So recently I was just pugging on my 19 Druid, you know cappin them flags, and while running for 3rd cap I was being chased by melee so you know, decided to just do a casual walljump (one from bottom of tunnel up to top)
(50 seconds in) yeah that one, didn't even get the cap, got the 3rd cap after dying on that cap, decided to go take a 5-10 minute break, after I come back my account has been suspended until January 2018, the email I received was this - - "explotation of game mechanics" and upon contacting Blizzard they claim it was "third party program usage" yet nothing that could even be deemed as that is installed on my PC. Just a warning for everyone, be careful if doing walljumps as it seems Blizzard might be banning them now? Not sure if it was just me or not.