Actually that's EXACTLY what "competition" is in video games. Once the superior team realizes how superior they are, it devolves into "who's the biggest 12yr old kid" with various teabagging, GY Farming (to show just how superior they are), name calling, rude gestures, etc. They have to beat you into utter submission to feel like a real man
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you didn't sense my sarcasm in that post. The point I was making is that in every "competitive" MMO I've played there is ALWAYS the mentality that if one group is superior to another group then all sportsmanship goes out the window and is replaced with "Attack of the 12 yr old D-Bags".if it was a competition you would be able to compete, you can't do anything about it besides /afk if you get a bad card draw
Idk, i gave up on queuing US. I like to play there more but I did a game where NWA's running 5 mans. Just getting farmed as a full grp of f2ps. there's a lot of reasons i guess to why queue's are still slow
i wanted to try eu but the russian names scared me
Really Simple, Everyone become a level 29 with OP gear. two teams of ferals against each other. now THATS a fun game. F2p's and Vet's ruin the game. Just because your making the game more competitive for yourself wont make others help you. Not everyone has the same mental and thinking level as you. its better to find something else that you can truly enjoy rather than try to change it to your liking.
playing this game as a new zealander who works day shift or goes to school might aswell be impossible
rip deej
people who farm are zzz, if I'm soloqing i try to 3 cap as fast as possible to either switch sides and help the losing faction or get into a *hopefully* better game
today i heard like four people say "dont cap flag lets camp there gy for honor" like smh
yes every one of them failed to use "their"
Back in the day I used to be a dps hero trying to top dmg and KBs, but now when I see it I just shake my head.
Also I remember when I used to AFK if my team was getting gy farmed, now I AFK if my team is doing the farming as well.
Overall I feel I have matured as a player and just have zero patience for anything but greatness, and gy farming is anything but great no matter who is on the stronger team.
Containing however makes sense in certain situations, like Phron was saying its okay to do it when you are trying to 3-cap and end the game as quick as possible.