BoA items, the death of twinking imo

Fear, I never said I was 'jealous', wich is what you're saying... Please take the time to read the thread, thanks..

The point of what I said = Laziness not jealousy

now you take the time to read chump :p

BTW nice quotes around 'jealous' ... show me in my post where your quoting me saying that...
Megamann said:
Sounds to me like someone is too lazy to fix their computer. I know I didn't break it. Maybe you need to get a job to pay to have it fixed. I'm still not sure why that is my problem. Not everyone can have a Shadowfang and not everyone will have BoA's. I don't see the problem in there being some variety in gear because people are too lazy on whatever end. If you want to have all the best in slots you are going to have to put in the most effort. Where is the problem?

Lol I'm not arguing about having all the BiS, I'm talking about people who are going to make lazy twinks with the new BoA gear. That was the point I've been talking about this entire time, but all I've seen is people trying to turn this into a pissing contest about how I don't have BoAs and that I'm too lazy to get them and how it affects the point I'm actually trying to make. If you'd actually re-read what I put instead of trying to place blame upon me because I don't have BoAs then you might understand what I was saying.

Simply put it's fairly easy to obtain the emblems/shards to get BoA gear, anyone saying otherwise doesn't have any end game pve experience imo. Heroics are a joke and I know blizzard has duly so made them even easier in WotLK, I've heard the stories, I know what's going on. As I was saying, there will be those people who are in fact lazy when it comes to twinking. It has nothing to do with "trying to obtain BiS in every slot blah blah blah", I'm talking about people who will have a bunch of extra emblems/shards laying around and who are going to be like "hey I'm too lazy to go farm some low level instances which actually have drop rates, how about I just go to this vendor buy some gearzzz for ma char and then go pwn some nubs in pvp" and it's that attitude that could in turn end up ruining twinking.

I've had plenty of these kind of chars on my team, and I don't like it, 1. because they're clueless in bgs 2. they don't actually play to win, they just play to show off their BoA gear while their other gear is crap because they're too lazy to run anything for it, and 3. they think that they're awesome because they have BoAs and because of this everyone should listen to them This usually ends up with the bg going to crap and a pissing contest about how good their guild is and how they've progressed in Ulduar or some shit and how everyone else is nubs. Completely counterproductive, and completely lazy "twinking" if you will even deem it that...

As for having a job to fix a computer, sorry dude my job doesn't pay enough as it is. I have other necessities that have to be paid for prior to going for the fun little things like a computer. And my computer is to the point that it's probably going to be quite a costly repair if not purchasing a new computer itself. RL > WoW in the end. I'm not still in HS so I don't have that to crutch on like a lot of other people that play WoW do. I have plenty of other things that need to be paid for before fixing a computer so I don't even see how that is relevant. I only brought that up because all I was getting in turn was accusations about how I don't have BoAs or how I'm too lazy to level a char which is complete BS, which I will state again, has nothing to do with the point I was trying to make...

The point has nothing to do with me having or not having BoAs, I could give a shit less about me having BoAs, I've done fine without them so I'm not complaining in that regard. I'm complaining about the "new breed" twinks that have been popping up left and right these days.
Are you saying that leveling to 80 and running 5 man's is way to much for your computer, then warsongs? If you can run WSG you can level with all settings at low, unless you are getting 10 fps in WSG's which, I highly doubt.

You are saying you are worried about the 80's who have a ton of emblems and they are going to make lazy twinks, the only valid point you made is how they may think they are more experienced then other people and try and direct the battleground. Other than that they will either learn to be good twinks, maybe re-roll if they feel and get the BoP gear they need, or they will be bad. There are bad twinks who DO have BiS gear, so really not much will change.
Maerduk said:
I'm talking about people who will have a bunch of extra emblems/shards laying around and who are going to be like "hey I'm too lazy to go farm some low level instances which actually have drop rates, how about I just go to this vendor buy some gearzzz for ma char and then go pwn some nubs in pvp" and it's that attitude that could in turn end up ruining twinking.

change the words emblems/shards to time/gold, and low to high. This is how twinks are perceived by majority of the WoW players :)

Anyway, as for the new breed, I don't care about it, because they are not a novelty. There were always clueless people/twinks in BG, or people who take shortcuts (buying runs can be seen as a laziness as well) If you are playing in PuG's they are (and always were) a reality. If they are in your team/guild, either sack them, or leave the team for another. You don't have to let them ruin your fun.

As for BoA's in general:

I hate it when people consider this game as a job, and accuse others being lazy, or not serious. This is not a job! Getting BoA's or winning a BG is not a major goal in life for which people should sacrifice time.

