Call To Arms: Horde


Horde have been horribly underpowered for the past few months for the most part. There's really only one guild that is responsible for the majority of horde victories. When those members aren't queueing, Horde straight up looses all day long, people get sick of it and log for the night. Solo queuing horde has been painfully frustrating.

We need to see less rogues on horde and more boomies, ferals, and effective healers to match the 4-6 druids +1-2 priests per game Alliance seem to always have. It's no surprise that this won't completely change the outcome of the games as it's nearly guaranteed that no more than 2 players on Horde will ever be in Skype.

As a result, queues have been horrid lately where we'd have to wait 40 minutes between games until roughly 7:00 PM and then we only see roughly 2 hours of games before queues slow down to 15-30 minutes between WSG pops.

Tonight is really the 3rd day in a row of this nonsense and on a Friday night, queues have pretty much halted at 8:40 PM which is a huge decrease in activity considering how normally on any given day, we see consecutive pops for 2 games constantly from 5 PM until 2 AM. In between games right now we're waiting between 15-30 minutes to get our next pop.

Ally clearly needs to back off. Horde needs to step up and queue better classes.

Priests are the top healers atm, but they can be quite ineffective if you have too many on your team. Especially if they're just debuffing the entire team right at the start of combat. With that being said, I'd rather more people roll shammies. As for DPS, we really need boomies and ferals. Right now, Darkchewie, Curley and Myself are pretty much the only people queueing FCs but we do a pretty good job of making sure that Horde has someone to run flags. There are a few others that queue which is great because it means we can focus on heaing instead of having to both heal and FC which is something that I've had to do far too often lately on my shammy.

Another thing, when Horde starts afking out and 3+ people afk out of the game in the first 5 minutes of your farmfest, stop putting down standards, back up to the road and stand there. Don't push up GY and sit in the GY. Dominante the game by capping 3 flags in 4 minutes. Don't dominate the other team into forcing them to afk out. Seriously though, dropping standards in the GY is probably the most disrespectful thing you can do.
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I win plenty when I'm in there especially if a few guildies solo into same game. It's not accurate that SR is necessary to win pugs. Quite the opposite - many times a pug with them losing comes back to win after they afk.

And why is hotshots still posting? If he's part of this community as an active ddoser I'll be frank - I won't be associating with anyone that associates with him. Active ddosers need to
Be removed along with all of their supporters, and right now that's hotshots and barb.
Because he hasnt response to barbs claimand every other case that barb made a claim there was quite a bit of truth to it.

Didn't you read that thread? When someone that I'm now affiliated with was implicated I got to the bottom and posted an update (that person isn't on TI). Are we just supposed to ignore that hotshots was the only one implicated as an active ddoser and not even ask him to explain. He should explain all conversations he had with barb on the topic publicly - such that of inaccurate presumably barb may have SS's to rebut, etc.

Someone is ddosing harvest nightly and he's been fingered as that person. He needs to respond in detail.
tell barb to private message me these so called ss's i'd love to see them as you claim i am an active ddoser. i am not affiliated with barb in any way. i have nothing to explain other than question your false claims. calm down kid lol
Hotshots maybe I have overreacted. You didn't respond during the time this was a HOT topic so maybe you just weren't on forums then. Have you ever spoken to barb verbally or via messaging? if not say so - unless he proves you wrong you're good. Or if you have just say what you guys discussed relating to IPs, etc. in detail...maybe your intentions were different. Etc. But at least say something so you're on record rebutting in a manner that can be disproved if it's a lie. My opinion anyways. I'm back to being done with this topic. Not enough sleep last few days. :|

PS: scroll down to Moran's thread. Listen to the recording. That's where the claim about you was made. Everyone here has heard it. It's on you to give a detailed (as possible) rebuttal really.
Last comment: The optics aren't so great HotShot when your 29 guild is "ur router called in sick" and your pet is "routerroaster". I get the idea of's why we have toons named speedpot in MYT. But just another reason you should explain.
there used to nice spreadsheet like we used to have of what classes/specs were most common and least common on each side Mocha would you be interested in doing this for WoD?

but from what ive read
horde needs more non discs/rogues also lots of hunters on horde

alliance needs more non boomkins
Ok, so i got done listening to tht voice recording and i couldnt have laughed harder. First of all he said "Hotshots was asking me for an ip list." which is a complete lie i dont even talk to that guy and its for reasons like that why i dont. Second of all, the screenshot kunz had is correct, i did say "inc retaliation" but i never did anything lol matter of fact i said that after the wargames (i believe it was a while back.) The only thing even closely related to ddosing ive ever done was when a friend of mine hit someone off who hit me offline (which i didnt even tell him to do he just flat out did it cause he said he knew who did it.)
to add on to tht, the funky guild and pet names etc are a joke lol who would actually be serious about that like come on
Ok, so i got done listening to tht voice recording and i couldnt have laughed harder. First of all he said "Hotshots was asking me for an ip list." which is a complete lie i dont even talk to that guy and its for reasons like that why i dont. Second of all, the screenshot kunz had is correct, i did say "inc retaliation" but i never did anything lol matter of fact i said that after the wargames (i believe it was a while back.) The only thing even closely related to ddosing ive ever done was when a friend of mine hit someone off who hit me offline (which i didnt even tell him to do he just flat out did it cause he said he knew who did it.)

