new wow draenor expension? mmo-champion - blizzard trademarks "warlords of draenor" - wow expansion ##### new infos about their moba is also planned. Maybe a release date for hearthstone, open beta.
When the new Blizzard MMO will get out, Wow has great chances to switch to a f2p model. Running two mmo on a same business model is really not really money-wise, and we all know how much Blizzard loves money. Well you still have a looooong time to enjoy your f2p toons as they are.All I want is wow NOT going F2PYou know guys that if wow went F2P all our precious F2P chars will get exp unlocked and mean nothing?
^ 1000 times yesAll I want for Christmas is Cone of Cold.
All I want for Christmas is Cone of Cold.
Arcane missiles!Or Ice Lance
LIFEBLOOM ! and WILD GROWTH !!!!!!!!!!Arcane missiles!