Also, imo BoA's don't make a huge difference. I play my resto shaman without any BoA's even though I have access to them. I am still top healer in my faction, and one of the top 2 or 3 healers in the BG, if I am not the 1st. Casting the right spell at the right place & moment is still much more important than the gear. I don't understand the fuss about BoA.

On the other hand, as the gap between a normal player and a twink closes the real challenge arise. Some former twinks whine about not surviving long enough after the ban of shoulder, leg and head enchants that gave around 900 hp in extra. BoA's help to close the gap, and I support it as I support the ban of shoulder&leg enchants.

If I had the possibility, I would let everybody create twinks with BiS items right away, so that it becomes a fair fight. I don't enjoy creating a twink, doing stupid time consuming things to get BiS items. I just enjoy doing PvP.
It sucks.

Before there were so many ways to build a twink. All you needed was a cool guild or friend with an 70. I don't have a high lvl but I have 5 twinks. I didn't mind 3.1 as it seamed to even out the battles. Now it looks like there will be a 2 tier system. BOA twinks and the poor.

I have no intention of getting BOA's and I see myself eventually quitting. I always thought that I could get my dude twinked and then I could just work on play skills and not have to keep up with the Jones. Even if I did get BOA gear they would just change it next release. I want to twink my guy and be proud of him and not have to keep upgrading or rebuilding. Life is to short for that.

So I don't have the time to keep up and getting owned sucks and beating up on non-twinks is unchallenging boring and so babyish and not fun so there is very little that is fun about twinking left for me. :(
Midsummer Shoulders Possible At 10?

Meh, BoA's are good and bad at the same time lol
its really awesome to see people think one thing is all bad, just because they "think" its going to ruin everything when it really isn't !

maybe a new way of seeing things would make you think otherwise, but i doubt it, as you seem to be main focused on the fact that they kill the twinks. thus you are rejecting every other opinions saying yours is the only real one. and in doing so, you started flaming people for not having the same thought as you !

enough psychology for now...

the vision is...



why are they like that, because they do not compare to the the powerfull gears and aren'T made to compare either. reguardless of what shoulders BOA you think deserve to be main slot all the times. blizzard said it themselves and i figured it out by myself that it was true to begin with. "BOAs are equivalent to a good blue of that level" the keyword is "GOOD BLUE" by no means is it saying "GREATEST GEAR" which is what a real twink goes for.

for now after seeing every gears and all, many thinks BOA are better, but that is just an opinion and are based off no proof. the shoulders are the only thing that make us want them, and even there compared to other shoulders, we decided to leave 1 stat behind to get more of other stats. as an exemple i'll take the Talbar Mantle and compare them to Champion Herod Shoulder which is what i use on my hunter. what have i lost... i've lost 1 intellect and gained 2 stam... right there its not something worth doing for a hunter. but i gained a bit of crit too, which to me is something i need and wanted.

now what's the difference here that makes the BOA shoulders best in slot for me ?

the simple fact that the boa shoulder are equivalent to a "good blue" and that at 19 the best shoulder slot is a green one ! "good blue" will alway be better then a "good green" that's how gears works in an MMORPG.

for the rest, when it comes to higher levels... 29,39 and 49... a "good blue" will always fall behind a "Great Blue" i am not seeing any BOA gear rivaling Tusken Helm or even Corpsemaker those are "great blues" and as far as i know BAR hasn't came close to corpsemaker in that department.

another one thing people seem to forget is the fact that all BOA are level 1 and can only accept vanilla enchants to begin with. true not all slots can be enchanted, but the argument is till valid for those slots who can. let's say they create glove BOAs, what will differentiate the "good blue" to the "great green" ? simply said the fact that "great green" can be BC enchanted.

conclusion of this post is quite simple in fact...

"RARITY" makes the gears. if you are thinking twinks are all the same and should never change then you are not in the right place to twink. if you dont even know what RARITY is, i suggest you stop posting here and learn about it first.

BOA have never replaced the great gears we were all seeking to begin with. for now, only the shoulders have been mentionned. the other who tell you otherwise are all lying or trying to think out of the mold. in all cases it is but an opinion to begin with. logically, those BOA (good blue) will never be as good as those "greatest blue" we're all seeking !

last exemple, if not the biggest one...

tell me, by following your logic, you are telling me that...

either BOA trinkets are better then AGM ?

only thing i can say to you is...

Personally I think more BoAs will promote more people to twink, and we will need it with non XP BGs. I foresee longer ques for both xp and non xp but a far longer waits for us true twinks. If 80's see this as an opportunity to level up their 15 rogue and slap on a ton of BoAs with all the badges they have rotting on their currency tab then great, the more bodies the better.

I will also note that being a player with a very active 80, it is FAR harder to grind badges for BoAs than to say... farm Defias chest. Simple math, 5 runs an hour with a chance to get it every run or 3-5 badges a heroic run (approx 30 min), the Defias chest is easier even if you are very unlucky and need 15+ runs.

