Call To Arms: Horde

What are you talking about? All of these games recently that I've been in have been horde dominated.
I think it's a small enough population that it really depends on who is playing what. But that means that one player can make a difference! I've been on lopsided games on both sides, but from what I've noticed is that if horde seems to have fewer key positions, so if the main people aren't on, they start losing, badly, they drop out, and that pretty much kills it for the night.

The one role that seems to be needed both sides is FC. With no FC the game just kind of goes nowhere. Makes sense, being a capture the flag game. I'd make an FC, but I am probably the worlds worst jumper. Of course, maybe that a reason to make an FC, in itself, but people would have to put up with my incompetence for awhile.
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I love the enthusiasm of the "Centralize on BH" vs. "Divide and Conquer", but it would be nice to focus on the mt, which is that horde is lacking a player base.

There are usually too many horde rogues, and I almost never see a horde boomy. Horde, while having a smaller population than alliance, gets the benefit of not having so many idiots though. I have come into recent games as ally and have witnessed unenchanted, poorly geared, or terribly misinformed ally players, and its getting far more regular.

I try to flip flop but lately I've been playing with friends ally side constantly.

Please just swap over if you see that the games are slowing, post something in your broadcast, actively try to balance out the population.

from what i've seen ally seems to have a smaller player base at times as i've been in countless games where half the ally team from the last game got in the next one, while the horde team is frequently almost entirely new players than the last game. i'm not doubting that you've seen times where horde has a smaller amount of people in que but i've also seen the ally lack people quite often. horde has the same amount of unenchanted and clueless people as ally does which is also becoming increasingly more frequent.
from what i've seen ally seems to have a smaller player base at times as i've been in countless games where half the ally team from the last game got in the next one, while the horde team is frequently almost entirely new players than the last game. i'm not doubting that you've seen times where horde has a smaller amount of people in que but i've also seen the ally lack people quite often. horde has the same amount of unenchanted and clueless people as ally does which is also becoming increasingly more frequent.

I believe Ally has a more concentrated player base. Less twinks than Horde but better specs / better classes.
What are you talking about? All of these games recently that I've been in have been horde dominated.

It's been hit or miss. Some games I've seen as many as 6 druids queing ally side. 4or5 boomies and a resto/feral. Almost everygame has 3 or more. Horde just doesn't seem to have as many for whatever reason. Some nights the games have been fun but Friday was a shyt show. When people boom up the ques they deserve the 60 minute waits. I played 1 game and would have played more until mocha said every game was 4+boomies. I'm not gunna waste my time queing into a shyt show. I'll just switch over to the main. :/
I believe Ally has a more concentrated player base. Less twinks than Horde but better specs / better classes.

pretty much this, i think horde has more people, but that means they have more randoms who don't know what they're doing and ally has less people, but they're always using voice communication and running all fotm comps
I feel like with all the new people games have become less balanced skill wise and class wise. anyone else agree? still glad to have new people just feel like the 19s games earlier in the year were better
I feel like with all the new people games have become less balanced skill wise and class wise. anyone else agree? still glad to have new people just feel like the 19s games earlier in the year were better
I'm new to bracket, so I don't know what games were like earlier. However, I can maybe throw 2 cents in there. I've noticed that things work a little different in 19s, and I think a lot of it has to do with the lack of mount. I makes it really hard to catch an FC if your team is really out of position, which they often are. Also, the lack of FC's really hurts the competitiveness. Without an FC, you can troll the other team into a stalemate, but it's really hard to win without one.

I was really reluctant to pick up the flag on my BM, which I am terrible at, but when I did, it let the rest of my team do their thing. I just basically threw barrels and kited, but it probably won us the game.

But yeah, when f2ps were at their height, we probably had more competitive games than we're having right now. But hopefully things will shake out where people find their niche.
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I can tell new members from people whom have been in our bracket. I would never be frustrated with a new person whom does not know how 19s play. I do become frustrated with people whom have been in our community for a long time, underperforming and not being able to turn around to kill a warlock EFC who's capping flags right behind them for example.
As a responsible alliance twink I will roll a rogue to support the horde in this hour of need.

Yeah because we definitely need more rogues >.>

To be fair, only a few horde rogues actually know what they're doing. I see a lot just padding charts in mid on hunter's pets and everything and not really laying out cross saps for FC or even laying out pressure on healers. A lot of random damage accumulation in mid off Melee dps.
I will Q more on my Boomie and Shaman and less on my disc. I am also creating a MW, be about a week or 2 before ready however. Be nice to have more competitive games and thanks Mocha for this type of communication

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