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Tink CD is 2 mins.What am I missing here? Why would patch 5.3 make people want to consider Night Elf over Human?
The fact that people are just now debating on going night elf, solely because of the current 5.3 patch sickens me #femnelf4lyfe #bestRace #butimnotaracist
The fact that people are just now debating on going night elf, solely because of the current 5.3 patch sickens me #femnelf4lyfe #bestRace #butimnotaracist
Im not debating (nelfs ARE BEST for some classes now), im just playing it smart, humans where great for priest up till 5.3, im not saying nelf was bad for priest prior 5.3 its just i found humans more beneficial for me IMO
PS Night elfs where always best for rouges.
Sure humans are great for most classes, but nelf is definitely just as good if not (in my opinion) better for every class
But then again, most people don't know how to utilize smeld properly, whether it's to prevent cc, or crazy amounts of burst being inflicted to themselves. So I can see why most people would rather roll another race and find nelf not as "beneficial" to them
Ahem? I'm very much aware of that hahah