Currently on Medivh I don't have BoA access, but on Mug'Thol all 5 of my twinks have em all, yet my new Medih rogue isn't suffering in the least. I see VERY little difference other than the lack of a quick pvp trinket.
Finks said:
Personally I think more BoAs will promote more people to twink, and we will need it with non XP BGs. I foresee longer ques for both xp and non xp but a far longer waits for us true twinks. If 80's see this as an opportunity to level up their 15 rogue and slap on a ton of BoAs with all the badges they have rotting on their currency tab then great, the more bodies the better.

I will also note that being a player with a very active 80, it is FAR harder to grind badges for BoAs than to say... farm Defias chest. Simple math, 5 runs an hour with a chance to get it every run or 3-5 badges a heroic run (approx 30 min), the Defias chest is easier even if you are very unlucky and need 15+ runs.

Currently on Medivh I don't have BoA access, but on Mug'Thol all 5 of my twinks have em all, yet my new Medih rogue isn't suffering in the least. I see VERY little difference other than the lack of a quick pvp trinket.

BoA Pvp trinket is 5mins as well, iirc. And I agree with what you said about the rest.
Finks said:
I mean making a twink that has the pvp trinket the second he gets in his 1st BG.

you mean like humans? omg OP nerf plz.

No but really. Warcraft is easy, just stop posting, make a dk while they're still op and go hit 80. Its really really not that hard. If i can do it leveling a resto druid you can do it in half the time with a blood dk.
ArthurianKnight said:
for the rest, when it comes to higher levels... 29,39 and 49... a "good blue" will always fall behind a "Great Blue" i am not seeing any BOA gear rivaling Tusken Helm or even Corpsemaker those are "great blues" and as far as i know BAR hasn't came close to corpsemaker in that department.

BOA have never replaced the great gears we were all seeking to begin with. for now, only the shoulders have been mentionned. the other who tell you otherwise are all lying or trying to think out of the mold. in all cases it is but an opinion to begin with. logically, those BOA (good blue) will never be as good as those "greatest blue" we're all seeking !

last exemple, if not the biggest one...

tell me, by following your logic, you are telling me that...

either BOA trinkets are better then AGM ?

only thing i can say to you is...


the BAR is turning out to be a better weapon than the Corpsemaker in 29. many 29 palidans i know on RUIN have made the switch. the built in crit rating is what is taking it over the top.

in 19 now that the BoA ranged weapons take scopes, the stats on it make it more useful the the WSG/PVP bow and the Venomstike bow.

BoA shoulders are BIS

the BoA caster maces and staffs trounce anything in the twink game....even with vanilla enchants. 39 res-druid on my server just dropped a EPIC for a BoA staff for that reason. take a 19 BoA dignified headmaster charge (stats) and check armory/wowhead/thottbot and you be amazed that the stats given at 19 trounce all into the 30+ level items. as for the BoA caster mace............good luck, won't find nothing in the game compares for 19-59 and mayber higher till 79+

BoA trinkets that add haste, SP, mana back, health back.....Blizz can call those "help you quest trinkets" but they are PVP trinkets even more. nothing in the game on par with those or available.

if Blizz makes the BoA chests like they did with BoA weapons (most), shoulders (all), trinkets (all).....more than likely they will factor in the lack of BC enchantibility, will buff them so high that all current 19 twink chest pieces will be second rate trash.

personally, with no XP gains......the BoA's will make twink brackets more competitive. at least 80's have no reason to QQ on wowforums about their bad experiences trying to occasionally BG their lowbees as they level. IMO....the only players that can complain are new players to the game.
Let me just be the one to say the BoA trinket's are not good at all. Not 6 haste rating is not so great, 7 spell power is nothing game breaking either. I know for every twink I would make I would rather have AGM and Immobility trinket. They are really only good for waiting on the AGM, imo.

(At higher level's they may be completely different, but this is the 10-19 forum and those are the only stats I know on the BoA's)
on my ally account i have seen mostly human caster/palidans duel equip those BoA trinkets. in 19 bracket every point counts. to have extra 14 spell power is huge, plus getting 2% mana back on HKs. especially with the scaling of stats.

look at higher enchants how 38AP to bracers is 15-25G, and 44 AP to bracers can be 150-200G+++. for 6 more AP.

do you know how bad the QQ would be on wowforums would be if either faction had a weapon that could take 40sp enchant and the other didn't? for just 10 points difference.
Meh I think BoA items sorta ruined twinking also, its just not as fun as it used to be, and you get alot of people thinking their cool with there BoAs and icey enchant.
shanker said:
on my ally account i have seen mostly human caster/palidans duel equip those BoA trinkets. in 19 bracket every point counts. to have extra 14 spell power is huge, plus getting 2% mana back on HKs. especially with the scaling of stats.

look at higher enchants how 38AP to bracers is 15-25G, and 44 AP to bracers can be 150-200G+++. for 6 more AP.

do you know how bad the QQ would be on wowforums would be if either faction had a weapon that could take 40sp enchant and the other didn't? for just 10 points difference.

