant in any given society are the only ones whom actually think drama is beneficial.

TI Has NEVER GIVEN A FUCK ABOUT GAINING REVENUE FROM VISITS AND CLICKS. The only way that having pages of pointless trash talk could benefit is financially for more clicks and keeping up site activity. However, we would have benefited more if were partnered with WoWhead or Blizzard which would only happen if we were a functional community. With that being said, having a RESPECTFUL, RESPECTABLE and CONSTRUCTIVE community was previously viewed higher than any monetary gain.

THIS IS A PRIVATELY OWNED SITE. Whatever the owner says is the law. You can either follow his CoC or stop using his fucking website. Any admin can permaban anyone whom he wants whenever he wants with and/or without reason because it's HIS website. Having a CoC is a courtesy. You are here by PRIVILEGE not by RIGHT. MODERATORS are an EXTENSION of the Owner.

Calling someone a cunt, faggot, bitch, pussy does nothing to help fuel actual conversation. It's clear to me that the CoC is 100% irrelevant for how Myrm wants this site to be run. A good moderator sees an offense that's listed in the CoC and carries out the discipline that is listed in the publicly visible CoC.

If you disagree with someone, you can do so respectfully. You don't have to call them a faggot or tell them to go cut themselves. Say you disagree and then grow a pair of balls and tell them why you believe they are wrong.

This is the most dysfunctional community I've ever seen in my entire life. Complete and utter disregard for respect, efficiency and construction. If you could have it your ways, you'd be posting IRL pictures of people and straight up flaming them, attacking them on social media, ddosing them etc. you would drive people to suicide like you have before and you would then POST about it and LAUGH about it.

That is how sick this community is. Some of the most fucked in the head people I've ever met in my life. As a community you will NEVER self moderate or mature.

I feel absolutely horrible for what Superstylin and Conq are going through right now. I would absolutely not want to be in either of their positions.
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Why is this guy mod? #Myrm #Conq

Look how childish his responses are.

He even contradicts another mod. Fantastic. This is what I'm talking about. You guys make up your own politically moral code.

It looks like you are trying to start a fight with every response, its getting ridiculous. You are the one complaining about censorship on the website when you can't even follow the simple CoC. Our job as staff is to MODERATE the website to keep the environment in check. Seriously, go check out ownedcore or mmochamp and take a look at their forums. What you are posting, and what others have posted would NEVER fly there. You think TI should be some sort of free for all playground where everyone can go around calling everyone faggots and cunts etc, but that is not the case.

Your view that all these "drama" threads get the most views is because they have the most controversy. That DOES NOT grow the site in any shape or form. Quality posts and quality content drives the site forward, along with creating a tolerable community. Seriously, I don't know how I can spell it out for you any better. As staff we need to keep this site relatively clean, and keep the environment relatively friendly so that new users can feel comfortable joining.

Just look at the free for all forum that was established after your previous outbreak. Your posts on that were absolutely horrific, and I honestly don't know what could motivate you to post those things. Also, that environment was so toxic that it killed itself before it even had a chance to survive. So please, look at other forums and see how they are conducted. You will (or at least should) be able to understand where we are coming from.
I feel absolutely horrible for what Superstylin and Conq are going through right now. I would absolutely not want to be in either of their positions.

I haven't gotten to queue warsong all day man.

To busy being a TI mod, hows that for irony?
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[MENTION=6446]Mocha[/MENTION] just about summed it up. I'm sorry you had to hear a little more than honesty here, but many of the people here cannot comprehend what it takes to create a friendly invironment. That or they cannot bring themselves up to change. If we were to show you the past report section along with all of the vulgarity we have had to put up with, it might strike a neural charge for ya.

It's not us, it's you. I know this because I have used many forums in my past, and have made many online friends through many different gaming communities. And it's tough to say, but I'm somewhat ashamed to have to put up with so much immaturity to (every once in a while) find someone who is worth playing with. This community is the most hostile I've ever seen. And this is an MMO. You'd think shooters would have a worse rep for these kinds of things.

The only reasons I stick around are because of the few that have shined light upon the community, showing friendship, coordination, and all-around good attitudes.
TI shouldn't be some lounge for everyone to spew words at for hours and hour on end. Do that in bg chat or your Skype calls or PMs. Visit TI to share and discuss patch changes, gearing, strategy etc. It is an information resource, not a live chatroom.

