Cant mine to 450 on a 60?

Soo I had a bc account and im making my 60 twink on it ( The World of Warcraft Armory - Genza @ Draenor - Profile ), I learned mining skill to 450 and got up to 375 by smelting but when I went to Borean thundra to mine to 450, this happend:


Anyone can confirm this?

But the most improtant question, am I and everyone else able to get 450 mining on a 60 anymore? I know that you where able before soo just linking a wowarmory profile with lvl60 and 450 mining skill is not enought.

EDIT: Also what should I do now with my wotlk trial? :p
Braji is correct. They stay green to 450, but the level requirement is new within 3.3.3, I think.
Yea i just checked it. A little bit of a grind but currently the way it has to be done for 60 if that was just added in last week
Falkor said: if that was just added in last week
I guess it was added earlier, but I had not even created my mage 1 week ago soo whatever.
"EDIT: Also what should I do now with my wotlk trial?:p"

Tundra mount, if u've got the cash

btw: are u gonna stay in that gear ?
No, I dont got enought cash for thundra mount.

Im not gonna stay in this gear, I gonna try upgrade it with raiding gear (exept some peices) but atm im trying to get something ok to play with in bg's.
I had the exact same problem on my new DK twink. I had previously levelled several chars to 450 mining by mining nodes in Northrend. However, having checked, it said you required level 65 to mine cobalt nodes (and probably all others) in Northrend. Having checked back it appears it was infact in the 3.2 patch notes...

I got around it by going for 375 Jewelcrafting. You are able to get the 3xJC Epic gems. As I was going for mainly maximum health on my DK, it worked out I could get 3x51 stam gems giving me an extra 63 stamina instead of the 60 stamina you get from 450 mining. The upside to this of course is that I can also get 3x34 strength gems for my dps set too or any other stat I wish to get ;)

It may be possible to smelt to 450 mining, but if you have the time and money to level JC, I think it is a better proposition overall.

My DK: The World of Warcraft Armory - Solohero @ Arathor - Profile

First of when I did hit about 400, I tryed to mine the other wotlk nodes but it said same thing, +65. JC is quite nice, but there's some problems with it for me. 1. I cant take the sta (even if I need it) cause its always better to gem for sp :p but I need to have some base health. 2. When cataclysm come out, there will be a gem upgrade and I guess that you need more then 350 JC, I guess its gonna be more like 425 JC to have the new JC gems. Soo in some time those JC gems maybe only are +30 sta more than best gems (cataclysm blue gems).

Its not possible to smelt to 450 mining, atleast not in wotlk.

EDIT: also its almost imposible to mine in outlands to 450, soo I still considiering it :p
I doubt the gems are going to ramp up as much as they have from TBC>Wrath, especially considering we are only going from 80-85 in the next expansion. Your point seems to cancel itself as regards to the JC Gem improvements. As mining it is a static buff that wil scale AT THE MAXIMUM level along with buffs to other professions.

Hence if you can`t get 450 mining (or that maximum now), at level 60 the requirements will go up in Cata to probably be needing level 75 to get 525 mining and the maximum benefit from that. So you are still in the same position then as now. Either 60 stam buff from 450 mining (if you can even get there now) or 63 from JC plus you can pick and choose what stats you want (maybe 3x39 SP gems too for another piece/set). It`s still win/win with JC versus mining for overal flexibility, plus it offers a few more stats.

If you can`t even get 450 mining then it is a no brainer; 30 stam buff from 375 mining or 63 from JC? Or any other stat for that matter!
Okey, if its not as big of a diffrence, but I still think it gonan be about same diffrence cuase blizz dont want icc25hc geared people already be better than lvl 85 blue geared. Thing is that I can still get the best gems but I cant get best JC only gems, that means that the gap betwen JC350 gems and cata gems will be smaller.

Mining 450 still gonna be 600 health more. and 525 gonna be even more health.

Conclussion: When the patch's come JC350 only gems gonna get worse (compared to max gems) while 300 or 600 health gonna be same.
I undertstand your point about the margin getting smaller as the gems get better, it comes down to how much importance you place on health only. Personally I prefer the choice of being able to gear a number of different sets and being able to gem accordingly. Mining is stamina only, but as you say you have to weigh the margin versus the static stamina buff (which most likely will never rise as you are unlikely to be able to get 525 mining if you can`t even get 450 now.

I was in the same boat, as soon as I learn`t I couldn`t mine to 450, I dropped it for JC. I`m confident my decision was good, the only problem comes down as to whether you want to spend the time and money levelling JC. It`s a bit scary to say the least. I agree that if you can get mining to 450 it`s a LONG TERM toss up, but if you are stuck with the 375 mining buff I would say it`s still going to be a better long term bet.

Choices, choices.
Just to clarify, Im not stuck on 375 mining. Im on 430 mining atm and I gain about 1 skill/2 hour. I only have a chance to gain skill from rich adamantite and khorium and khorium is rare like hell, even rich is rare. Both are "green" but 429 to 230 took atleast 10 rich adamantite. I can not even imagen how many rich adamantite ore im gonan need from 449 to 450 (if I even get there).

Im gonna think of it.
man i do not envy doing that mining grind.

i would say mining is better than JC when thinking about cata. getting top end JC isnt going to be worth it since cata gems will be stronger than JC only gems, and you wont be able to get high enough JC for new JC only gems. the mining however stays a static buff to your character while allowing you to fill your gear with the newer, better, cata gems.
What hasn't been mentioned, is how useful mining can be when you transfer a character to a realm without a main.

I for one, think mining is extremely easy cash, especially when mining mithril - on most realms.

Seeing as the gold cap at 60 is only at 5k g - having some backup plan is always good.
elocon said:
Just to clarify, Im not stuck on 375 mining. Im on 430 mining atm and I gain about 1 skill/2 hour. I only have a chance to gain skill from rich adamantite and khorium and khorium is rare like hell, even rich is rare. Both are "green" but 429 to 230 took atleast 10 rich adamantite. I can not even imagen how many rich adamantite ore im gonan need from 449 to 450 (if I even get there).

Im gonna think of it.

I did this grind.

My suggestion to you is this:

Do Nagrand runs (with an 80) just mine every single node (fel iron and adamantite). A) Gets you tons of ore to sell, b) you will skill up 1 time per run I found, generally off of Khorium I would get a skillpoint every 2 nodes after 430, and rich adamantite I didn't get anything for about 30 nodes, but at 442-450 I skilled up only off of Rich Adamantite while Khorium didn't level me at all (found about 15 nodes in that time).

It sucks, terribly, but it is worth it until someone reports you and you get kicked down to 375.
I did get much lesser than 1 skill per run and I never found any Khorium after Non Rich Adamantite Ore gone gray. I did mine everything, since khorium was able to respawn in any note's posison. I also know that 80's on my server did farm nagrand and since I cant get 280% mount on my 60, I never really was able to compeat with them, I did test every zone but still felt like Nagrand was best even when there was 80/80s there.

I dident stick it out. But Im happy with my 300 hp.

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