14 Spell power at the account of 12 stam and the trinket wouldn't be so game breaking. I don't know who would take the 14 spell power over it. You also don't get the mana or hp back from HK's it has to be a killing blow.
shanker: bow and gun do not take SCOPES anymore, they use to, but that was an exploit. was solved with 3.1 !

the trinkets, are nothing big, the only trinket nice to gain as it is BiS has most says, is the inherited insignia... ressillience + trinket = better then paying 2.8k honor to ge tthe other one. the other 2 trinkets give you nothing... the haste one gives you 0.03 speed gain... tell me its game breaking compared to +12 stam and 1200+ bubbles absorbing ability. i do agree thatt he trinket of spell power is cool, even though it gives off only 6SP it is still of use to a caster. but their 2% life / mana gain only works when you give the killing blow. and even when that happens, it doesn't save you when you really need it. AGM does ! even MINOR RECOMBOBULATOR does !

BAR i never seen in action, i haven't really taken the time to check it out. so good if it does take a better place at higher levels... but it sure doesn't at 19 and lower.
umm yeah they do. +2 works on both boa ranged weapons.

sp trinket gives 7. resil insignia gives 6 resil.

both bar and headmaster's charge carry 6 crit rating into 19s.

add the gun for another 2 crit rate.
ArthurianKnight said:
shanker: bow and gun do not take SCOPES anymore, they use to, but that was an exploit. was solved with 3.1 !

the trinkets, are nothing big, the only trinket nice to gain as it is BiS has most says, is the inherited insignia... ressillience + trinket = better then paying 2.8k honor to ge tthe other one. the other 2 trinkets give you nothing... the haste one gives you 0.03 speed gain... tell me its game breaking compared to +12 stam and 1200+ bubbles absorbing ability. i do agree thatt he trinket of spell power is cool, even though it gives off only 6SP it is still of use to a caster. but their 2% life / mana gain only works when you give the killing blow. and even when that happens, it doesn't save you when you really need it. AGM does ! even MINOR RECOMBOBULATOR does !

BAR i never seen in action, i haven't really taken the time to check it out. so good if it does take a better place at higher levels... but it sure doesn't at 19 and lower.

i inspect other players in 19 BGs just to check out gear/talents, i'm seeing +2 scopes on the BoA ranged.

one hunter who was using VS bow, is now using BoA bow. said in hunter vs hunter twink duels, that the BoA bow wins over VS.

i do 29 and 39 brackets a lot also, one by one warriors and ret-palidans are switching to the BAR. some in my guild have the old twink 2h's and are noticing more with the BAR. it produces monster crits.

i agree that inherited insignia is BiS. also not all players have AGMs, it's not due to laziness either at times. my server manaroth has a huge population. only my 19 rogue and a ex-29 twink warrior i have has one. i have a 13 that has 5 turn in trinkets so far, she will stay in STV if it takes 6 months++++, then my 19 hunter is next. with a 29 rogue, palidan, 39 druid in order. so i understand why many don't have them. on my server you can have 3 80's helping you only to have 5 80's show from another faction. it is hell. i start BGing without AGM's and fishing hats, as many others do. so imo, to have those trinket slots filled with any trinket whether haste or SP helps.

there are alot of things i don't see as game breaking also, like when druids take a +3stam neck piece over a +6 agi +2 stam neck piece
Insertgold said:
Let me just be the one to say the BoA trinket's are not good at all. Not 6 haste rating is not so great, 7 spell power is nothing game breaking either. I know for every twink I would make I would rather have AGM and Immobility trinket. They are really only good for waiting on the AGM, imo.

(At higher level's they may be completely different, but this is the 10-19 forum and those are the only stats I know on the BoA's)

my 68 rogue (69 in work twink) is a enchanter. there are alot of caster twinks on my server and after pre-patch redo of +healing power being redone into +spell power i have seen alot of AQ +29 SP being redone into MC +30 SP which my rogue has. i see 80's in trade chat asking for +30 and refuse the +29 one. i receive 15-50G tips at times for doing this enchant. 19 twinks do alot of redo's too......for 1 more SP. i myself am amazed when i see this. but just as druids do gear for +1 stam more.....guess the casters can too.

the GM of my guild has a 19 twink priest and was gonna redo his +29 to +30, since he has a 80, i talked him out of it for and now will wait till he gets a BoA staff or mace.

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