Bit of bad news

good luck bro. didn't really know you but we threw down in some gulches on occasion. you'll be missed in the game and in the community dude. seem like fkn cool ppl. hate to keep seeing good players leave :(

aus af doesn't piss test? or you stop shmokin?

hope for the best, mate. as we said in the navy, "fair winds and following seas..."
Bakked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have fun in da Air Force if you are allowed to have a dog in the Air Force get one its good luck
gonna miss you a lot buddy . taake care and always smoke that good!
Gonna miss you all ! Just finishing up packing sad moment ! And nah brother It's a long story , I stopped a week ago but I have already done my piss test , but I smoke this wack shit now that doesn't show up and I do a cleanse just before I have to do it , sketchy but It works! I'll log on soon for a few last games and say my goodbyes in game! Thanks everyone for the support much love homies !
took a few screenshots for the little time i had playing WoW today, thanks everyone who came and got some photos! appreciate it all,

peace guys take care
hey man you will be missed always enjoyed talking to you while farming foremans gloves for you
Never got to meet you but everyone seemed to of loved you dude! Best of luck with everything.

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