

So am I the only one who is really hyped for Blizzcon? What do you hope they announce there?
I'll start:
New character models
New race (No new class plz we already have enough)
New lvl 20 BG maybe?
And finally, WoW goes F2P. (Inb4: Hurr that mean the game's dead)

What about you? :)
Skirmishes, fixing enchant scaling (lolyeahright), new character models would be nice.
Moving Skills higher and lower (again) hamstring back maybe :3?
it'd be awesome if someone set up a tent across the street with an FTP sign on it...maybe sell coffee for $.20 a cup or something.

it'd happen if i didn't live on the other end of the country.
I hated TBC and Outland with all my passion, but i will play that Expansion anyway for the mounts. Too bad MoP can´t last forever.

Edit: Warlords of Draenor is more likely a product of Hearthstone rather than WoW, which is more likely imo.
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All I want for Christmas is Cone of Cold.
All I want is wow NOT going F2P :( You know guys that if wow went F2P all our precious F2P chars will get exp unlocked and mean nothing?
When the new Blizzard MMO will get out, Wow has great chances to switch to a f2p model. Running two mmo on a same business model is really not really money-wise, and we all know how much Blizzard loves money. Well you still have a looooong time to enjoy your f2p toons as they are.
All I want for Christmas is Cone of Cold.
^ 1000 times yes

Stormstrike or wind furry for enh shaman !

holy power off judgment for ret pally

touch of chaos for demo lock

agony and haunt for aflic

single minded furry and raging blow for fury

auto shot while moving at lvl 60

switch lvl 60 talents with lvl 15 for rogues .

earth shield for resto shaman

purify for priests


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