BoA items, the death of twinking imo

I enjoy getting a TBJ for a cheap price on an AH. I enjoy finally getting something that is rare. I do not enjoy having to do heroics to get twink items. I find heroics boring as hell. I am a fully Ulduar geared priest. Why would I waste my time doing boring heroics? And yes they are damn boring. I can sit there and throw shields, penance and GH or Flash once in a while and thats all I do. No movement.. nothing.

And I dont know what you mean we are all the same. Every person who has an 80 does not have a twink like mine. I can count a handful of twinks on my server that are as geared as I am. I know the names of almost every twink on my battlegroup that is well geared. If you can full twink out a char in ALL BoAs which seems the direction Blizz is going.. then every person with an 80 will look the same.

Personally, I dont care about the q times. Ive seen ridic long q lines in prebc.. longer lines can not really exist. Plus, Ruin is amazingly active and for all those people who thing omg cyclone, here is the point where quantity >quality. And I am not even so sure Cyclone is quality anymore. Maybe the cream of the crop are, but not overall.
Naturaltalnt said:
Am I the only 1 that did any thing inbetween bgs back in the old days?

1) que for wsg & ab

2) fly/hearth to westfall

3) run around collecting herbs

4) que pops, make free action, health pots, & swiftness

5) take que

6) own it up ;)

I used to fish all the time, will probably do the same to level it up to 450 :]
Vendigo said:
I honestly can't see what your problem is, I put lots of effort into making my twink best geared, that does include boring heroic farming and waiting for chest to spawn in grubashi. If you can't put your effort into it then whine on forus about BoA gear being OP then u realy should reconsider about twinking. Gearing up your twink is not for lazy ppl.

Lol that makes no sense, unlocking a ton of BoA gear that is easily obtainable would make for lazy twinking. Why worry about planning xp etc etc for quest obtainable gear that was better prior to BoAs when you can run an easy mode heroic, get marks and pop out the best gear. And now you don't even have to worry about xp planning or anything that takes a brain to achieve. Blizz just completely turned twinking into a homogeneous and easy-mode sub-culture of their game. Now everyone and their mother can go off and make a twink char as long as they have a decently geared lvl 80 char with nearly no effort as they can just pop out BoAs and toss it on them rather than spending time farming drop rates and rare spawns in old instances. Lazy my ass...

And pre-bc queue times were ridiculous, I used to have enough time on my 29 lock to fly all the way to darkshore and farm stranglekelp for around an hour before any bg popped.
if it doesn't take much effort, then you might as well get them yourself

if you don't get them, you're lazy like me
All BoA's did was add another degree of twinking. Just because you are too lazy to level up a character to 80 doesn't ruin anything except your own experience.
Druiddroid said:
if it doesn't take much effort, then you might as well get them yourself

if you don't get them, you're lazy like me

lol I don't even have a functional computer atm. Me not having them isn't a means of saying they take effort to get.

Megamann said:
All BoA's did was add another degree of twinking. Just because you are too lazy to level up a character to 80 doesn't ruin anything except your own experience.

Having 3 lvl 70s with full epic sets in BC doesn't seem to coincide with me being too lazy to level a char to 80. Me not having a functional computer that can run WoW does. Don't spout bullshit out your ass before you know anything about the situation. I only stated what I did because BoAs do in fact allow lazy twinks to exist. A bunch of bored 80s aren't generally going to spend the time farming instances and rare spawns in instances with low ass drops for BiS gear when they can just pop a bunch of heirlooms on a char with their extra emblems. BoAs don't have a drop rate, heroics are easy as tits to run, ezmode instances = ezmode gear.
so lazy twinks exist

they have for a looooong time

heck i just made one like 2 weeks ago

not to mention most twink gear is ezmoad to get too
SF is ezmode to get? Spellshock is ezmode to get? Farming higher level instances with random events (arena in BRD) and rare spawns are ezmode? Not particularly. I suppose 10-19 bracket is more ezmode than the others since the instance levels are so low, but incrementally as the level increases the amount of time to obtain certain gears does as well. Whereas BoAs for those levels and the amount of time to obtain them does not.
it's a chest