The most functional that this site has been for relaying useful Twink Information was when "activity" was at a low. Not peaked by drama. Conversation on TI doesn't always need to happen. Those of you whom are delusional and thirsty for drama to feel relevant in any given society are the only ones whom actually think drama is beneficial.

TI Has NEVER GIVEN A FUCK ABOUT GAINING REVENUE FROM VISITS AND CLICKS. The only way that having pages of pointless trash talk could benefit is financially for more clicks and keeping up site activity. However, we would have benefited more if were partnered with WoWhead or Blizzard which would only happen if we were a functional community. With that being said, having a RESPECTFUL, RESPECTABLE and CONSTRUCTIVE community was previously viewed higher than any monetary gain.

THIS IS A PRIVATELY OWNED SITE. Whatever the owner says is the law. You can either follow his CoC or stop using his fucking website. Any admin can permaban anyone whom he wants whenever he wants with and/or without reason because it's HIS website. Having a CoC is a courtesy. You are here by PRIVILEGE not by RIGHT. MODERATORS are an EXTENSION of the Owner.

Calling someone a cunt, faggot, bitch, pussy does nothing to help fuel actual conversation. It's clear to me that the CoC is 100% irrelevant for how Myrm wants this site to be run. A good moderator sees an offense that's listed in the CoC and carries out the discipline that is listed in the publicly visible CoC.

If you disagree with someone, you can do so respectfully. You don't have to call them a faggot or tell them to go cut themselves. Say you disagree and then grow a pair of balls and tell them why you believe they are wrong.

This is the most dysfunctional community I've ever seen in my entire life. Complete and utter disregard for respect, efficiency and construction. If you could have it your ways, you'd be posting IRL pictures of people and straight up flaming them, attacking them on social media, ddosing them etc. you would drive people to suicide like you have before and you would then POST about it and LAUGH about it.

That is how sick this community is. Some of the most fucked in the head people I've ever met in my life. As a community you will NEVER self moderate or mature.

I feel absolutely horrible for what Superstylin and Conq are going through right now. I would absolutely not want to be in either of their positions.

Again Mocha you are deciding what you think is morally correct in your political code. Thank god you have been relieved as mod because you are a plague to this website. You have one of the most delusional egos in this community, worse than Beau or Kancer. This forum is functional with drama and you're an idiot to think otherwise. Activity in game is hugely relevant of whats on this forum. Don't act like this is new because there are various threads from community members backing that up. You think you are some high authority for justice who gets to decide what you think is acceptable and not acceptable. You have been censoring this site for years and I think you actually enjoyed which was sick. We had over 50 signatures from people in this community who wanted to get rid of you. If Shane wasn't in charge, because he was fucking delusional, you position would have probably been relieved. If you would have your way this community forum would be fucking dead. Screenshots of you demanding Silin to banhammer people shows how pathetic you are. You wanted people to pm you so as they didn't expose your bullshit in public. You are a direct example of censorship and scum on this planet.
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the "moderation" on these forums are an absolute joke, in the 20-29 forums somebody was talking trash and talking down to somebody else, and i called him an annoying cunt, his shit talking post stayed up, completely unedited but mine was not just edited but removed entirely, and i got an infraction for it, so the moral of the story is i guess, is that youre allowed to talk shit and put people down but god forbid you use a naughty word
No accountability. We are wrong you are right.

Some things you just don't need accountability. Yes, they are entirely subjective. But having experience from other forums and communities, and seeing how close and positive they are to each other, I think that's enough to consider. How about you just go on and use the site for what it's meant for, and respect others while at it? Is it such a hard thing to do?

You can't just go to a library and get pissed at the librarian because you can't yell. There are reasons behind these things. And this reason is because it is NOT ACCEPTED HERE. We do not care to read it, and it is not tolerated. You are not being oppressed because you have the full ability to leave this site if you choose to. But until then, you will abide by the CoC, or you will be forced to check out.

If you TRULLY believe that this petty quarrel is enough for you to leave, and actually damage this website's success, then you might find yourself disappointed.
I really miss it when Drayner owned this site. Overly aggressive retards (Agonist) would have been banned long ago.
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