Cataclysm : Amazing screenshots

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Hey guys,

I finnaly got my access to the Cataclysm beta.

I ran on my 19 hunter and black out when I saw THIS :



Aimed Shot and Kill Command = 1739 : oneshot

More amazing screenshots this week-end on Wow-Twink

(Althought it is in french, the screens will tell you enough ;) )
Wow thanks for the Screen shots, Lots of other factors will be coming into play like stamina and armor boosts across the board but still that is amazing. If hunters can do that and you can't make them go out of mana they will be tough to beat.
I'm betting this is a glitch. There is no way that the coeficients are correct from what you are displaying. Assuming with normal gear for a lvl 19 would do half damage your still looking at 550 crits on aimed shot which would 1 shot every single class outside a mail wearer. That seems to be a clear indication to me that something is off. I've gotten lower crits on cloth in the 39 bracket.
Hardtimes said:
Assuming with normal gear for a lvl 19 would do half damage your still looking at 550 crits on aimed shot which would 1 shot every single class outside a mail wearer.

1 shotting every single class outside of mail wearing? As I recall most twinks have over 1,000 hp... Especially those damn mages.
CIHC said:
1 shotting every single class outside of mail wearing? As I recall most twinks have over 1,000 hp... Especially those damn mages.

What I am referring too is the non twink hunter doing damage to the non-twink (non Mail wearer). I doubt very much that the current coeficients will make it through Cat, it would be unhealthy for the game to have a ranged class that can one shot someone of equal level. Even with an increase in stam on gear, an 1100 crit followed by a 700ish kill command will instantly snuff out any twink. Even if we see 70% of those numbers it would still be way way too high for the appropriate level.
Hardtimes said:
What I am referring too is the non twink hunter doing damage to the non-twink (non Mail wearer). I doubt very much that the current coeficients will make it through Cat, it would be unhealthy for the game to have a ranged class that can one shot someone of equal level. Even with an increase in stam on gear, an 1100 crit followed by a 700ish kill command will instantly snuff out any twink. Even if we see 70% of those numbers it would still be way way too high for the appropriate level.

This is true, thank you for clearing that up :3
Isn't it about time they deleted the class? It draws retards like shit draws flies. If I spend cata getting one-shot by AS hunters I'm finding something else to waste my time on.
Rivfader said:
Isn't it about time they deleted the class? It draws retards like shit draws flies. If I spend cata getting one-shot by AS hunters I'm finding something else to waste my time on.

With the 60 percent base chance to crit on those with 90 percent health or higher I don't see it making it to live. Its one of those abilities that will see a lot of QQ, too much to make it through beta.
Hey everybody,

This surely will be balances, cause remember : we are on a beta server.

More details :

- I had 384 AP (un buffed) and roughly 1250 pv when I did the tests.

- Kill Command : Give the command to kill, causing your pet to instantly inflict [4+(RAP*0.53)] damage to its target. Your Pets happiness increases the damage done.

On my screen, it showed 222 damage.

Aimed shot :

An aimed shot that deals 300% ranged weapon damage plus 5.

A few word about Vindict Paladin (I hadn't the time to take screens) :

- Ret Spec is INSANE :

I think that pals will deal damage AND heal i ret spec. My explanation :

Look at the RET masteries :

Sheath of Light : Increases your spell power by an amount equal to 30% of your attack power and your critical healing spells heal the target for 60% of the healed amount over 12 seconds.

Sot when a Pal hit a critical heal, he puts a hot on the heal target ! AMAZING HOT


Divine Purpose : Generate 2% of your maximum mana every 1 sec.

Freaking mana regeneration !!!

So you take a RET specialisation, an healing gear and you get :

- over 210 spell power

- overs 1300 mana

Holy Light costs 22 mana !!!

Flash of Light costs 100 mana but heals much more than the Holy Light

More infos and screens in 10-12 hours !
Mamytwink said:
Holy Light costs 22 mana !!!

Flash of Light costs 100 mana but heals much more than the Holy Light

Looks like rogues should learn to kick
You can easily spam flash light and then when you have distance heal with Holy light. Your mana regen is so high that you won't be loosing mana while casting holy light :p
When you go offline, You should like, hook me up xD

EDIT: Could you confirm what level you can learn apprentice riding? (Currently at level 20 in WOTLK)
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