Thanks for clarifying. You did what I suggested which was go on record with a detailed response. Thanks.
I have to say, recruiting on Bleeding Hollow for twinks as apposed to any other server truly feels liberating, MYT Bleeding Hollow is calling you!! blah blah blah greater good blah blah blah big picture blah.
I do see horde giving up a lot. I've come into game down 0-1 after some ally afk. Then ally gets the missing pieces of the comp, we cap and horde acts like it's been punched in the nose and just gives up. I'll try rolling horde for my next toon, to see how the other half lives.
For me when I'm qing games (shaman) it seems like horde always has at least 2-3 rogues as well as 2-3 hunters. On the other side of things, ally tends to have 2-3 boomkins and 2-3 warriors. Just by that small sample of class balance, the games tend to be skewed in alliance favor, especially since pugs seem to hinge so much on the mid fight.
I have to say, recruiting on Bleeding Hollow for twinks as apposed to any other server truly feels liberating, MYT Bleeding Hollow is calling you!! blah blah blah greater good blah blah blah big picture blah.

HAHA I hear you but there's some greater good to being spread on different servers to! For example, there's another Horde twink guild on arthas. We are able to help them some with our infrastructure (we can make anything a twink needs, such as all enchants, etc.) along with it has to help that there's a lot of us running around org on any given night (Arthas Org has a ton of 19's at any given time, especially evenings).

MYT is kind of a special case where I'm not sure we'd benefit at all from BH. Given we're very much the old school destination we get xfers and rerolls here regularly....along with a smattering of non old schoolers who are very active to give us a good mix. We've recruited plenty of people that were formerly on BH and now they play here instead. There's downfalls to BH as well...a lot more cliquishness / people that think they're elite / etc. On Arthas basically any twink can talk to any other twink and they're always happy to help / chat. So the environment isn't remotely toxic, and lots of former BH'ers have said that BH is very toxic. Not to mention the AH being overpriced!

All that being said, I understand why you're there...just saying that there's advantages to being spread out to. MYT only invites experienced twinks (unless someone is a RL friend of a member or something like that), but the other guild has taken a chance on end gamers trying twinks for the first time and certainly seeing so many 19's running around org has brought a lot of new twinks in....some of who may turn out to be great players and long term members of the 19 community. So there are advantages "for the greater good" for having other servers with 19 guilds on them as well.
HAHA I hear you but there's some greater good to being spread on different servers to! For example, there's another Horde twink guild on arthas. We are able to help them some with our infrastructure (we can make anything a twink needs, such as all enchants, etc.) along with it has to help that there's a lot of us running around org on any given night (Arthas Org has a ton of 19's at any given time, especially evenings).

MYT is kind of a special case where I'm not sure we'd benefit at all from BH. Given we're very much the old school destination we get xfers and rerolls here regularly....along with a smattering of non old schoolers who are very active to give us a good mix. We've recruited plenty of people that were formerly on BH and now they play here instead. There's downfalls to BH as well...a lot more cliquishness / people that think they're elite / etc. On Arthas basically any twink can talk to any other twink and they're always happy to help / chat. So the environment isn't remotely toxic, and lots of former BH'ers have said that BH is very toxic. Not to mention the AH being overpriced!

All that being said, I understand why you're there...just saying that there's advantages to being spread out to. MYT only invites experienced twinks (unless someone is a RL friend of a member or something like that), but the other guild has taken a chance on end gamers trying twinks for the first time and certainly seeing so many 19's running around org has brought a lot of new twinks in....some of who may turn out to be great players and long term members of the 19 community. So there are advantages "for the greater good" for having other servers with 19 guilds on them as well.

A very good point Argent Dawn was an old twink server as well. I do have to say providing all the things you need from within the guild quickly becomes a time consuming issue.
I love the enthusiasm of the "Centralize on BH" vs. "Divide and Conquer", but it would be nice to focus on the mt, which is that horde is lacking a player base.

There are usually too many horde rogues, and I almost never see a horde boomy. Horde, while having a smaller population than alliance, gets the benefit of not having so many idiots though. I have come into recent games as ally and have witnessed unenchanted, poorly geared, or terribly misinformed ally players, and its getting far more regular.

I try to flip flop but lately I've been playing with friends ally side constantly.

Please just swap over if you see that the games are slowing, post something in your broadcast, actively try to balance out the population.

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