BWL Baddies looking for as many druids as possible. horde

tanks for teh recruitment in deh bgs HOP.
i wont be on today cause comp is at teh mac store getting some cosmetic stuff done to it. ill have it back tomorrow so thats why im not on.
glad to have you new people that join .

its hard making some many love cookies with hunter chips all by yourself :)
please just let this topic die....


The easy way to make it stop would come make a druid and get you some cookies.

@ Snow: I'll be more proactive about getting my druid going when I get back from my lil trip. Rignt now a little more preoccupied with Peking Duck than cookies... but we can't have you makin' cookies alone D:
The easy way to make it stop would come make a druid and get you some cookies.

@ Snow: I'll be more proactive about getting my druid going when I get back from my lil trip. Rignt now a little more preoccupied with Peking Duck than cookies... but we can't have you makin' cookies alone D:

Yaaaay you're coming! And hurrah for Purse coming too! -EXCITED- sdfsuhiahudf

Also: bump!
Snowjobs, how many Druids do you guys have at the moment? I'm interested as long as there are enough people actually rolling to make this a legitimate effort.
I made a druid too! Won't be on much, but thought it's a sweet idea! <3

- Trüffel
This sounds like fun! Man I need more play time... I've been missing my 19 feral doodad.
OH !!!! Truffle is you !!!!!! :O

You were so helpful in helping me fix the addon!


'Cause I luv ya! :D
Didn't say anything in chat because I was really really nervous due to today's hammer exam and wanted to distract myself completely. But you not being able to talk in channel was too scary not to step in. ^^
D: Purse

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