Can 24s destroying F2P twinks be compared to the old days of twinking?

1 v 1 it's pretty faceroll, some of the lvl 20 prot pallys that stakt int are hard to kill, they wont kill you but they might bide enough time for others to show up. Still a team with 3-4 24's with no healers will get walked over by a full team of 20's with 3+ healers.. sometimes anyway.
1 v 1 it's pretty faceroll, some of the lvl 20 prot pallys that stakt int are hard to kill, they wont kill you but they might bide enough time for others to show up. Still a team with 3-4 24's with no healers will get walked over by a full team of 20's with 3+ healers.. sometimes anyway.
Wow. I dont really wanna play with you. And at the original post, is this trying to justify making a twink that will 1 shot people when blizzard did their best and made the 19 bracket (and other brackets) seperated from exp off kids? I mean, playing twinks your level seems a lot more competitive and fun...just me though..I hope to see you in 19s :D
instead of destroying them farm the f2ps so they would either quit or pay like the rest of us
Without f2ps this bracket wouldn't exist so stop trolling or if you dont like this bracket anyway play in another bracket.
i heard this bracket existed back before trials became unlimited stop trolling
It existed, just as the 40-44 bracket exists now, doesn't mean it got pops.
it did with pops when trials were 10 days. There were actually quite a few 24 twinks way back then but mostly trials. Those were good times because all we did was hold flag and farm the other team.

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