Carried by Hunters...

consumables are a lot less potent now then they were before...

considering the CD on potions now starts after you came out of combat.

so drawn out combat is bad as potions cannot be used... if you use swift and it gets canned, you just lost your healing potion for the save, if you use a mana potion, you just lost the swift and the other as well. consummables do not determine a fight like they used to. i do agree that consummables helps a lot, but its not game breaking at all !

i agree on druid here, flag carrying becomes harder if you are stuck witht he flag and defending your position, otherwise its all about knowing where you are going, where arte your partners and which route to use to avoid getting people on you !

by the way natural, its impossible to never have help... on a whole 10 people you have to be very very very very unlucky for having all 9 of them not helping. for my part on this, i have always received help, even if only 1 person helped it still was enough to hold our ground. i do agree that help does not stay for long and has to be reinforced aftera few times, but usually if only 1 person comes in, gets what needed it serves as a motivation for others to join you in !

if this guy has the flag and request backup... i am quite sure at least 2-3 people of the gang will be motivated enough to defend you. granted, they will only if you are close to them and not on the other side ! in PUGs which is what i play all the time... i ask for help, i always had it even for a short amount of time. its only natural to have at least 1 or 2 people that are good and wanting to help has winning is more important then killing. its false assumptions to think that all PUGS wants killing and only killing.

by the way, since 2.4.1 i think, well around those times... blizzard made BGs and ARENA checking for gears and tries to set people in BG against people with the amount of gears as equivalent. so if you are a twink, there is a 80% chance that a twink or semi twink will be awaiting on the other side ever since that time on my battlegroup, the twinks vs twinks have became quite more then was before it.

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