BWL Baddies looking for as many druids as possible. horde

I just had a scuffle over the AGM. I was a human warrior, undergeared yeah, and I was almost finished killing this druid, but his boyfriend came and saved him at the last moment. /shrug oh well. After I beat him down earlier at 6PM he was sure to come back with friends at the 9PM AGM fight.

EDIT: So I don't get flamed or whatever, I meant boyfriend is just a joking way, not as an insult. :)
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I just had a scuffle over the AGM. I was a human warrior, undergeared yeah, and I was almost finished killing this druid, but his boyfriend came and saved him at the last moment. /shrug oh well. After I beat him down earlier at 6PM he was sure to come back with friends at the 9PM AGM fight.

EDIT: So I don't get flamed or whatever, I meant boyfriend is just a joking way, not as an insult. :)

congratz on ganking an undergeared resto druid, ill be more than happy to fight you 1v1 once im geared and balance spec.
need moar druids!!! boomkins are gonna be boss, they have a spell that you can channel that gives you an eclipse (wichever you are more twords). all shall bow to our OP'nezz
So are we gonna just chill till MoP, or are we going to try to do a premade or semi-premade in the coming weeks? Dates! We need dates!

i was thinking certain premade times, where we can arrange a time that a p2p is able to group us, and when most people can come online.
Hm, I could set up a dk for this while I'm busy with other stuff.

edit: alright, Wannabedruid@Blackwing Lair

Post in this thread when you want me to be on to group for all druid premades, I'll try to be there.
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