Cats or Dogs!

still not recovered after my 10 year old cat died before christmas, I took her to the vet 3 times and they couldn't find jack shit but I knew something was wrong

my previous statement was just the grief speaking, and it's making me doubt whether I want to go through it again. human-animal bonds is some serious wizardry

sorry for you lose dude, ive lost 2 cats too :/
it's 'cool' yo, but I still see her in the corner of my eye, peripheral vision still registers any and all ankle height movement as kitty cat, it sucks 'cause I know it's just my in my mind
how long did it take you to 'get over it'?
it's 'cool' yo, but I still see her in the corner of my eye, peripheral vision still registers any and all ankle height movement as kitty cat, it sucks 'cause I know it's just my in my mind
how long did it take you to 'get over it'?

i know what you mean man

well i was 12yr and 14yr at the time, maybe 3-5 months?
Dogs! If (nice) pit bulls and dachshunds didn't exist, I'd have to say cats, but they do, an I have 1 of each, and it's amazing :3
Loosing a pet is always a tough thing to go through :( Feels for you mate
i know what you mean man

well i was 12yr and 14yr at the time, maybe 3-5 months?

I'll try not to think of it, fat chance of it working out though lol

Loosing a pet is always a tough thing to go through :( Feels for you mate
I knew I'd lose her some day, I just didn't expect it so soon. All other cats in the family have lived for 18+ years, but I saw the signs. she stopped eating and drinking, wanted to cuddle almost constantly for a week, then she became more reclusive and hid under the sofa or inside wardrobes. a couple of days later she started breathing rapidly and heavily, pupils expanding and contracting with each breath.
she must have been in a lot of pain. I took her to the vet, but she couldn't be saved, they said there was nothing I could have done

feels like she was preparing us for the inevitable when she did the cuddle-o-rama for a week, I don't think she wanted to leave

The best way imo to fight grieving is adopting a new little cat.
It will not be the same bond, in my experience every cat has a very different personality, but it helps a lot.

that's what I wanted to do, but I looked up the adoption registry, and...

I just want them all lol
I feel for your loss, it's losing a friend you might always miss. :( Never got over my first dog. But I prefer having known him and now giving a good home to others over not having pets. :)

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