What exactly is BA?
Rules, which forbid speccs/gear, which are available is just impossible. If every guild would make those rules and every guild-member would follow, there is always this one guy existing, who gives a fuck about rules and regulations and chooses what he can to roll over everyone else, they don`t care if it`s unbalanced or an exploit. You can still create some "Moral-Compendium", which goes cross-server and get`s a part of EVERY guild.
So my first idea to make a big step into the right direction would be to create the very basics ... an Cross-Realm-Council for the bracket, where 1! single player from every guild in the EU ofc gets a spot in. This council should kinda make the rules on TOP of every guild-rules, where things like the "Moral-Compendium" get`s created. So for that step we should collect all available active guilds and have a little chat in TS or elsewhere for discussing about such a council. So how powerful it should be, etc.
My thoughts on which tasks the council might have (just a quick brainflow) :
- Raid-Time-Discussion (difficult topic, but when starting for BGs it might be horrible, if horde guilds raid on saturday, sunday and monday and the alliance guilds on the rest days of the week =P So you just can`t expect a pop within the next years)
- Class-Mentor-System (So collect the most nice and informal players from every class, don`t matters if horde/alliance ... to lead newcommers, who would love to know more about "How to play their class" to the rights persons.
- Bracket-Mentors? (have mentors for every one, who is interested in the bracket ... where all their questions get answered)
- Cross-Realm-RL (Creating Cross-Realm-Pugs to gear people from all over the world and show them our bracket)
So the general idea behind this would be to create kinda a crossrealm- and faction-overlapping pact with a leadership, which in fact is just like an guild-leadership, but much more powerful and which would benefit EVERYONE!
- No time on raiding with guild A? Talk to your leader and he will put you into another guild-raid temporary ...
- Not longer interested in 40-men-Raiding and searching for challenges? Talk to your guild-leader and he will find something for you ... maybe getting a crossrealm-hardmode up-and running?
When something like this leadership would get born and would work (every pact-guild accepts the pact-leadership-decissions) we would`ve found the basics for everything =)
In another post of mine I´ve mentioned kinda the idea of a bracket-tracker ...
I´m still working on the design and would love to create it for the council with a few more interested features, which will need a lot of time ofc ... I was thinking about something like openraid
OpenRaid - Blu's Hellfire N Last Bosses
Where you can post events and other players from whole EU can just sign-up ... from basic Boost-Raids from the PvP-Guilds (getting as fast as possible BIS) to Arena-Tournaments, Open-World-PvP and Classic AVs (summoning all the cool forgotten NPCs).
The idea behind this is to connect EVERY 60s player with the rest of the 60s without focussing only on guild-live.
So recruiting for the bracket instead of single guilds, would be good for everyone =)