Can 24s destroying F2P twinks be compared to the old days of twinking?


After a deep seeded discussion with some friends of mine, alot of thinking and comparing. Im willing to say that playing a 24 can be compared to the old days of twinking. (pre 3.2)

Granted, you arent getting the stupid numbskulls who grab the flag with 500 hp and run through 10 of them and lose the game for you, but you do get the undergeared low levels that you can 1shot and 2 shot.
Here I am backing away from some troll bait if I ever saw some...
heh, usually i get a couple of people who take this stuff srsly... Why you gotta ruin it? D:
In all seriousness though, im looking into making a 24 just so i can experience the old days of my 29 rogue (were talking pre WotLK, btw) just camping the Berserker hut and not letting the horde cap the flag at all
Roll a 24 rogue or hunter. Even if you skey you should be able to kill some people.

Mediocrity at its best.
No kidding, im not saying its the best thing ever (wanted to clarify this), but sometimes its fun to just one shot a couple people and have alot of fun. Its like playing in a pee wee sports league (kinda), you have hard teams, then the next week you get this god awful team who just picks their noses and pulls grass up that you can just steam roll.
i remember my rogue had 3500 hp at lvl 19 . and against lvl 10's with 300-400 hp lol. even 19's had 600 hp. and getting damage control in a WSG on my 19 people . Some people would hold flag for hours lol
I have seen some hard core and very respectable f2p. It is nothing like the old 19 bracket before bg xp. Back then if you weren't a twink you were little more then scenery to the epic battle that was taking place.
I believe the lvl 19 twinks back then were alot more dedicated then the 24s now. Alot of 24s i see in the bgs are far from BiS, while back then it was harder to get the best gear and people worked their asses of for it.
So when it comes to destroying people, it is more alike then other brackets, but when it comes to preparation people just seem more lazy then back then.
In all seriousness though, im looking into making a 24 just so i can experience the old days of my 29 rogue
This is exactly why I play 24. Rogue is a good choice. Don't play anything too squishy cos you will /facedesk every time you meet a hunter.
For 19 rogue to get shadowfang hardest thing to get . I think it's harder to get best in slot in this bracket . I never seen a ton with hot shot gloves or rogues or hunters with petrolspill or even Blackvenom blades . Also to be best In slot in this bracket 80% classes have to faction change . So yes it's like old times but you cant 1 shot all f2p and also back then the lvl 10's didn't complain , remember lvl 10 and resilience you could take down one. In fact thirk welded a sick lvl 14 or lvl 15 rogue that pwnd 19's.
Can't wait til MOP , only skilled rogues will have a chance - I'm sticking it out nerfs n all lol
This may or may not be true, with the subterfuge talent you can ambush twice before exiting stealth. Blizz is essentially giving them a huge damage buff, but nerfing their mobility, its exactly how it was before cataclysm (but with no sprint)
24s aren't like 19s because there isn't arena, so no one will ever get better
There hasnt been skirmishes for a long time anyways.

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