shadowfang is a weapon

spellshocks are pants

edit: i understand some pieces are replaced by boas, but tbh it does take more effort to get the boas rather than the BIS twink gear, other than MAYBE staff of jordan
Sounds to me like someone is too lazy to fix their computer. I know I didn't break it. Maybe you need to get a job to pay to have it fixed. I'm still not sure why that is my problem. Not everyone can have a Shadowfang and not everyone will have BoA's. I don't see the problem in there being some variety in gear because people are too lazy on whatever end. If you want to have all the best in slots you are going to have to put in the most effort. Where is the problem?
Megamann said:
Sounds to me like someone is too lazy to fix their computer. I know I didn't break it. Maybe you need to get a job to pay to have it fixed. I'm still not sure why that is my problem. Not everyone can have a Shadowfang and not everyone will have BoA's. I don't see the problem in there being some variety in gear because people are too lazy on whatever end. If you want to have all the best in slots you are going to have to put in the most effort. Where is the problem?

I agree. At the moment though, I think it is stupid. We don't know how the BoA shoulders are going to be. Defias may be better, Shadowfang is still the best mainhand, and BoA's didn't change that. I find it silly to argue about BoA's when we don't even know how they are going to be yet.

Also, I know for my Paladin I made more then one set, so far I have spent over 200 emblems on him, (50xtrinket,40xShoulders,75xWeapon,40xOther Shoulders, not to mention 250 Stone keeper shards for my weapon) That doesn't only take a couple day's to get that many emblems. I spent more time getting the BoA gear then any of my gear, and the only thing you can really farm for, that would be difficult to get, is the Shadowfang, and that's BiS for 1h. BoA's don't change much, except for now maybe we will see ever more twinks, with more competition.
My biggest problem with more and more BoAs is that, with enough of them available, a new breed of twink is going to be born.

We already have three different trinkets, weapons, and shoulders available. With chest on the way...who knows, maybe we will eventually have a full five piece set to go with the weaps and trinkets.

8 total pieces of gear, only need to be enchanted once, transferable to any new toon on the account. It's not like its hard to level to 19. The twinks that liked just pwning noobs in the BGs will level up, grab their BoAs, run the WSG with experience until 20, and do it all over again.

People then start complaining that PvP at low levels still sucks for leveling toons as they still see twinks. Blizzard nerfs ALL enchants to have levle requirements like the few installed in 3.1.

As a result, caster twinks (real ones, that compete in the non-XP BGs) will get hit hardest as they would likely lose their spell power enchants.

I loved BoAs when I first heard about 'em, but later when I got mine and it was common shit I realized that what I really wanted is that they never were implemented. But still this isn't the death of twinks, but I am excited about how twinking will look if in a couple of months we'll be able to wear full BoA gear. A part of twinking is obtaining the better, if the chest is better than the one you got, get it or leave it.
Mummified said:
No 80 and you're gonna diss wotlk content like you know everything about it.

Constructively, shut up.

Whining about how other people have gear you didn't take the time to get means you are gonna cry about every other jump they have on you because they took the time to get it.

Take the time you've been crying about all the little things you don't have and spend it acquiring those things. Just go get it.

I never said I never had an 80, i've played the game a lot at level 80, just before quitting I deleted my characters, and now only returned to play twinks, so gtfo, thx.
Silly post IMO. I'm getting a kick out of the arguements of how lazy some are to be (or not be) getting certain gear. The thing is if you are going to complain that some people have something that you don't , but can obtain...that makes you lazy. Being the best and having the best items takes work. but practing to be the best skilled is something rarely left out of the picture. That dosent require certain gear or leveling an 80 toon (I'll admit those do help though :p). One thing that I have learned in life is that the people who complain that they don'y have something are the people who would rather sit on their asses and want things handed to them.

Edit: Now I'm going to log on, run a few heroics, and get me a new mace for my Shammie in the works :p
To be completely honest, after fully gearing my priest and doing some WSG's, the last thing I would be is jealous, most of the twinks are hopeless, not even more BoA's will help them.

Ever ran in circles around a keyboard turner? It's fucking hilarious.
TaintedHalo said:
I never said I never had an 80, i've played the game a lot at level 80, just before quitting I deleted my characters, and now only returned to play twinks, so gtfo, thx.

note: You know, I had this post labeling, degrading, and pretty much wrecking everything this idiot has to say. After 2 minutes of thought on the subject. I'll just let him hang himself.

still funny shit tho....

just before quitting I deleted my characters

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